Status: Hey, critisism is wanted and tell me what you think, new to the site but not to writing so a bit of sheparding would be appreciated ahaha thanks

Flash of the Blade

Parkinglot Conversations

I scratched the back of my collar as I waited in the car. Amber had been in Publix for over and hour.
"How long does it take ta get an application form?"
I muttered darkly as I glared at the clock. My a/c wasn't in the best shape so the rattling was driving me insane and all I wanted to do was go back home and sleep. I drummed my thumbs on the wheel with impatience, a knock on my window startled me. Flicking my head to the side I jumped, Maximo was leaning against my truck with an air of peace, his hand poised to rap his knuckles on the window again. I slowly rolled the window half way down. Maximo removed his sunglasses and pushed them up to rest on the crown of his head, pulling random strands of hair up with them, he smiled at me, teeth glinting in the sun.
"Hey, glad I caught you Mariano."
I reached over slowly and pressed my door lock down, Maximo eyed me quizzically.
"I have a bad feeling that you'd be able to find me... wherever I go."
Maximo's grin widened wolfishly.
"Yes, I suppose I could."
I blinked,
"Well, I saw you leaving your house and end up here and I thought what better place to talk than in a parking lot."
I furrowed my eyebrows, this guy was really creeping me out.
"Uh, look Maximo I'm not tryin ta be rude or anything but yer kind of creepin me out and I don't like that..."
He frowned and looked down, contemplating my words.
"I apologize for seeming so forward, I truly am but, you seem to be mistaken."
"It seems like yer stalkin me,"
Maximo shook his head.
"No, that is not my intention at all, I'm not following you I'm trying to warn you."
He sighed,
"and, since you refuse to listen to me I might have to take you by force."
I raised a hand and glared at him.
"Now that sounds like stalking, kidnap and potential rape right there, I could press charges."
Maximo's eyes hardened.
"I am not trying to rape you I'm trying to save your god damned life!"
His tone made me flinch and cast my eyes else ware, he smirked.
"I need you to come with me or at least hear me out and If I have to use persuasion or force don't think I am above it."

"Mhmm, sure. Just get out of here before I call the cops on you."
He back up, anger and low curses rolling off him in waves. He turned and slammed his back into my door, leaning on it and crossing his arms in frustration.
"You are being completely ridiculous not to mention the fact that your over reacting."
His irish accent thickened with his rage and I could barley understand his words. I sat back in my chair, looking at the brooding teen from the corner of my eye.
"What are you goin ta do now?"
I mumbled, Maximo inhaled through his nose and plucked the sunglasses from his head.
"People watching."
I didn't understand what he meant but I followed his gaze. The door to Publix swung open and a beautiful women walked out, her dress billowing in the slight breeze, a bathing suit hidden beneath its leangth, Maximo licked his lips and I rolled my eyes.
"Like she'd ever look at you."
Maximo snorted and smirked as she made her way over to us. When she was threee feet away Maximo flashed a smile and said.
"Aye, how are you?"
The women stopped in her tracks and blushed,
"Good, you?"
"Oh, I'm doing fine, now."
She tucked a stray lock behind her ear, I gaped at Maximo.
"Do you have a name?"
His irish twang made her falter over her words.
"I- uh, It's .... Melody."
"Melody, as that's a gorgeous name."
She sighed, a car honked behind her and she jumped. Melody had been standing in the middle of the parking lot, blocking the flow of traffic.
"I should get going,"
She murmured and Maximo nodded.
"It was nice to meet you Melody."
She walked off with a distant, dreamy look on her face.
Maximo chuckled.
"I have a uh, gift with women."
I rolled my eyes and lowered my window to its full extent.
"Betch'ya can't do it again."
"Try me, I can sweep any girl off her feet. I'll prove it too, how about the first girl to walk through those doors."
"Yeah, sure go right ahead. Have a field day."
As soon as I uttered those words the double doors slid open and Amber walked out, digging around in her purse and holding a sheet of paper. It felt like a bag of ice slipped into my stomach. I grabbed Maximo's arm tightly and glared.
"Not this one, leave her alone."
He smirked.
"I do believe I struck a nerve, I apologize. Who is it? Your significant other?"
"My sister."
He raised his eyebrows.
"Oh, sorry man."
He chuckled and shook his arm a bit.
"Mind letting me go? your sort of cutting off my circulation."
I loosened my grip and he slip away from me. Amber slowed her stride when she noticed Maximo standing by the car, her eyes racked over him and a smile flickered on her face.
I closed my eyes in disbelief as she started walking again, her small hips swaying more noticeably. Maximo turned when he heard her footfalls.
"Hello, you must be the sister."
She shifted her weight to one hip and raised her sunglasses.
"Oh, hi. I didn't see ya there."
She smiled flirtatiously and I rolled my eyes,
"Get in the car Amber."
She sent a glare at me but quickly returned her attention back to Maximo.
"Haven't heard yer accent before, is it french?"
He chuckled and shook his head, amused.
"No, I'm afraid your wrong lass. I'm originated from Ireland."
Amber nodded knowingly.
"Ah, I see. Ireland how exciting."
I pinched the bridge of my nose as Maximo disguised a laugh as a cough.
"For Christ sakes Amber, stop flirting and get in the car."
Amber flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave Maximo an apologetic smile while simultaneously giving me a practiced middle finger.
"I'm sorry for my brothers rudeness. It was nice talking to you... uh?"
"Maximo, and trust me Amber, the pleasure was all mine."
He turned back to me and winked.
"Didn't even have to try. Its been good Mariano, catch you later."
My hands clenched the steering wheel tightly as he walked away, hands in his pockets, never looking back.
"You are such a jerk Mar!"
Amber cried when she was in the car and Maximo was out of ear shot. I scoffed and exited the parking lot.
"Whatever, just stay away from him Amber, I mean it."
"Is he illegal?"
I blinked and cracked a smile at the thought.
"He just might be, all the more reason to leave him the hell alone."
"Whatever. What should I put for references?"
The talk turned to her application, I tried to help her out and made sure she wasn't lying. I don't know how many times I had to tell her that knowing the Elvish language from Lord of the Rings wasn't another language you could use. When I parked the car in our driveway Amber slammed my truck door shut and walked around to stand in front of me, she nudged the grass with her sneaker.
"I guess I should say thank you fer driving me."
I smirked and pulled her under my arm.
"It's all good lil sis, but ya took to damn long."
I trapped her and lightly scrubbed my knuckles through her hair.
Mar! Stop, oh my god. Yer messing up my hair! Mariano!"
She squealed until laughing I allowed her to wiggle from my bear hug, she ran inside and I went to follow her when I felt someone watching me from behind. I turned on my heels and was greeted to the site of Maximo laying on the hood of my truck, his feet dangling off the front and his hands behind his head.
"I told you Mariano."
He said looking sidelong at me.
"Either you come with me and hear me out of I'll have to take you by force. Your choice."
I swallowed, this guy was really beginning to freak me out.
"Where would you be taking me? Not that I'm agreeing to go anywhere with you."
Maximo smirked and with amazing agility hopped off my hood and was in front of me, I backtracked.
"The place is called the Den, lets leave it at that. Its a sort of... headquarters of the resistance of evil forces if you will."
I rolled my eyes, evil forces? This was starting to sound like a low budget B movie.
"Sure, and there's a fairy princess I have ta save in order ta bring peace and tranquility to the world of Alegasia right?"
He stared,
"What in Fenris's name is Alegasia?"
"Its a land in a book called Era- Oh never mind I was kidding!"
I threw my hand in the air in exasperation. Maximo glared at me.
"Do not treat this as a joke, you have no idea of what I speak."
"Yer right, I don't now leave me alone."
He was getting on my nerves.
"I'm going ta ask ya to drop this,"
I said calmly, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm not going anywhere with ya or listening ta more of yer magic quest gibberish, just drop it."
Maximo's lip curled in an ugly animal like snarl and his eyes flashed with an, inhuman hue. I froze.
He spoke in a low, menacing voice.
"I'll drop it but when your actions kill us all it will not be me whom you can blame."
And with that he shoved my hand off his shoulder and walked away, his body shaking violently. I whistled when he was out of earshot.
"Whoa, that guy has got some major anger issues..."
I didn't get it, how would me not following him to some whore house led to the end of the world?
When I looked back, Maximo was gone.
I muttered and turned to go inside, Amber was standing in the doorway, looking down the street, her neck craned.
"Was that the hot guy from Publix?"
I sighed.
"Yeah, but he's gone now so no autograph fer you."
She rolled her eyes.
"What ever. Mom said ta come inside and eat ya dinner with us."
I nodded and followed her inside.