Status: Hey, critisism is wanted and tell me what you think, new to the site but not to writing so a bit of sheparding would be appreciated ahaha thanks

Flash of the Blade


"Friggin finally."

Drew called loudly as we exited Mrs. Brisbee's class. Laughing I nodded in agreement, then a whirl of brown and green came from a corner and latched onto us.

"I finally found ya jerks!"

A girl cried as she squeezed our insides out. Her brown bushy hair tumbling around her shoulders haphazardly and her green dress swishing as she walked. Ashlynn Smiled up at me and I ruffled her hair.

"Ay! Watch the hair Mar."

"Why are we jerks?"

"Yeah, that offends me ya know."

Drew added, puting a hand to his heart in mock pain. Ashlynn rolled her eyes and tossed her brown curls over her shoulder.

"Anyways, didja hear?"

I sighed,

"Pobably not Ash, now what is it?"

She took a deep breathe as we entered our next class, chemisty.

"Jasmin Wilson has a lil love triangle."

Drew glared at her anboyed.

"Hows that news? Jasmin always has a lil love triangle."

She sighed and dramatically flung herself to her chair.

"Well this time... it's with Mariano!"

She said in a sing song voice and batted her eye lashes.

"Whatahya talkin 'bout!?"

I said, confusion etched in my face and my words. Ash nodded as she put her head in her fists.

"Yep, she says you two were kissin it up at the Cobra's basball game last week."

I scoffed and slammed open my chemistry book.

"I don't even go ta the games."

She smiled,

"Thats why I know it wasn't true. I told her she was fulla bull shit. But Ethan found out from onea her whore friends n' he thinks yer tryin ta steal his girl now he wants ta kill ya."

I stared at her open mouthed.

""You've gotta be shittin me, whatta load of crap."

"Mr. Knight, please come up for your detention."

Mr Jacobson said in his monotone drawl. I sent a dark look in Ash's direction and she shrugged apologetically.

"What can ya do?"

She mouthed. Mr. Jacobson scribbled frantically and swallowed tightly as he muttered about kids swearinf now a days. I smirked as his hand shook when he held out the pink piece of paper.

"Thanks teach,"

I snarled and ripped it from his hand, he flinched and walked away quickly. He had the nasty habit of acting feeble around students and I took advantage of his jitters. I stalked back to my seat and groaned.

"Thanks Ash, yer a real peach."

I sighed and sat through class glaring at the paper, if I missed one more day of work, they'd fire me and this detention was not going to help me keep my job. The sound of the bell ringing was heaven sent, scooping up my chemistry book I ducked out of Mr. Jacobson's room and tossed it in my locker. People jostled me as I pulled my wallet from the top shelf, trying not to snap at their clumsiness was hard especially when binders jabbed my ribcage.

"I hate crowded hallways,"

I muttered darkly as I slammed the door shut and shived my way to the lunch room. Once there the story was no differant, people were spilling out everywhere and it was hard to find a familiar face even with my six foot three advantage. Finally I saw a blob of pink and blond and wadded over to see Kaytlyn in line for food. My stomach growling I slipped behind her, bending down I covered her eyes and whispered in her ear.

"I know what ya did last summer."

She cocked her head to the side.

"You mean when I slept with Mariano when he helped me move in a block from his house?"

I smirked and ruffled her hair.

"You wish pinky."

She turned around and smiled up at me.

"Yeah, like you'd ever get that lucky Mar."

I shook my head and grabbed a silver tray and burrito then a slice of pizza. Kaytlyn eyed my growing plate.

"How do guys eat so much?"

She asked, paying for her water, apple and turkey sandwich.

I shrugged, can't have an answer for everything.
Kaytlyn shoved passed people and I followed in her wake. The girl was small but she could part a crowd like Moses and the water.

"So Mar- move it people I have somewhere to be!- can you see the guys from up there? Hellen, If you dont move your fat butt out of my way so help me-"

I grabbed her hood and yanked her back as I scanned the noisy cafeteria. Don't get me wrong, the food was pretty good but the facility was not the ideal place to eat. Even in the bliazards we get here in winter, I'd rather eat outside then in here. It was noisy, loud and old fashion. The tables and chairs were old rickety picnic tables decaying with dryrot and the aluminum trays were beat up and loosing their shine.

"I know for a fact that Ashlynn would never eat in here if she had a choice and I don't see them,"

Kaytlyn nodded and once again led the way out the doors to the courtyard. Sure enough there was Drew, Kaytlyn and another friend Zeke sitting under an old oak tree. When Ashlynn saw Kayt she stood up and waved.

"Ay! Ova hear!"

Kayt smiled and ran to her. As I made my slow pace to the oak tree I saw something that made me stop, a dark figure of a person leaning against a tree, watching me. The sunlight flitted across half his face, he was a boy of my age, tall with black hair and a coy smirk playing on his face as I watched him.

"Mar whataya waitin for?"

"Im coming!"

I called back, taking my eyes off teh guy to answer. When I looked back he was gone, I shook my head and sat down next to Zeke. He eyed me as I inhaled my pizza and began unwrapping my burrito.

"What was that about?"

Kayt asked, I shrugged, not sure how to answer.

"Thought I saw someone back there, don't worry 'boutit."

They dropped it and Ashlynn found a way to fill the silence.

"So, didja hear?"

Drew and I groaned and I looked away and froze. The same guy who was staring at me a few minutes ago was now luonging out in the sun, once again staring at me. When he caught my eye his lip curled up in a smirk and winked before closing his eyes to bask in the sun. I jostled Zeke shoulder lightly.

"Hey, do ya see that guy over there, in the black?"

He gazed over my shoulder and shook his head.

"No, should I?"

I turned back, he was gone.

"Ya sure yer okay Mariano?"

Drew asked, I sighed again and took a swig of Kaytlyn's water.

"Yeah, Im fine."

Kaytlyn raised an eyebrow and I handed back her water. Ashlynn turned to Zeke and started up a conversation while I sat in silence for a moment, trying to forget what just happened but it seemed to be glued in place. There was nothing for it, I had to walk around or something. Ignoring the looks I got from my friends I stood up and walked to the trashcan, my eyes keen on it so as not to see the guy again... where ever the hell he was. It got the the point where I was watching the food tumble from my tray in a great greasy bomb and splattered over the top of the trashcan like it was my favorite movie.

A hand flicked out and brushed the hair from my face, I ducked away and turned ready to call the guy out when I became face to face with a blushing Jasmin.

"What's wrong Mariano? Ya seem... sad."

She tugged at a strand of her hair and I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, hiya Jasmin."

She giggled, I snorted under my breathe.

"So, anyways, I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow?"

I pretended to think about, looking up at the sky for a moment and drumming my fingers on the side of my legs.

"Gosh, yeah... uh-I do. My lil sister hasa soccah game n' I promised I'd be there."

She pouted and I lifted a lazy hand in farewell.



She said softly. I shook my head, hoping no one saw that. All I needed right now was for Ethan to think I'm hooking up with Jasmin. Making a detour of the lunchroom I walked into the main hallway, a shiver creeping up my back.

'It's probably nothing,'

I thought as I came up to my locker. I spun the dial once, a weight crashed my head into the locker, I saw stars and took a shaky step back.