
Four Years Later

It’s been four years since that day. Four years since I was that fourteen year old girl with no sight for the future at all. Todd’s death changed me. It changed everyone. Now, that I look back on it now, I changed for the better. I got my act together and changed myself both mentally and physically. If Todd didn’t die, I would have never known that I had depression of my own to deal with, that I also was like Todd but I chose to voice my depression instead of masking it so well.
I want to tell you that death is not the end. That it truly is a new beginning; not only for the dead, but the living as well. Life is like a book; we read it, love it, but set it down sometimes to do other things. I challenge you to pick up that book and reread it, and remember why you love it so much. And finally, I know I’ll see Todd again. I know that he is with me even now. I love you Todd, and don’t you forget it.
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Thank you for reading my story. It was hard to write at first, and I hipe I did Todd's memory justice. Thank you, and much love. . .