Status: almost done but not quite yet!!! xD

A child at 17, but still strong and happy!

Chp.1 a child what

It was a quiet but warm fall day at HQ as Riza Hawkeye made her way through the hallway, with a little boy that looked about the age of 5 with cornflower yellow hair and dark blue eyes , holding her hand and walking to the office.

Everyone that was in the hallways looked at one another then back at Riza and finally someone by the name of sgt. Brosh walked up to Riza and asked “Riza, what’s with the kid?, Are you baby sitting or something?”

Riza looked at the man with shoulder length blonde hair beside her and said “No, I adopted him five years ago before I entered the military, don’t you remember I told you and Ross?”

Ross smiled brightly and said “Is that little man Alexander already growing that much?”

Riza smiled slightly and said “yes, he‘s getting big every day, I had to take him with me today, his normal baby sitter is sick.”

As Riza was getting ready to stand to her feet from kneeling down to the little boys height, she was getting ready to answer him but got interrupted as she heard two familiar voices from behind her and Brosh walking towards them.

They were the familiar voices of Colonel Roy Mustang and Lieutenant Colonel Hughes.

Riza sighed to herself thinking “I know what Hughes is going to automatically say and think once he sees Alexander, it‘s what he always says “Hawkeye, I swear he could be your’s and Roy’s son he looks just like a mixture of you two!”

Just as Riza stood to her feet she heard Hughes behind her yell really loud

“Lieutenant. Hawkeye, why didn’t you tell me that you and Roy had a little boy!” and laughed out loud.

Riza and Roy both knew that was going to be said, Hughes always said that when Alexander was with Hawkeye.

Roy and Riza both sighed to themselves and Roy spoke up and yelled

“Damn it Hughes, Shut the hell up!,” and Riza looked at Hughes and reached for her holster, pulled her silver pistol out, pointed it at Hughes and said

“what was that Hughes, I think you need to repeat that with making more sense.”

Hughes giggled and said “It was only a joke, but he does look a lot like a mixture of you two.”

Roy turned his head away from Hughes and Riza, looking out the window, with a slight blush crossing his cheeks and thinking to himself

“If only he knew the half of it.”

As for Riza, she sighed and said

“well, you still say that after you know I adopted him five long years ago.”

Hughes smiled brightly and said

“he could be Elysia’s little play date friend” and looked over at his best friend who had his head turned away staring out the window.
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Dont own fma, if i did Royai would've had kids xD