Status: I feel as though this needs a warning since there wasn't one... So- SLOW PROGRESSING SLASH. There we go~

Sweet Surrender

Chapter 11

Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Dr. Nhik froze at the scent of blood. Lifting his nose to smell better, he whirled around and dashed into Varian's room. The stronger scent bombarded his and he clapped a hand over his nose at how badly it reeked. Running up to where Varian lay motionless on the bed he watched as thick, black blood ran from both of his nostrils and ran down his face, spilling onto the pillow and seeping through, soaking the mattress with inky black goop with a scarlet sheen.

Reaching out he touched the fluid and pulled his hand back recoiling from the sticky tar like feel of it. The clotting stuff stuck to his fingers from where it was based on the pillow, pulling away in stringy black and crimson threads. Jerking back away he sped out of the room.

"Nurse! Nurse Gale!" he called running out into the hall.

She came running, huffing, her pregnant belly making her slow down. "What? What is it?"

Dr. Nhik grabbed her arm and drug her into the room. She took one look and ran for the trash can where she bent over and threw up, gasping for breath. "Call for help," she wheezed.

Punching the call button on the wall he heard several alarms go off and people came running down the hall.

Varian's time was getting shorter, and Dr. Nhik wasn't sure how much longer he could keep him alive. They needed to figure out exactly what was wrong with Varian.


Just after first period Nathan walked through the hall, trying to find Justin around the crowds of people. It wasn't exactly an easy task. On top of that he was avoiding Andrea, who had been bothering him more than usual. He was just lucky she hadn't followed him out of first period...


Turning, Nathan rolled his eyes when he saw Justin and Andrea walking toward him, stopping in his tracks to wait for them.

"What's got you in such a rush this morning?" Andrea asked curiously.

"I need to find... Jeck... Ji..."

"... Jecklynn?" Justin supplied as Nathan nodded. Andrea frowned slightly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What do you need her for?" Justin asked. Nathan simply shook his head, leaning from one foot from the other. "Well, she's in Marine Biology with me, so just go down that hall and you should find her." Justin directed, pointing in the direction he had just come from. Nathan quickly nodded, stepping around the twins to go in the direction he needed, still avoiding other people.

"what's been up with him lately?" Andrea asked. Justin shrugged, turning to walk away.

"Who knows. It's Nathan. Just go with it."

Nearly running down the hall, Nathan slowed when he noticed the back of someone who vaguely looked like the girl he wanted. Pushing past a few people to get to the girl, he didn't pause until he was standing in front of her, effectively blocking her way.

Jecklynn looked him over for a minute with a curious expression. "Have we met before?"

Nathan sighed quietly, having already decided he didn't really like this girl. "Not really. I'm a friend of Varians. Which is why I need to talk to you."

Jecklynn stiffened, glancing around. "... Can we go somewhere more private then?" she asked, shifting nervously. Nathan nodded back.

"I'd actually prefer it. Any ideas?"

"There's an empty classroom a few rooms over." she suggested. Nathan nodded again, heading in the direction she had mentioned quickly. They couldn't afford to be caught by a teacher.

Finally inside the room, Nathan closed the door behind him, turning to see Jecklynn moving away slightly. "Did Stan not give you enough information?"

Glaring back, Nathan crossed his arms over his chest. This girl just pissed him off. It wasn't even like what she had said was intentionally bitchy. He just did not like her.

"I need as much information as possible. Unfortunately, that means asking all of you."

Jecklynn looked him directly in the eye, pausing briefly before sighing. "Alright, I can tell you care a lot about him. What do you need to know?"

Oh... Maybe she's not so bad...

"Anything," Nathan replied, "How he's been acting, eating habits, anything unusual... Things like that."

Jecklynn lowered her gaze from Nathan in thought. "He was hungry the first day he came to school. But by the end of the day he was fine." She paused slightly, "I only remember him eating his lunch once. He looked like he needed some blood then."

Nathan nodded slightly, thinking it over. "So... If he was fine by the end of the day, he would have had to have gotten some blood during the day, right?" he asked. But where would Varian get blood during the school day?

"No doubt he did. I'd ask Evan about that." She replied, and Nathan could hear a subtle hint in her voice, "After that he was fine for a while. But I do know for sure that his feeding fluctuations aren't regular. He pushes them out to days instead of hours."

Nathan nodded again, frowning slighty at the mention of Evan. He didn't particularly like Evan. "Alright. I guess I'll be seeing Evan soon. Is there anything else?"

"... Do you remember your question to Stan and if it was possible for him to have consumed bad blood? And his response?" Jecklynn asked hesitantly.

"... That Varian should have naturally avoided it." Nathan responded.

Jecklynn met his gaze again, "Sometimes, when the body is pushed to it's limit, instinct takes over. I don't know what he did, but Varian must have done something to force his body to go through Rejection." She paused, biting her lower lip before continuing, "If you haven't been to his house already, go. If you have, go back. You might have missed the key to this problem." she said. Nathan felt as though she knew something else as well. It could just be his own paranoia, but... Still.

He frowned slightly, glancing down to his feet. "I wasn't exactly trying to find the problem at his house. The blood was more than enough for one day." He paused, looking back up to her. "... What else do you know about this?"

"I already told you that I don't know exactly what he did, but I know that he did something. Him. Not anybody else." Jecklynn took a minute to compose herself before going on, "He was mentally, emotionally, and inwardly physically vulnerable. But when the body is at it's most vulnerable, exposed? Think about that, and then think about how anger and frustration is channeled through the male mind and body."

Nathan remained silent. Exposed? This girl wasn't making things easy. He supposed he'd be going back to Varians house after he picked up Venerra. Glancing to the clock on the wall, he sighed. He'd probably get a detention if he came into class late with no excuse... Probably better to just skip the whole period.

"Do you need anything else?" Jecklynn asked. Nathan shook his head.

"No, but thank you."

She nodded back, silently creeping out of the class and down the hall as Nathan sat on top of one of the desks. That was interesting information he had gotten... Though he was slightly wary of what Evan and Varian's house had in store... Well, he'd just have to see.


Four different doctors and seven nurses including Nurse Gale were all flitting about frantically, attaching a blood bag here, and compressing Varian's nostrils to stop the blood flow.

But as soon as his nose was plugged his body would convulse and the sticky black goo would spew from his mouth, splattering against his hospital gown and adding to the already soaked mattress.

Nurse gale came back with a towel and pressed it to Varian's nose, but it was quickly soaked through, the rotten blood dripping from the corners and splattering the floor as it was rushed into a biohazard bin.

"We need more towels!" Nurse Gale yelled.

"I'll get them," Dr. Nhik said, sprinting out of the room to the linen supply closet. He grabbed two whole stacks and then ran down the hall back to Varian's room, skidding through the entrance. Shoving his way through the mass of doctors and nurses, he quickly pressed a towel to Varian's nose.

Dr. Nhik watched in horror, his stomach turning at the sight of the slimy black and red tinted blood seeping through the fuzzy cloth, its rotten fingers reaching out and devouring the pure white towel. In no time there wasn't a single trace left of the white cloth.

Pulling the towel away, Dr. Nhik quickly exchanged it with another. Beside Varian the vital monitor suddenly went off, showing his heart rate spiking, the level and pressure of blood dropping.

"He's going into cardiac arrest!"

Dr. Nhik didn't even have time to respond before they lost all traces of a heartbeat, the machine droning on and on with a flatline going across the monitor. Instantly his ow heart stopped, but not with a heart attack, with fear.

Defibrillators were shoved into his hands and he charged them. "Clear!" Nurse Gale yelled.

Time stopped around Dr. Nhik, every person in the room nothing but blurred images. In front of him Varian lay motionless on the hospital bed, the heart monitor next to him ringing its constant flatline in the background.

"Clear his chest," Dr. Nhik ordered, his voice stern.

A nurse went to undo the gown, but there wasn't any time. "Darnit! Rip it off him!" Dr. Nhik shouted.

A doctor quickly stepped forward and tore the thin sheet-like gown from Varian's body.

Pressing the defibrillators against Varian's chest, Dr. Nhik let the charge go. Varian's body convulsed again, but the monitor still sounded flat. Quickly Dr. Nhik charged them again.

"Clear!" Nurse Gale yelled again.

Pressing them firmly to his chest, on opposite sides of the sternum, he felt the charge go through. Once again Varian's body jumped on the bed, falling heavily back onto it. Nothing.

Panic surged its way through his veins, but he remained calm.


Again, and again, and again. They repeated the cycle three more times. Nothing.

A doctor put his hand on Dr. Nhik's arm. "Maybe you should let him go. It's time."

Ignoring the doctor, Dr. Nhik feverishly went back to charging the defibrillators again. Legally they were over the number allotted, but he wasn't going to give up.

"Clear..." Nurse Gale said gently, not really wanting to continue but doing it for Dr. Nhik's sake.

Reaching deep within himself, to the pure black void where the bright light of Soul used to be, he clawed through the darkness, searching for one last bit of the power he'd squelched the day he Changed Varian. A sudden surge of raw energy flooded his senses, the golden light of Soul welling in his chest.

Gathering it, he directed all its power through himself and into the body of Varian. Dr. Nhik cried out in pain as part of himself tore from him, and tunneled into Varian's core. Everybody within five feet of Dr. Nhik felt the Soul surge, and his legs gave out from under him as Varian's heart monitor suddenly beeped back to life.


Fourth period, and where was Nathan standing? Outside of a Trigonometry class, where, presumably, Evan was.


Because he wanted to do this in one day. Besides, the sooner he got done, the more he had to tell Nhik.

Which was good. Because that meant Varian wouldn't die. Which meant Venerra would be happy. And so would Nathan. And Andrea would be pissed.

All sounded equally good.

Just as the bell rang to signal the end of fourth period, Nathan watched the people filing out of the class carefully, waiting for Evan. Upon seeing him, Nathan didn't even announce himself- he just grabbed the boy and pulled him into the nearest bathroom.

Evan stepped back slightly, pulling Nathan's hand off. "Whoa! Hold on! Eager aren't we?" he said, then paused, seeming to think about it. "... On second thought, you can touch me all you want." he added with a maniac grin. Nathan could practically feel his brain cells melting.

This guy was creepy.

"Shut it, I'd rather not be alone with you," Nathan replied with a glare, "But I figured I'd get you out of the way as soon as possible."

Evan leaned against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, you could win the award for 'Most Blunt Fellow', now couldn't you?"

"I'm about to get a lot more fucking blunt in a minute," Nathan sneered, "Now if you could pay attention and let me get this over with."

He didn't know how Varian stood this guy. And while he knew swearing and insulting the guy would get him no where, it was sort of nice to take his frustration out on something.

"... What do you need to know about Varian?" Evan asked, uncrossing his arms and turning his expression into one of complete seriousness. The change threw off Nathan, but he was grateful for it at the same time.

"... Anything you think might help." he replied.

"... What have you heard already from Jecklynn? It'd help if I had something to go on so I don't waste time repeating anything."

Nathan thought back to when he was talking to her, sighing quietly. "Um... There were a few things about eating habits, and getting blood somewhere on the first day. Also, there was something about him being... Exposed, or something. The last part was a little odd..."

"Well, he got blood from me on the first day. And he hasn't been eating well- he'd always give me his food, no questions asked. And the last part... I have no idea." Evan explained.

Ah. So Varian bit Evan. Interesting. And a little gross.

Nathan sighed, rubbing his forehead and nodding slightly. "Alright... Is there anything else?"

Evan paused, then seemed to remember something as his eyes lit up. "Did you see Varian when he hadn't had any blood for a while?"

Nathan cringed slightly, remembering how Varian looked really off for a while- not quite as bad as the cafeteria, but not fine either.

"And then he was good the next day. Better than good." Evan added.

Nathan frowned. Somewhere within the time he went home and then came back to school, Varian had blood. But from where? What could he have had that got such a bad reaction?

Shaking his head, Nathan land against the opposite wall. "Well, I'm going to his house after school. Hopefully I can find something there."

Evan smiled sadly. "I'm just trying to get you to think, because you probably know more than I do. I'm sure Jecklynn informed you pretty well." He paused slightly, "But I do know that when he changed me I was able to do things, push limits that I'd never tried before. If it helps."

"It might. Thank you though, I appreciate it. A lot." Nathan said, exiting the bathroom quickly and making his way toward the cafeteria.

Now all he had was Varian's house.

Hopefully it had what he needed...


Dr. Nhik woke to cold water being splashed into his face. Jerking upright, he gasped, and snarled, ready to attack anything and everything in his path.

"Grant! It's okay, you just passed out for a second," Nurse Gale said gently, handing him a towel.

Sponging off his face, Dr. Nhik suddenly remembered. "Varian! How is he?" Quickly he got up off the floor he was laying on and scrambled over to the bed containing a now clothed Varian. The heart monitor was going regularly now, and he noticed there was no longer any evidence of the profusely bleeding nose bleed that he'd had.

"He's fine as you can see," Nurse Gale said gently.

"Yeah. I have to call Nathan, see what he knows. Varian won't survive another episode of that, and neither will I."


Nathan had somehow managed to convince his mother to watch Venerra for a while as he drove to the farm, blatantly speeding to get there as fast as possible.

He was just lucky that there weren't any cops on the back roads.

Pulling into the driveway, he cut the engine of his car, getting out and glancing around before going up to the front door and walking in.

It all looked the same as the last time he'd been there, after cleaning up the blood, that is. That really had been very gross.

Deciding to do his overlook room-by-room, he started in the livingroom, looking everything over carefully. From there he went to the kitchen, noticing a box of cereal on the table. Closing it back, he set it on a nearby counter, tapping on the wall before making his way to the bedrooms.

Deciding Venerra's room probably wouldn't be a place for Varian to suddenly feel "exposed", Nathan skipped it, going straight for Varian's bedroom instead. He'd never actually seen the inside of it- mostly just trying to clean as quickly as possible. He took a few minutes to look it over, glancing to the bathroom door and slowly stepping over.

A place you would feel exposed.

Well, he thought, you were pretty damn exposed in the shower.

But he hadn't seen anything odd in there the first time. Though he did notice a few spots he missed on the tub...

Stepping over, he pulled the shower curtain back, glancing the small area over.

There were cracks in the tile of the wall, and only in one spot. There was some dried blood covering it- almost like someone had punched it...

Nathan's eyes widened suddenly. Hadn't Jecklynn mentioned something about frustration and anger being channeled through the body? Most guys fight each other if they're mad...

So... Varian fought his wall?

As much as Nathan wanted to laugh at the thought, he couldn't doubt that that was what happened- Varian had gotten frustrated over something and punched his wall.

Which made his hand bleed.

After being hungry for days.

It was as if Nathan could feel the click in the back of his mind, calmly pulling his phone out of his pocket, opening it and going through his recent calls until he got to Nhik's.

Pressing send, he held the phone up, and as soon as he heard the sound of someone answering, he spoke.

"What happens if you drink your own blood?"


Dr. Nhik had barely gotten to the seclusion of the balcony and pulled out his phone to call Nathan when his went off. Answering it, he didn't even have time to speak before Nathan did.

"What happens if you drink your own blood?" It wouldn't have affected him so much if he hadn't said it so calmly.

"Wait, what?"

Nathan sighed on the other line before responding. "Your blood! That stuff in your veins! What happens if you drink your own blood?"

"I can't think of a reason why somebody would do that." Dr. Nhik said, completely bewildered by Nathan's questions.

"Well if they did! Do you know what would happen?" Nathan asked, clearly irritated.

Dr. Nhik thought for a moment. But Nathan didn't give him the chance to respond.

"Like, for instance, you got mad, and punched a wall. And hadn't had any blood in a while. And were hungry."

"Changed vampires have a different kind of blood that flows through their veins. When they bite a Mortal vampire, they must then offer their own, unless they're their mate. When the Mortal drinks the Changed vampire's blood it binds to their blood cells and mutates them." he paused to let Nathan take in the information.

"So Changed Vampires have mutated blood cells. What happens if a Changed vampire drinks their own- now mutated- blood instead of human or Mortal vampire blood? Hypothetically?" he responded.

"If the Mortal is allergic, they go through Rejection. The process of which the body is going through any means of expelling the bad blood. It's toxic, especially when the body doesn't accept it."

"Okay, so if your blood is bad you go through rejection, understood- if you were Changed, and bit yourself, would you go through some time of rejection or something? Because I don't think you're understanding me completely here."

Dr. Nhik paused. "If the vampire were Changed, the introduction of tainted blood to tainted blood would cause-" Then he stopped.

"Would cause?" Nathan pressed.

Pacing back and forth excitedly, Dr. Nhik quickly replied, "I have a theory, but I need your help. How soon can you come into the hospital?"

"Uh...try ten minutes?"

Staring into the now empty room, Dr. Nhik thought of his next statement. "You can't see him, only authorized personal. You'll have to wait until he's discharged if my idea works. I need you to donate a pint of blood. You and Varian are connected somehow, or you wouldn't have done what you've done. If I'm correct, your blood might reverse the Rejection process and allow his body to heal properly."

"Oh...I guess I can do that."

"It's farfetched, but there isn't much to gamble with, we already almost lost him. I'll see you when you come in. Walk up to the information desk and tell them you're there for a donation requested by Dr. Nhik. They'll bring you to where you need to go. I've got preparations to make now."

Shutting off his phone, Dr. Nhik sighed, the weight from his chest lifting a little. He really hoped he was right.
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This is gonna be a mass update guys. Up to chapter... Fourteen I believe.