Status: let me know if i should keep?

What's Happening to Us?

Chapter 0.5

Jacob Black, Quil Atera, Embry Call, and Delilah Luke were everything to each other. They always made fun of Sam and his “LapDogs”.

Quil got sick. even after Jake and Embry quit, Delilah still tried to be friends with him. It took Sam and his “LapDogs” told her that “Embry had no desire to speak to you. Ever.”

Then Jake got sick. It was Embry all over but so much worse. Just like before even after Quil quit, Delilah was persistent and just like last time Sam and his “LapDogs” insulted her “Jake has better things to do than have a little girl nipping at his heels”

Quil promised he would never leave her, but he broke that promise just like the others. She tried so hard with him, she could lose him too. Sam and his “LapDogs” tried to reason with her but she just would have it.

It took all three of them insulting her for her to finally quit. They threw insults at her and each one felt like a knife in her back, except for one, one literally broke her.

God, you think she would move on. But, no every time I look up your knocking on my door. You’re just so damn pathetic. We want nothing to do with you so stop showing up here. You’re like our own personal stalker. Just. Back. The. FUCK OFF.

Of course she wallowed in her misery for a while.
But she wasn’t wasting any more time on those asses. So the summer between sophomore and junior year she changed, she filled out. She became the most popular girl at LPHS. She had a plan; sing her way out of this stupid town.
Jake, Embry and Quil are trying to ruin that plan.

Over her dead fucking body.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its crappy but i have big plans so bare with my please?

Song of the moment:
Skyscraper-Demi lovato