Status: Just starting out :)

Under Control



“Blimey, Lux, calm down,” I said trying to ignore everyone staring at us, “And yes, he did. I wouldn’t make that sort of thing up.”

We were currently on our way to the library to study, and I couldn’t keep my news to myself any longer. I tried playing off the fact that we just ended up walking to dinner like that after a normal hug, but the blush on my cheeks gave everything away rather quickly.

“What happened to the whole not liking him as more than a friend rant you gave this summer?” she asked as we walked through the large wooden door.

“I just wanted you guys to leave my crush alone,” I said as we found a table, “Now, will you help me with some of this stupid potions question? McGonagall told me to ask Hermoine, but she gets too stuck up when I ask her something.”

“She needs to stop being such a know-it-all,” Lux said rolling her eyes, “I mean, I’m just as smart as her, but it’s not like I sit there and flaunt it so everyone knows. I only use my knowledge for good.”

“And she uses hers to get her and her friends out of trouble,” I said with a snicker, “But let’s get serious, what the hell does any of this even mean?”

I buttoned up my peacoat, my hands shaking, as I stood in front of one of the mirrors in my dorm room. My hair was perfectly straight, and tucked under a dark grey beanie. I had on what I liked to call my “good butt jeans”, and had the bottoms tucked into the top of my sweater boots. I had just fastened the third, and final, button, when I noticed the clock on the wall showing the time I was supposed to be meeting George. I cursed under my breath, and grabbed my satchel, before slinging it over my shoulder and rushing out of my dorm.

I ran down the steps, frightening one of the first year girls, and nearly bumped into George as I stopped on the landing connecting the stairs.

“Oh, ‘ello George,” I said with an airy voice, trying to sound calm.

“Morning Liss,” he said letting me walk down the stairs before him, “Ready for Hogsmeade?”

“Definitely,” I said walking out of the common room, “Any special shops you want to visit?”

“Just Zonko’s and the Magic Neeps,” he said as we waited in line for Filch to allow us to head out, “What about you?”

“Will I ever know why you and your brother are so into grocery products all of the sudden?” I asked, earning a nod, “Well, I just want a butterbeer to be honest. And maybe a new quill, my favorite one snapped a while back.”

“Scrivenshafts and the Three Broomsticks it is,” he said with a nod, “Now, let’s get going, it looks like rain.”

I looked at the ominous sky, and made a face, not wanting the rain to spoil the date I had planned with him. We walked behind a group of third year students, given away by their small stature, and passed them quickly once they started to slow down.

“Do you reckon they’ll finally pull names from the cup tonight?” I asked as we turned down the familiar cobblestone path.

“I imagine so, the first task is in a month,” he said as we made it to the village, “I just hope the Hogwarts champion isn’t from Slytherin. That would be the pits.”

“It’ll probably be Diggory, he’s one of the few Hogwarts students I saw put his name in that had potential,” I said as we made it to Scrivenshafts, “But I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

He nodded, pulling the door open for me, and I walked in before him, heading straight for the section I loved. The quills in the section were all various shades of purples, and I was particularly interested in the deep purple ones. I examined a few closely, and finally settled on one that had flecks of black in it. I showed it to George, gaining his slight approval, and took it to the shopkeeper to purchase. I handed her the gold, and took the small wrapped parcel, placing it in my shoulder bag.

Without thinking, I grabbed George’s hand, and lead him to the Three Broomsticks, where I couldn’t wait to indulge in a Butterbeer. When I realized what I had done, it didn’t take me long to realize how well our hands meshed, and how I didn’t want to drop his hand. He instructed me to find us a table, and I obliged while he waited for Madame Rosmmerta to take our order. I found a table in the middle of the crowded pub, and I had just gotten situated when George placed my drink in front of me.

“Thank you,” I said grabbing the warm cup, “D’ya notice your brother and friends over there watching?”

“Not as much as yours behind you,” he said taking a sip of his drink, “Lee and Fred didn’t believe that I had actually gotten the nerve to ask you out.”

“Lux had a fit when I told her, I thought she was going to faint from being so excited,” I said causing him to laugh, “But I’m glad you did.”

I blushed at the bluntness of my last statement, and tried covering it up by taking a large drink of my drink. I wiped the whipped cream from my lips, and smiled at George, who was giving me a look I couldn’t quite read. I asked him what it was, and he merely grabbed a napkin and wiped my nose, making me blush harder.

“No wonder they put you in Gryffindor, red really suits you,” he said making me go even redder.

“You got in for your locks,” I said leaning over to ruffle his hair.

He merely acted shocked, and the two of us couldn’t help but to laugh when we couldn’t keep our act up anymore. The rest of the time spent in the pub was spent sharing stories from our weeks, and once our glasses were drained we made our way to Honeydukes so I could get some sweets to gorge myself in.

“I think you could single handedly keep them in business,” George said as we exited the shops, my bag full of candy.

“I can’t help it that I have a strong sweet tooth,” I said grabbing his hand once more, “I’m just glad I have a fast metabolism, otherwise I could be the fat lady that guards the common room.”

After a quick stop into Magic Neeps, we decided we should get back to the castle so we could relax before the reading of the names from the cup. We were about halfway down the path when the ominous skies opened up, and let down buckets of rain. I squealed at the shock, and starting running, pulling George right behind me. I could hear him laughing at my antics, but it didn’t stop me in trying to make him move faster.

“Bloody hell, that was insane,” I said once we made it into the dry comforts of the castle, “I call the arm closest to the fire if it’s available.”

“Not if I beat you there,” he said dropping my hand and bolting towards the common room.

“Cheater!” I yelled as I shot after him, “I won’t let you win!”

I laughed as he rounded a corner, and lost his footing, sending him to the ground. I went to run around him, oblivious to the large puddle left from his wet hair and clothes, and ended up falling like him, only sliding farther down the marble hallway. Our laughter echoed through the halls, and I only stopped when I heard a scoff, and saw the familiar blue of the Beauxbatons uniform.

“Zis would never happen in a proper school,” a brown haired girl said in a thick accent.

I opened my mouth to retaliate, but was cut off by Filch yelling at George and I about the puddles we had left. I stood up sheepishly, and stood next to George as Filch instructed us to clean the mess up instantly, and to use proper actions when entering the school sopping wet.

“Mrs. Norris must’ve spotted us and tipped him off,” I said once we had dried off, and cleaned the floors, “I despise that cat, it always gets me in trouble.”

George just laughed, and we continued up to the common room in silence, just enjoying our company. The main room was starting to fill up, most people getting ready to leave for dinner, and we parted ways so I could go change into the proper attire for the night. I quickly stripped away my now dry clothes, and threw them into the correct washing bin, before pulling on a uniform and finding a clean set of robes. My hair had luckily stayed straight, and I shoved my purchases away before heading down to the common room to waste time.


I watched as Cedric Diggory filed into the champions room, and blocked out Dumbledores speech pertaining to the cup. I only perked up, picking my head up from it’s position on my hand, when the flames shot up once more and another piece of parchment flew up to be caught.

“HARRY POTTER!”! Dumbledore growled in his booming voice, causing everyone in the hall to search for him.

I saw him next to Ron, trying to sink into his seat, but was pushed up by Hermoine as Dumbledore repeated his name. The hall remained particularly silent, minus a few scattered whispers, as he slowly walked towards Dumbledore and was pointed to the champions room. Once the door clicked behind him, we were instructed to head back to our living quarters and to stay there for the night. I shot up eagerly, and bolted to the Ravenclaw table, to find Jess and Lux together already.

“I remember our first year when nothing like this happened,” Jess said making me nod in agreement, “There’s always something big each year, and I have a feeling this is going to be one of those things.”

“It’s going to be the biggest, no doubt,” Lux said as we reached our parting point, “Since we’re on a small lockdown, what do you say we study in the library tomorrow so we can talk about your little date today.”

“I’ll see you guys at our normal spot at 10,” I said with a smile, before heading up the stairs, and falling into step next to George.

“Another year full of trouble from the trio,” he said with a shake of his head, “At least Ron doesn’t get detentions for his trouble causing. He gets rewards.”

“Probably because his usually don’t involve dung bombs,” I said making him nudge me slightly, “I kid, I kid. D’you think Harry will be able to handle the tournament though? I mean, with how young he is and all.”

“He’s as qualified as Diggory if you ask me,” he said as we followed Dean into the common room, “If not, I know Hermoine will be there to save his ass.”

“You have a point,” I said with a laugh and flopping into the chair by the fire.

For the rest of the night I played exploding snap with the twins and Lee, and tried my hardest to master wizards chess. I eventually gave up, and watched the boys play, before heading upstairs right before Harry entered the room where everyone was eagerly waiting.
♠ ♠ ♠
that's why I'm posting this.

I'd love feedback!
And thanks to all who've subscribed :)