Not Meant.


I was surprised that we slept in. Usually Jase is out of bed by now.

"We have school!" I exclaimed, shooting out of bed.

"Kailey, Kailey! We're on Christmas break. Remember?" Jase yawned, causing me to feel stupid.

"Great." I muttered, glancing at the clock. Six in the morning. Suddenly my phone vibrated and I answered it. "Yeah?"

"She's here! She's finally here!" My brother's voice boomed from the other end.

"Congrats bro." I congratulated, laying back down next to Jase.

"Yeah, she's so beautiful kay-kay. Why am I so blessed?" My brother boasted, he's always been a proud father and isn't afraid to show his emotions.

"Nataliey is still her decided name, right?" I ask and heard him giggle like a little girl.

"Yep, it's close to Natasha and doesn't ruin the family thing." He answered, then I heard him squeal. "Alright, well I've got to go. Love ya, sis. Bye."

"Love you too." I replied, then hung up. I tossed the phone at the end of the bed and snuggled into Jase.

"She give birth?" Jase yawned, rather loudly.

"Yep." I simply answer, then felt my eyes grow heavy.

"Congrats." He mumbled, and I heard him snore a little.


We woke up around eleven to the sound of Jase's phone. Great.

"Hello?" He asked, standing up and heading to the bathroom. "What?"

"Who is it?" I eagerly asked, simply because I'm nosy.

"Alright, thank you. Have a good day." He spoke then hung up.

"Well?" I quirked a brow, when he looked at me with a blank expression.

"Well. I guess." He paused, then intensely stared into my eyes.

"What?" I repeated, my voice lower this time. I stared into his eyes with confusion, and fear. "What's going on?"

"Kailey. We're having a baby." Those words hit me like a dagger. I felt almost blown away.

"Ha. Funny." I stood up, feeling a little light headed.

"Kailey, Kailey." He rushed over to me and directed me back to the bed.

"This cant be happening." I whispered, tears pricking my eyes.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, kissing my cheek.

"Wow." I whispered, then shifted my attention to him.
"What do you have to be sorry for? We both did it."

"Yeah." He mumbled and walked to the bathroom. I heard him pee, a flush and then he came back in the room. "So, I was thinking Casey."

"Casey?" I repeated.

"For the name." He stated, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Wait, you've already thought of names? I don't even want to think of names!" I screamed, and quickly got up. I didn't feel light headed this time as I rushed into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and stared blankly at the wall ahead of me.

"Kailey." Jase entered the room, a frown on his face.

"Jase, I don't know how to feel right now." I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks.
"I feel ashamed."

"Why?" He growled, almost angered that I was so upset.

"When you have children, you're supposed to want them and love them. I... I didn't plan this. We didn't plan this. I don't know." I cried into my hands, and took in a deep breath.

"Kailey, I think we need breakfast." He randomly stated and left the bathroom. A sick twisted part of me thinks that Jase might not be as shocked as I am, and that worries me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, well I wrote two chapters tonight after work. I'm pretty tired, so I'm gonna get sleep now. It's 12:24am. I have work in the am. :] lol night everyone & sweet dreams. <3 peace.