Status: In Progress

If It Means a Lot to You...

Complete and Utter Mayhem - Preview

Jeremy's P.O.V

My entire body felt numb. Completely unable to move. All around me was a constant peircing noise; sirens mixed with, screaming and shouting mixed with, someone demanding me to answer their questions. I couldn't see anything other than a light shining into my eyes and I had to wonder if this was it, was this the mythical white light they always talk about? But, I realised, it couldn't be if I was dead it'd be more silent, more peaceful, it wasn't, it was complete and utter mayhem. I thought I should be in more pain, I did just get thrown a couple meters through the air by a car. But.. Nothing. I felt absolutely nothing. Or at least I didn't until the light left my eyes and the paramedics gathered around me tried moving me onto a stretcher. Feeling crashed into me as the movement jarred me out of my shock. After letting out a shriek of agony the paramedics rushed to get something to knock me out.

Anarchy's P.O.V

As soon as I heard the screech of tyres I ran outside to see what had happened, which is how I came to find Jeremy sprawled on the ground with some guy bent over him, his phone to his ear.

"No!" I screamed rushing over to Jeremy. Oh god, oh god, oh god, I thought. Please don't let him die.

When I got to him my hands instantly started searching him trying to see if he had any major injuries. The strangeres hands stilled mine, I tried to yank them away but he held tight.

"Let me go!" I struggled.

"You need to be careful," he informed me, "if you jar him or move him you could make any injury he has worse. An ambulance is on its way. He's got a pulse and he's still breathing. Hopefully he'll be okay."

"But you don't know that he will be do you!?" I screamed, "he-he couu-could-" I broke off not being able to finish my sentence. He CAN'T die. HE CAN'T.

By then people had started forming a crowd around us, wanting to see the show. The ambulance arrived and the paramedics started checking Jeremy. As they went to lift him onto the stretcher he let out a scream that made me have to force my self not to breakdown crying. They gave him something to knock him out and started moving him toward the ambulance.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" I yelled runnign after them.

"Are you related to him?" They asked.

"I'm his girlfriend." They nodded before putting him into the ambulance.

I followed and soon we were off to the hospital. The whole ride I just held Jeremy's hand, willing him to be okay. When we got to the hospital I followed them as far as I could before they told me I wasn't allowed ay further. I watched them disappear as I stood in the waiting room having no ideawhat was going to happen.
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I should hopefully have the rest of the chapter up tomorrow. sorry for the wait =(