The Avenged Warped Tour

Febuary Hope Sanders is the lead singer of The Broken and she is the daughter of M. Shadows and Tracy Anthony. She has her Daddy's stage attitude and voice. She acts like Matt and isn't afraid of huge crowds.

Arin Charles Sanders is the drummer for The Broken and is the son of M. Shadows and Tracy Anthony. He has his mother's attitude and always matches.

Ethan James Haner is the son of Synyster Gates and Lexi Martino (Haner). He's the lead guitarist of the band, The Broken. He's his father through and through. Wild, crazy antics. Smart ass mouth. Cocky attitude. Green eyes like his Mom. Laid back. Adventurous. Always looking for a new thrill, no matter how much trouble he gets into. Wants to be just like his father, world known guitarist covered in tattoos.

What will happen when they go on warped tour.