Status: sorry to anyone waiting on future chapters, been busy with school, should have more time for writing this summmer

Haven Chronicles

Chapter 2: A birthday to remember

Two days after the incident at the archery range, Jericho found himself in a whirl of confusion. The day before Marcus had collected him from his room, and ridden him a small distance outside of the city to the cottage his father had mentioned. Marcus despite his age; could move incredibly fast, although you wouldn’t know it by looking at him. His wrinkles were deep set, his hair grayed and gone in places, and once he was standing still he looked as if he might never move again. His cottage looked rugged and nature was winning the fight to reclaim it. There were only two other people there, Renn and Sophie Casey, a pair of brother and sister twins that Marcus had collected when they were young. Both were blonde haired and blue eyed, while Sophie had long curls, Renn had short wavy hair that curled at the end.

Jericho sat around a small fireplace with the twins, after his first day, which he’d spent the time getting a tour of some of the surrounding woods, and learning how his routine would work. His mornings would start with a breakfast of fresh meat and fruit from a large garden Marcus had nearby. He’d then spend his time until lunch learning the basic skills involved in magic or swordsmanship, lunch was composed of a small stew, which was made from the same foods as breakfast. From then until dinner he’d be either making his own weapons, which Marcus said, “It makes you more in tune with its magic”, or testing and repairing his own weapons, followed by dinner which would also be made of the same foods as every other meal. He didn’t know it at the time but he was really going to learn to hate that stew.

Life went on like that for Jericho for the next week. He, Renn, and Sophie got steadily closer. Surprisingly enough the fact he was the prince didn’t stop either one of them from pinning him at sword point in their sparring sessions. They were both always cheerful, Sophie when they weren’t all busy with their usual training, could be found in the room they all shared, it turned out the cottage was just as small as it looked, or she’d be reading. Renn on the other hand preferred to go fishing at a pond that was just past the garden, or he’d help Marcus with the hunting. It came on him without his realizing it, his birthday, the day that he’d been dreading for months now was here. Instead of being stuck at an induction ceremony he’d be finishing his weapon that day. He hadn’t bothered telling the other three that he’d be turning eighteen that week. He didn’t want anyone to celebrate it; to him it was another day. But of course Marcus had found out from his father and enlisted the help of Renn and Sophie in a special wake up call.

“Happy birthday Jericho!” It was Sophie being cheerful as usual. And as he opened up his eyes and sat up hundreds of flowers, that she and Renn had spent the better part of the morning enchanting while he slept in, flew up around him spelling out the words “Happy birthday” in huge letters that changed colors.

He almost fell off the bed, frightened momentarily, when all of the flowers flew off of him. Then realized what had just happened, and stood up slipping on one of his wool shirts.

“Good lord man, no need to piss yourself, we’re just wishing you happy birthday.” It was Renn standing in the corner, grinning and trying to hold back his laughs.

“Well I’m still dry so we’re good to go. Thanks though for the wake up call. Although I’d prefer not jumping out of my skin, but I’ll get over it.”

The three of them walked into the den where Marcus sat with his feet on the table, hood up, waiting for them. “Well good morning sleeping beauty, hope you enjoyed the extra time we gave you.” He said mischievously.

“It’s much appreciated Marcus. So let’s hurry up and eat, I really want to hurry up and finish my bow I’ve been working on.”

“Good to see you’re excited; let’s just hope you know how to use it once you’re done with it.” The tone in his voice made Jericho a little uncomfortable, but at the same time it made him want to know what Marcus had planned for him.

Breakfast was the usual fruit and slices of meat that they had everyday. They talked about how Marcus had tested Renn and Sophie when they’d made their weapons. Marcus had blind folded them; taken them deep into the woods, and made them find their way back to the cottage. At the time they were only eleven years old. And it turned out that Marcus had followed them the entire time without their noticing. But unfortunately for Jericho, he was eighteen and would be given something far more challenging.

“Just don’t eat any mushrooms while you’re in the woods, they tend to make you a little loopy; and boy let me tell you it isn’t fun thinking you can fly by flapping your arms.” Renn advised.

“I’ll try to remember that, you never know when being a crazy person might help.” Jericho replied sarcastically. “Now enough talk, let’s go and finish the bow while I’m still psyched.”

Anxious and not wanting to wait Jericho made for the shack that had been made into a workshop. Off to the side sitting on a workbench was Jericho’s almost finished bow and arrow. He’d made it from a flexible metal, and Marcus had said that the string he’d gotten him was made from a phoenix hair. Jericho went to get the string from the drawer where had told he’d put it. Only to reach a dilemma, the phoenix hair was nowhere near long enough. The bow was at least four feet in length, and the hair was only a mere few inches. He took the hair to the bow noticing a tingling feeling in his fingers where he held it. When he brought it to the end of the bow it like his arrows at the range burst into flames. But when it did it made a small ring of fire around the tip of the bow. He held the bow up to examine the phenomena. His hand burned, he tried to let go and the bow stuck to him like wet cement. Finally the bow dropped back to the table allowing Jericho to examine his hand. A curios and small rune had been burned into his palm and the spot where his hand had been on the bow.

“Breath of the phoenix, a rune symbol important to the clan of the pyromancers, I’d guessed it would be the one you’d get” Marcus had appeared in the doorway and was watching Jericho with amusement.

“Pyromancers?” Jericho asked confused.

“In the realm of magic there are clans, one for each element, and then a few select others with different specialties. The Pyromancers are fire mages, and the phoenix is a sacred animal among them. Renn and Sophie’s weapons each have a clans symbol as well and when you’re all twenty you’ll inducted into them, live among them and learn the culture. Now you should go get ready you leave in a week for your challenge.” He explained thoughtfully.

“Good, I’ve been ready for a week.” Jericho said grinning widely.

“We’ll see just how prepared you are.” Marcus said darkly.

Marcus turned and left the shack leaving Jericho confused and wondering what lied ahead, waiting deep inside the woods for him.
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hopefully I'll start posting more chapters soon