Status: In progress, long way to go yet but plenty of ideas!

Road to London: City of the Dead

Every adult in Britain DIED on the night of the 10th of June
Every adult in Britain ROSE on the 11th of July

They don't know why. All they know is that the last television broadcast is telling them to reach the BBC Broadcast building in central London.

All that stands between them is 288 miles and 60,000,000 DEAD

Though from a wide variety of races, religions and backgrounds, Conrad, Nathan, James, Israel, Svetlana, Latiwa, Katrina and Hiya-kōhave a common goal and nothing to lose
  1. I
    Present - The Prices at Tesco are Dead cheap
  2. II
    Past - While You Wake the Dead Yet Slumber
  3. III
    Present - Driving is Dead Tiring
  4. IV
    Past - Dirty work, burying the Dead...
  5. V
    Present - A house in the county, blood on the walls...
  6. VI
    Past - A fight, and a Broadcast to the Dead
  7. VII
    Present - House of the Dead
  8. VIII
    Past - First Blood - The Dead rise at St. James'
  9. IX
    Present - A Hold Up... The Dead Aren't the Only Threat These Days
  10. X
    Past - Tending the Wounded and Re-Burying the Dead
  11. XI
    Present - The Dead Shouldn't be the Only One's to Fear the Group
  12. XII
    Past - Arming Themselves against the Dead
  13. XIII
    Present - The Long Walk, A Chance Encounter with the Dead
  14. XIV
    Past - Establishing the Cause of Death
  15. XV
    Present - A Piss Up, A Wake and Bake, the Constant Threat of Death