Status: working



The human population essentially knows nothing. All science and subject matter is just theories. The only thing we know i that we have something to learn. People study for years, only to find that there is so much more left to see.
Humans know nothing of their planet, their world, future, not even their own bodies. Everyday we experience changes so life changing, without even knowing it happening. The moment we are born we have powers greater than anything. Very few are lucky enough to have these powers pass into their adult life, and eventually control and use such powers. People like us.
Megalomaniacs. People afflicted with a mental illness characterized by delusions of grandeur, power, wealth, etc. Most commonly this is the definition. But for us its different
Megalomaniacs. People enlighten with abilities far passed modern technology and human understanding.
We are Gods.
And they keep us locked away in a castle hidden in Scotland.
So many castles here that no one notices this one. We are far from sight and hearing. No one knows about this place, therefor, no one knows about us.
Training, all day. Controlling ourselves and our powers. For some, its as easy as breathing. Others like myself, it takes a lot more than just that.
Anger management class, yoga, meditation, fire safety, solitary confinement. These things have been my life for weeks. I have no seen another living person, no one besides the hand that gives me food and the people in the self-help videos they sent me to watch. I haven't even seen the sun since I got here.
I am kept in a dark room. They wheel in a tv for my videos, but they unplug it every change they get. No light. No heat. If I want to stay warm I have to use the fire inside me to do so. They have left me books, should I want to read them I need to light the candles they placed around the walls.
Most nights, I snapped my fingers and fire was on my index finger. I placed a single candle in the middle of the room. I would make the flame go to the wick and see how low I could get it before it when out. I would test how big it would get before I lost control. I haven't gotten any better.
I burnt my hair and most of my clothes. Few nights I thought about burning the books to keep warm. But I just let the cold take me. I know this feeling wouldn't last long, and I'd better enjoy it.
I was in this room for a month. Every person who can here was the same way. By the time I got out I was thin and pale. I smelt rotten, as well as felt it. My eyes burned from the light, while my lungs hurt from the fresh air.
"If I wanted to be locked up I would have stayed with my mother," My voice was horse from lack of use. "Thought you were going to help me, but it seems you just want me to go mad."
"Step outside," A nurse said. "We wish to show you something."
I was lead out to the court yard. Others were running around and enjoying the sun light. A nurse handed me a lighter.
Out of habit, I flicked it open and started the flame.
The nurses around me clapped.
"What? Surprised I know a basic movement?"
"No," Mr. Cambria stepped forward. "That lighter is broken, Emma. That flame is your own. Your body knows where the fire should be and how to move it there. You could not do that back in the cell because your body works of the heat of the sun."
I laughed at him. "You keep me locked away for a month to teach me something that took me less than a second?"
He nodded. "Your body needed to learn what it can do. You had to be put to the test of almost death to see that."
I took the flame from the lighter and held it in my hand. Soon the flame grew. It moved with my hand, looping around my wrist like a ribbon. I let it die out, and went back inside.
"Show me to my room, and for the love of god get me a hamburger."

I stood in the shower, letting the cold water run down my body. My stomach ached for food. Being feed very little for a period of time you had slowly get your body introduced to food again. They feared me getting sick, so I was feed a light chowder and bread.
I felt lighter as I cleaned my hair and shaved myself. But once I got out of the water I looked at the mess my hair still was. Longer than I remembered with burnt bits at the bottom. I wanted to cut it all off, but at the same time I like the way that it looked. Plus I just wanted to sleep in a warm bed tonight and forget what had happened.
They kept us in a sort of hotel like place. Rooms longed the halls on each side. Girls on one floor, guys on the next, and so on. It was almost like going to college, or what I thought college was going to be like. Luckily, we all had our own rooms and bathrooms. Mine had a fire extinguisher in it. Everything was flame retardant. And just to be even safer, they put a sprinkler on the ceiling.
It wasn't too bad. All my old things had been moved in. Right down to my own bed, pictures, even my old teddy had made the trip. I didn't bother unpacking the rest of my things that night. I just worked on my bed and clothes, and nodded off into sleep.
And for once, I slept through the night not scared about burning down the whole place. I was safe here. I was happy here.