Status: Just starting out :)

Under Control


I drug my quill along my parchment, almost finished with my charms homework, when I heard the chair next to me slide out. I shot a smile to Lux, who had pulled her DADA book out, and went back to writing my essay. When I finally reached the end of the parchment, I smiled in triumph, and decided to take a break while it dried.

“How was class today?” I asked a frustrated looking Lux.

“Boring,” she said flipping through her book, “It’s all stuff I’ve already learned from reading the book. So it’s not even challenging.”

“I would kill to have a boring class,” I said shaking my head, “I thought Divination would be easy, but she actually makes us keep these journals, and I keep forgetting to do mine.”

“And you have O.W.L’s to study for,” she said making me groan, “Oh come on, they can’t be that bad.”

“Coming from a genious,” I muttered, opening my potions book.

She just glared, and returned to her book, while I read over the assigned chapter from Snape. I lazily took notes, knowing I had to pass the potions O.W.L if I wanted to become a healer, and didn’t bother looking up when someone sat with us. I could tell it was one of the twins, from the lack of books sat on the table, and looked up at a smiling Fred.

“I don’t like that smile,” I said putting a finger on the word I had left off on.

“Well, you should,” he said still smiling, “I just thought I’d let you guys know, George and I brewed the perfect age potion this morning, so we’ll be putting our names in the goblet this afternoon.”

I laughed at Lux’s noise of protest, and just shook my head, knowing it would land them in more trouble than they needed at this point. I went back to my potions book, still taking notes, and was glad when the chapter ended, meaning I was done with my homework. I put all of my supplies into my bag, and looked up to find Lux staring at the book Fred was reading. It was a cookbook, which was weird in itself, but he was taking notes in a small notebook discreetly.

“Do you plan on becoming a chef?” Lux asked making Fred’s head snap up.

“What? Oh, no, just some extracurricular stuff,” he said shutting the book, “Now, lets go drop your bags off, and head to dinner. We’ll meet you downstairs, Lux.”

Lux shoved her books back into her bag, nodding, and we all stood up in unison, swiftly leaving the library. We walked through the bustling halls, most people heading down to dinner, and Fred and I made our way to the portrait of the Fat Lady, myself telling her the ever changing password. I ran up to my dorm, throwing my bag on my bed, and ran back down to join Fred, who was now joined by Fred. The three of us made our way down to the room that was holding the cup, and waited patiently for Lux and Jess to arrive.

Jess arrived first, joined by Cedric Diggory and a few other Hufflepuffs, and she waited by their sides eagerly as he put his name into the goblet. They all clapped, when it gave the approval flame, and left not long after. She walked up to us, right before Lux joined, and the boys pulled small flasks from inside of their robes.

“I hope you know it won’t work,” Jess said quickly, “That age line Dumbledore drew won’t allow it.”

“I think it’s worth a shot,” I said with a shrug.

They grinned, before popping the corks out, and hooking arms so they could drink the potion. Once they had swallowed the whole thing, they looked at each other and hopped over the glowing blue line. They celebrated, as well as Lux and I, considering they weren’t ejected, and threw their parchment into the flame. Their smiles didn’t last long, because in mere seconds, they were shot out of the circle, causing the three of us to run towards them.

“Holy shit, your hair!” Lux said covering your mouth.

“And those beards!” Jess said doing the same.

I however, could barely control my laughter, and was clutching my sides, trying to stay standing. The boys started rolling around on the floor, fighting and blaming each other, and only stopped when McGonagall waltzed in, and ordered us to give her an explanation.

“They used an aging potion, professor,” Jess said quickly.

“I should’ve expected that from you two,” she said pursing her lips, “Ms. Franceschi, I would greatly appreciate if you would escort your fellow Gryffindor’s to the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomphrey will be able to fix them up quite well I expect.”

“Yes, Professor,” I said sticking my hands out to the twins, “Let’s go, and quick, I don’t want to miss dinner entirely.”

I pulled the twins up, almost falling back myself, and pulled them out of the room, and towards the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomphrey was annoyed, to say the least, when I told her what the two had done, and went to her personal store of potions, and pulled out a bright purple one, pouring it out into two cups, and thrusting them into their hands.

“Drink this, and it should take the effects away quickly,” she quickly, before going off to attend to another student.

Like promised, as soon as their potions were drained, their hair was back to turning red, and their beards were slowly disappearing. We were almost to the main stairs, when Fred said something about needing to find Lee Jordan, and walked off in a completely different direction.

“Do you plan on going to Hogsmeade next weekend?” George asked as we descended the stairs.

“Probably,” I said shrugging, “I haven’t quite decided.

“We should go together,” he said, sounding nervous.

“I’d love to go with you,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat up, “It’ll be fun.”

He smiled, and put his arm around my shoulder in a hug, and didn’t remove it until we sat down at the table for dinner. I could feel Lux’s and Jess’ eyes on us, but I paid them no attention, and flew into conversation with Seamus about his ever failing attempts at Potions class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Building the relationship up.
yeah, not a lot of the trio in this fic, I don't feel like they're necessary until qiute a bit later on :)
