‹ Prequel: My Lonely Cabin
Sequel: We Meet Again
Status: Done. Please comment and rate and of course enjoy


Chapter 1

It’s been 3 months since me and Luke got together. It was the first night I was back after my quest with Annabeth and Grover. Tonight was our 3 month anniversary and I was super excited because Luke had promised that my surprise was gonna be something I’d never forget. I was also really happy because I had missed him while on the quest even though we talked almost everyday.

Annabeth had helped me pick out the clothes and had helped me choose the present. Luke said I didn’t need dinner so instead I went to my room and got ready. Then I walked down the path that lead to the woods. Soon I reached a clearing.
And there in the clearing set Luke on a rock with a six pack of coke and a picnic basket. As soon as he saw me, a big smile stretched across his face and he stood up and walked toward me.

“Hey baby! I missed you.” He said, kissing me. “I missed you too!” I exclaimed, hugging him close.

“C’mon let’s eat.” I let him lead me to the picnic blanket that he had spread out. He pulled out cookies, sandwiches, grapes, and some ice cream from the picnic basket and handed me a can of Coke.

While we ate Luke asked me about my quest. I told him everything. While I was telling him about my big fight with Aries he walked over and sat next to me. I figured now was as good of time as ever and handed Luke his present. He smiled at me, ripped off the paper and opened it.

Inside was a necklace with a heart-shaped charm with my name on it. I grabbed it out of the box and put it on for him. “It’s so, wherever you are, you will remember that you have my heart.” He smiled and kissed me.

“I love it! Now before you open your present, I wanna ask you to come with me.”

“Where?” I asked, confused.

“I’m leaving camp. Going on adventures and I want you to come with me. Please Percy.” He gave me puppy dog eyes.

At first I was all for it, but then I thought about it. What about all my friends? And what if me and Luke don’t work out? If we go somewhere far away then I wouldn’t be able to come back to camp.

“L-luke I love you but I can’t.” I said. His face fell and he got a cold look in his eye. Then he got up and dug through the picnic basket.

“Ok. Then you can open your present now.” He handed me the box and I opened it.
At first it looked like there was nothing in it. I looked at Luke questioningly. His eyes were trained on my leg. That’s when I felt something crawling up it. I looked down and saw a scorpion walking up my leg.

I looked at Luke again, now worried, and started to reach for Riptide.
Luke’s words stopped me.

“I wouldn’t do that Perce. Pit scorpions can jump up to fifteen feet and it’s stinger can pierce right through your clothes. You’ll be dead in sixty seconds.”
My vision blurred and I felt ready to puke. I found myself wishing and hoping that this was all a dream.

“Why?” I croaked out.

“If you had agreed to go with me this wouldn’t have been necessary. But alive, you would totally ruin everything.” He explained.

Then he leaned over and kissed me. “Goodbye Percy. I love you.” Then Luke, the boy who had promised to love me forever, turned his back on me and walked away, leaving me to die.
Soon the scorpion stung me on my hand. While it hurt, it didn’t hurt as much as the pain in my heart.

My vision started to blur even more and I thought about the water. It had always healed me before. I started to stumble to it and put my hand in. It helped the pain in my hand a little but not enough to register in my mind. Soon my vision cleared up and I stumbled toward the camp. Some nymphs came out from their trees.

“Please get help!” I cried. I probably looked like a mess with tears running down my cheeks and a huge, yellow, swollen welt on my hand. One look at me and the nymphs sprang into actions. Two of them picked me up and started carrying me towards camp. Soon Annabeth was next to me.

“Seaweed Brain? What happened? W-w-where’s Luke? Is he okay? Percy answer me!”
I looked up at her and started crying. “H-h-he’s gone! He did this to me.” Annabeth looked shocked, but she didn’t ask any questions.

She helped me to my cabin and into my bed.

“Perce…” I cut her off. “Don’t call me that!” She looked taken a back, but then again I did say it kinda harshly. “Look Annabeth. Thanks for the help, but I just want to sleep and forget about this. She nodded.

“Okay Perce… I mean Percy. You sleep and I’ll get someone for your hand.” As soon as I heard the door close behind her, I curled up in a ball and cried until I finally fell into a deep, dark, dreamless sleep.
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Might write another one where he sees Luke again. Idk tell me what you think. Thanks guys :)