Status: working



I wasn't alone for the first time in months. I felt it while I was sleeping on the plane ride. Peace. That's what it was. Joy and bliss. Anything you want to call. But to me, it was hope that my life can be normal again.
"Do you understand whats going on here Emma?" Mr. Cambria asked me.
"Yes, sir," I lied, but he still went on.
"We all have heard the terms pyromania, toxicomania, nymphomania, and any other type of mania. But what people don't know is that long before written word, these terms had hidden meaning."
I asked, "If it was before written word, how did people know about it?"
He laughed a little. It showed I was not the first to ask this question. "Mankind would tell tails of people filled with so much rage that they would burst forth into flames. People who had powers to create anything out of thin air. Even people who could make wake the dead. Soon those stories where no longer stories.
"Many like you have no control, they bodies are burning away from the inside-out. Some don't even know the power they have within. You are special, Emma. Gifted even."
"You sound like Professor X," I snorted."You going to tell me that you are taking me to a school for the 'gifted'?"
"Well, where else would the writers get the idea if not by living it?" Mr. Cambria smiled at me from across the aisle. "We all take from personal experiences in our writing. One of those men had the same condition as you."
"So we all have the same powers as it were? No one has something else?"
"No, I'm afraid things don't work that way. Some of these so called powers as you say, aren't as dangerous. Once I met a man who could control technology, another could make you feel desire and calm by just blinking."
"What about me?" I asked. "What do you call me?"
Mr. Cambria removed his hat from his lap and began to spin it around in a nervous habit type way. "You are a pyromaniac. You produce fire, and with the right training, control it."
"A pyromaniac, from my understanding, happens to enjoy fire. I don't. I hate it. I hate burning and the heat. There is nothing to enjoy from burning alive and never dying." My voice was getting a little load, yet luckily no one was with in ear shot to here.
"You may not like fire, however, your body does. When people get angry their blood pressure rises, causing their temperature to go up as well. Some people, their temperature rises so much that they literally burst into flame. Soon you'll learn to control your angry, thus controlling the fire and using it for your own will."
"What will?" I said. "I want it to go away not fight monsters with it."
I felt it again. My head started pounding, my eyes burning. I couldn't get my breath, my nails dug into my palms. Not here, I thought. Too many innocent people.
"Knock me out." I told Cambria. "I can't risk losing control around these people. Give me what you gave me before. Don't let me kill these people."
"No," He said flatly."This is a good time for you to learn control. Emma, think of something that makes you calm. Maybe a warm blanket on a cold night. A cup of tea and a good book. A day at the beach. Find where you are most calm and use it to control your anger."
Memories flashed by. Running through the sprinklers with my sister. Building the tree house with my dad. Bike rides in the summer. Soon, my head stopped hurting, as did my eyes, at least enough to open them. I breathed easy knowing I need to keep control. I couldn't let myself slip like that again, not here.
"Mr. Cambria," I said. "I think it would be best if we continued this conversation some where else."
"What ever you think is best, Emma," He nodded.