Status: Hey, critisism is wanted and tell me what you think, new to the site but not to writing so a bit of sheparding would be appreciated ahaha thanks

Flash of the Blade

Maximo Loup-Garou

"Um, ow."
I turned around and was greeted with a blow to the cheek. I stumbled back and had to support myself with the lockers, I looked up angrily to find Ethan standing infront of me, fist riased and a snarl on his face.
"Ya messed with the wrong guy."
I touched my face and felt liquid seeping into my fingers, I sure as hell knew it was blood and that made me mad.
"What the hell are ya talkin 'bout Ethan!?"
He lunged again, I ducked and swiftly punched him in the gut. Ethans breathe escaped him as he crumpled, for a jock he fell fast. I swiped my mouth with the back of my hand and turned to walk away.
"I'm not done with ya yet. Yer an ass, why the hell ya tryin ta steal my girl?"
I laughed,
"You think I want Jasmin? You must be on crack if ya think I want that skank."
He snarled.
And he punched me in the temple. I grunted and fell, my head pounding. A scream sounded from the lunchroom and movement followed suit. I opened my eyes and stood up shakily, Ethan had already ditched, fear of being removed from the baseball team made him run with his tail between his legs. The halls were flooded with students and teachers were fighting the crownd to get to me. I turned and pushed my way through the crowd, they parted for me this time but I think it had to do with the blood dripping in my eyes and at the corners of my mouth. I didn't have a second thought as I walked out of the school, ignoring teh women in the office staring at my mashed up face. Once I touched the parking lot I looked back, a regreted it.
The same guy was walking toward me, his smile in place and hsi hands in his too tight jeans. I swallowed, unsure of what to do. He stopped infront of me and said in a heavy Irish accent.
"Are you Mariano Knight?"
I wiped the bllod from my mouth and growled,
"Depends, who's askin?"
He chuckled and held out a hand.
"Maximo, Maximo Loup-Garou."
I eyed his hand wearily, Maximo just shrugged and dropped his hand back to his side. I looked him up and down, sizing him up incase he has violent intensions. He was taller then I was and pretty muscular, he could have been a gym junkie. He had on tight jeans and a black printed t-shirt. Ratty converse were on his feet and his hair looked like he hadnt cut it in a year, unruly black hair like a mop on his head. I could take him.
"What do ya want?"
He smiled and examined his black fingernails.
"I see we're not one for conversation."
I rolled my eyes and took a step back.
"Look buddy, I hafta go home and clean this shit of my face so if yer gonna say anything worth my time I suggest ya do it now."
Maximo sighed and and spoke quietly, his deep irish accent making it hard to decipher.
"Let's just say that its in your best interest to come with me quickly and quietly or someone might get hurt."
I was shocked, and angry.
"What are ya, some lackie fer the Tewksburry mafia or somthin? Get outta here."
I pushed passed him and continued on my way. Maximo cursed fluently and called out,
"Your coming with me sooner or later even if I have to use force!"
I waveed him off and slid into my car. Looking at him through the rearview mirror I saw Maximo stalk up to the flag pole a kick it harshly. When he removed his foot there was a large dent in the metal. I blinked and looked away muttering.
"Just a trick of the light."
I eyed the damage done to my face, a busted lip and my eye and right cheek were swollen. I'd have a nasty shinner tomorrow, the right side of my face was covered in blood. I rolled down my window and spat on teh concrete; trying to relieve my taste buds from the flavor of blood and wiped my sleeve across my face again, trying to remove as much blood as I could before backing up and driving home.

A few people stared at me on teh drive but I ignored it as best as I could, drumming my fingers to the music on the radio and trying to blink the drying blood from my eyelashes. When I got home my mom was in the kitchen. I tried to be quiet and sneak up to my room but she turned around and glared at me.
"School called,"
I cursed under my breath, waiting for the mother rant. She only sighed and grabbed a towel, dabbing it with her tongue as she came forward.
"Mariano, sweety. Ya look like shit, c'mere."
I laughed, my mom was something else.