Status: Just starting out :)

Under Control


The hallways were practically empty, since it was nearing curfew, and I didn’t bother looking up when I heard footsteps coming down the corridor near me. I kept my eyes on the marble hallway, not wanting to be stopped in a conversation, and was surprised when a shoulder hit mine sending me stumbling.

“Watch where you’re going, mudblood,” an all too familiar voice said to me, making me look up.

“Leave me alone, Alexandra,” I said trying to step by her, “Now, please, get out of my way.”

“Leaving you alone would only let you win,” she said, shoving her nose into the air, “And what’s this I hear about you and that blood traitor, Weasley? This place is going to the dogs, I swear.”

“He’s better than that pathetic git you go round with,” I said referencing Draco Malfoy.

“How dare you insult a pureblood,” she said drawing her wand, “This will make you think twice about that.”

My hand had barely grasped onto the end of my wand, when her jinx hit me full one. I stumbled back, and threw my hands to my mouth, feeling my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth by itself. I heard Alex howling with laughter, and she left me alone, continuing down the hallway. I pried at my mouth, having no results, and practically booked it towards the common room.

“Whoa, where’s the fire?” George asked as I busted through the portrait hole.

I tried to tell him, but my words came out ill formed, and mostly as grunts. He gave me a concerned look, and after failing to communicate with him verbally, I stomped my foot and pointed to my mouth. I opened it as wide as it would go and titled my chin up so he could see how my tongue was stuck.

“Your tongue is stuck?” he asked, making me nod feverishly, “Did someone do this to you?”

I nodded again, and before I could try prying at my tongue again, George had grabbed my hand and drug me out of the common room. I knew where we were going, and stayed in step with him until we reached the hospital wing. Madame Pomphrey was I her night robes, but listened while George explained my symptoms.

“It’s the Langlock jinx,” she said pulling her wands from her robes, “I haven’t seen it in quite some time though.”

She flicked her wand and I felt my tongue release from the roof of my mouth. It felt sore, but i thanked her repeatedly, refusing to tell her who had jinxed me. She finally gave up, and let the pair of us go, telling us to hurry back so we wouldn’t get caught.

“Will you tell me who did it, Liss?” George whispered as we walked down a dark corridor.

“It was Alex, but getting her a detention would only make her want to hurt me further,” I said quietly next to him, “And for being a simple jinx, my tongue is really sore.”

“I could think of one think that would make it better,” George said, a smirk evident in his voice.

“Oh really? And what would that be?” I asked, knowing good and well what he meant.

He stopped walking, and pulled me around, securing his arms around my body. His breath tickled my face, followed closely by the pressure of his lips against mine. It was soft, and shot butterflies into my stomach, and I stood on my tip-toes to pull myself close to him. His hands were clinging to my hips, and I reached up to run my hands through his long hair. I parted my lips, granting him the access I knew he wanted and melted even farther into the kiss. I wasn’t sure how long we snogged, but Snape’s voice made me push him away quickly.

“Out after hours, and engaging in inappropriate behavior? Ten points from Gryffindor, and a detention for both of you this Friday night,” he drawled making me groan inwardly, “Now get off to bed before I make your punishment more severe.”

“Sorry professor,” I said quickly, before grabbing George’s hand and dragging him down the hallway quickly, “Shit, my mom’s going to kill me when she gets the owl about my detention.”

“I reckon my mom’s used to them,” George said with a chuckle, “But I’d say this one was way worth it.”

“More than worth it,” I said thankful the dark was hiding my blush.

He squeezed my hand, and told the Fat Lady the password, letting me walk in before him. We walked up the stairs towards the dormitories, and stood almost awkwardly on the landing, before we would go our own way.

“Well, goodnight George,” I said clasping my hands together, “Thanks for taking me to the hospital.”

“Anytime,” he said smiling, “Goodnight, Elissa.”

He leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to my lips, before walking up the stairs to the boys’ rooms. I touched my lips, still not believing any of the nights events, and shuffled up the stairs with a goofy smile on my face.


The next morning, I trudged down to breakfast, just in time to be greeted with the post arriving. I took a seat next to George, and leaned my head on his shoulder. I stifled a yawn, not ready to face the day, and felt his arm slide around my shoulder. I smiled, but it quickly faded when the red envelope fell in front of me.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I said sitting straight up, “A howler? Already?”

I cursed a few more times, and peeled back the gold seal, before the howler took it’s shape, and started yelling at me.


I knew my face was as red as the envelope, and I hid it in my hands, trying to ignore all of the stares coming in my direction. I pushed myself from the table, not even bothering to eat, and rushed out of the hall, not caring how early to charms I would be. When I finally reached the classroom, I slid down the stone wall by the door, and crossed my legs in front of me. I took out my text book, glancing over the chapter we were going to be tested on in the upcoming class.

“You okay, love?” I heard Jess’ familiar voice ask as she slid down the wall next to me.

“Fine, but highly embarrassed,” I said closing my book to look at her, “I mean, I would’ve liked to keep the whole snogging George after hours last night a secret, but now the whole school knows.”

“I think they would’ve found out you two were snogging eventually,” she said with a smirk, “Besides, I know how much you like him, and can tell you don’t regret it. Just be glad I came to you, instead of Lux. She would’ve taunted you instantly.”

“She’ll taunt me when she sees me later,” I said shaking my head, “Or she’ll tell me to make smarter decisions.”

“That’s Lux for you,” she said with a laugh, “Now, I have to head off to Potions. I’ll see you this afternoon in Trelawney’s class.”

“Alright, thanks Jess,” I said giving her a quick hug and standing up.

“Oh, and your prince is heading this way,” she said with a wink, before shuffling down the hall and out of sight.

“You doing alright?” he asked pulling me into a hug and not releasing me.

“Fine, just embarrassed,” I said with a chuckle, “But, I must say, it was definitely worth it.”

He just smiled, leaning down to kiss me, and I pulled away before we got too heated. He stayed with me until the bell was about to ring, and practically bolted down the hallway so he could make it to his herbology class without being terribly late.