How could I live without the ones I love?

Losing the Key

We got off the car and Zack led the way. Matt's house was in a friendly neighborhood.
The 3 guys were sitting in the lawn waiting for us. When they saw us, Jimmy got up, ran towards me and hugged me lifting me from the ground.
"Sarah! Hi again!", he said smiling.
I was surprised. No one ever greeted me like that when they only knew me for a day!
"Hi, Jimmy!", I said smiling, now with my feet on the ground. I walked to Matt and Brian and greeted them too. "He's always like that with everyone, don't be scared!", Brian explained. Now I wasn't that surprised!
"Why did you took so long?", Brian asked.
"We lost track of the time...", Zack answered.
"Let's go inside.", Matt said. "Gates, do you have the key?"
"Hum... No. You kept it.", Brian replied.
"No, dude. I gave you the key when we came out!", Matt said.
"You didn't...", Brian said looking worried.
"Oh shit...", Jimmy said. "Does that mean we're trapped outside?"
"I think so...", Matt clarified.
"What? You guys lost the key?", Zack asked.
"No! I mean, maybe. I mean... I thought I gave it to Gates!", Matt said.
"I have an idea.", Jimmy said. Everyone looked at each other without having a clue of what he was going to do. "I can enter the house through that window that's opened.". He pointed to the first floor's window that was slightly opened.
"You can't! How would you get there?", I asked.
"I can climb that tree. Then I can get to the window.", he explained.
"Nice. You do that!", Brian encouraged.
"Are you crazy!?", I asked. "You can fall and hurt yourself!". I was starting to get worried. He was crazy!
"No. I'm just trying to find a solution for our problem.", he said as he was starting to climb the tree.
"This is not gonna end well...", I mumbled.
Jimmy climbed the tree and grabbed the windowsill with a skill that I've never seen before. He was already inside the house. He went downstairs and opened the front door to the four of us. I was impressed!
"See? It was a piece of cake!", Jimmy whispered me as I got inside.
I laughed. 'Who'd imagine I'd make such crazy yet awesome friends!', I tought.

The boys went to the kitchen and picked up some beers, then they led me to the garage, where they had a drum set, their guitars, a microphone and amplifiers.
"For you.", Zack said as he offered me a beer.
"Thank you!", I said smiling.
I noticed Jimmy was the drummer because he was holding his drumsticks, I knew Zack played guitar because he told me before, Brian was playing his guitar and Matt just looked like he'd be the singer. What about the bassist?
"Do you guys have a bassist?", I asked.
"Yeah.", answered Matt. "He's not in the States right now, so we're rehearsing without him."
"Oh!", I mumbled.
"You can sit in the couch. You don't need to stand up!", Brian said.
I sat beside Matt and saw them arranging their stuff so they could play.
"So, when will you guys give a concert of your own? I'd really like seeing you live so I could say I watched one of your rehearsals before!", I said with a smirk.
They all laughed and then Jimmy said "Don't worry! First we're only recording some demos, but you'll be invited to every concert we give.".
I smiled at them. They deserved to have many people watching and listening to them, and I was willing to help them.
"If you need any help, tell me!", I said.
Matt got up and placed himself behind the microphone. I snuggled in the couch and gave all my attention to them. They started with a song called 'Turn The Other Way', then 'Lips Of Deceit' and finished with 'Streets'.
"I'm impressed! You guys have talent!", I said thrilled.
"Thanks!", they all said smiling.

They kept playing until it started to get dark outside, and I enjoyed every second of it. I think I became a fan of their music in that day.
They packed their stuff and were ready to leave the garage.
"You wanna stay with us tonight, Sarah?", Matt asked.
"I don't know... I'd have to warn Andy before...", I answered.
"Please stay.", Zack said with those eyes Andy used to convince me. I couldn't say no to those eyes.
"Hum, okay. I'll call her.", I said smiling.
The four guys feasted loudly and Jimmy took me in his arms and put me on his shoulders. Why didn't I met these guys before?
"Now let's cook dinner!", Brian said smiling.