Status: hiatus for a bit till i have time to write again!

Taking Chances

Chapter Four

The next week was spent a lot of the time with Ian. Usually he would text me when he got up - leaving a good morning message in my inbox for when I got up- and then on his lunch break which coincided when I would meet up with Gavin in the cafeteria. The texts then would be asking whether I wanted to do something that night or asking what I was doing right then. A majority of the nights were either spent at my flat or his house, ordering in and watching television or movies if there wasn’t anything good on. Sometimes he even helped me with my homework if I had some to do or if it were drawing assignments, he would watch in wonder. One night we ended up going to a nice restaurant and a walk around Cardiff, hand in hand, might I add; another night we went back to the little beach cove under the bay. There had been no mention or sight of the man we encountered the last time we were there but the thought still hadn’t left my mind at all, even if it was starting to be pushed to the back.

Slowly but steadily things were turning a little more serious than I ever imagined. Neither of us had verbally brought it up but it was obvious to us and to our friends that we were together. It wasn’t “Facebook official” (really who needed to put up a relationship status on some networking site to be official with someone?) but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. There was none of that awkward ‘Will you be my boyfriend?’ nonsense. It was just known. I even had added his portrait to my advanced art project- that had been a big move. I had debated it since it had only been a week or so but I had to think fast since it was due soon. I did it anyways; having a feeling he was going to become a large part of my life.

April turned into May, and May rolled around into June. I finished up my third year of university with passing marks: and now I had three full months to relax and not worry about schoolwork and spend as much time as I wanted with Ian. Of course he still had to work five days out of the week, so it was usually just the evenings until the weekend came about. The rest of the time, I spent sleeping in till whenever I wanted or with Gavin and the rest of the guys. I had been on a few job searches with Ian but still, so far no luck.

There were occasions every few weeks or so where Ian would disappear for a couple days. Around those times, he would be rather surly but when he returned, he would resume to his normal self. I would have no contact with him at all and when asked where it was he went, he would always say he was at his mum’s house in Pontypridd and there was bad reception. I never really thought anything of it because maybe that was the truth.

I never thought anything of it until one night there was a loud pounding on my door. A herd of elephants couldn’t wake me if they tried and most the time I had quite a few different alarms set off for different times to just get me up. The person at the door must have been pounding really hard and for a while because eventually it did wake me. Groggily, I rubbed at my face and checked to see the time on my phone. It was near three in the morning and I had three missed calls and ten plus text messages from Ian. That was really unusual. The pounding on the door brought me back to what was happening and I dumped my phone on the bed, resorting to seeing what this person wanted (I assumed that they were just a random drunk passing by) and getting back to Ian when I got back in bed.

I was just in my boxers as I maneuvered my way to the door, stepping over trainers and art supplies to get there. Looking through the peephole to see who it was, I gasped in surprise. I immediately started to fumble with the locks to get the door open as fast as I could. I swung the door open just as Ian stumbled forward and collapsed into my arms. That must’ve been why he texted/called so much.

“Ian, baby!” I exclaimed urgently to try to keep him conscious and aware. I managed to pull him into my flat and I kicked the door shut with my foot. “Come on, let’s get you sitting down. Can you walk some?” He grunted his response and I took that as a yes. Releasing my grip on him some, I directed him with some difficulty to the futon. He all but fell on it but at least now he wouldn’t hurt himself if he did pass out.

Going back to the door, I looked out the peephole again and locked the door. I also flipped on the lights to the living room as I went back to Ian. Sitting next to him, I pushed some of his hair from his face so I could see him better and when I drew my hand back, half of my palm was coated in his blood. I stared at it in disbelief then pushed his hair back more, revealing a large gash at the top of his head. Also from doing that, I could see that he had a bruise forming over one of his eyes, a few cuts here and there, his bottom lip was split and swollen, and his nose looked a little off center. I could fix up most of him but there wasn’t much I could do about his nose.

“We need to get you to the hospital,” I told him. That was the only option. I didn’t know whether he’d be okay through the night or not. How exactly did he get himself in this situation in the first place?

“No,” he mumbled. “No hospital.”

“But Ian, you need-”

“No hospital.”


“Sean, I’m not going to the mother fucking hospital!” He managed to get that sentence out more firmly and I sat back. “I’m fine, I just… I just need a minute.”

“Yeah, okay. You’re fine, my ass. You look like you’ve been in a fight with a lawnmower.”

Ian cracked a small smile at that, but it disappeared very quickly. “It could probably be worse.”

Huffing to show my temper with him, I stood from the futon and went into the kitchen. I rinsed my hand off first of all, then grabbed a few paper towels and dampened them so I could clean Ian up. While I was at it, I got two things of aspirin along with a glass of water. I took them back to the older man, handing the pills and water over. He thanked me by giving a nod and threw them in his mouth, downing the water. I sat back where I had been and started dabbing at the top of his head after moving his hair back. It wasn’t that big of a gash even though a lot of blood came from it as shown by the dried blood down the side of his face and I scrubbed that off as well. I took another paper towel and worked through his hair, trying to get as much blood from the black strands as I could. He’d have to get the rest out by showering in the morning. I wiped at his lip gently, cleaning up the blood around there. Everything else looked pretty good despite how banged up he was but I couldn’t do much about it since he was refusing to go to the hospital.

Getting up, I tossed the paper towels in the bin and washed my hands off again. When I got back out to the living room, Ian was slumped against the back of the futon, looking like he was already zoned out. Sitting once again, I stared at him without saying anything. He must have sensed I was staring because he opened his eyes, looking over me with a sort of glazed over look in his eyes.

“What happened, Ian? Who or what did this to do? You’re banging at my door at three am and come in all bloody and can barely walk. What am I supposed to think? You owe me that much. It can’t have been some sort of accident.”

Ian sighed and he thought about my questions for a moment, like he was debating even telling me. “Harley. His name is Harley,” he eventually gave in and told me. “That’s all you need to know, Sean. For your own sake, that’s all you need to know. If anything happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to cope with myself.”

I frowned. At least he had given me something instead of his usual nothing but still. Not much to go on. His last statement did make me feel a little bad for getting huffy with him earlier and I scooted closer, rubbing his arm soothingly. “You don’t have to say it, but is that the guy who confronted you a couple months ago down at the bay?” Ian nodded. I gave a low growl upon seeing it. I knew I didn’t like the looks of that guy and with that smirk he gave me, he must’ve known that at some point, doing this to Ian would hit me hard.

Ian seemed like he was dozing off again so I gave him a light kiss to the center of his forehead. As soon as I got up, he fell over onto his side, completely sacked out. I retreated into my room, grabbed an extra blanket and draped it over him. Usually if he stayed over on the weekends, he would sleep with me but there was no way I could pick him up especially when he was all dead weight. So the futon would have to do this one time. Going back to my room, I got back in bed, clearing all the messages from my phone inbox and then setting it aside.

I was tired and within ten minutes of getting back into bed, I was near asleep when I felt the bed shift behind me, telling me Ian had woken up and crawled into bed with me. He slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him, his hands cold over my warm stomach. I could feel his chest rising and falling from the way my back was pressed into him, his breathing tickling right behind my ear. He started to kiss at my neck right behind my ear, sucking at the spot every few kisses. The action caused me to go from very sleepy to wide awake in a matter of seconds. A chill went through me, goose bumps rising all along my skin and I was sure that Ian could feel them whenever he touched me (which at the current moment, he was running his hand over my stomach).

He stopped kissing at my neck and shifted, pushing me over onto my back as he got up over on top of me. Kissing my lips as his hands ran down my sides, they stopped at my waist and his fingers dipped under the waistband of my boxers. He acted like he wanted to pull them off but he paused like he was waiting on me to give the okay to do so. I don’t know why he paused because I always let him when he wanted. Probably because he thought I’d reject him because he was hurt, and I had half a mind to but with way he was kissing me made it hard to say no.

“Yes,” I mumbled against his lips, kissing him harder.

At the same time, I dipped my hands under the shoulders of his jacket, trying to push it off. Ian got the memo and shrugged it off, and I heard it hit the floor seconds later. His hands were back at my hips as he slowly pushed my boxers down and off. His shirt soon followed as well as his pants until he was left in just his boxers. I got a clear look over his toned and tattooed body as he was leaning up over me, lips parted slightly. He kissed my lips then my jaw, trailing down to my neck and then over my chest. Slowly he made sure to get every inch of me while he moved down my body and when he got closer, his hand wrapped around my cock.

I groaned when he did, lifting my hips off the bed to push myself into his hand more. He chuckled against my stomach and his hand started to move over me. I moaned that time, my body shuddering with pleasure as he jerked me off, his thumb moving over the tip of my cock randomly to tease me and then pressing under it. My hips bucked up again at that, letting him know that I enjoyed when he did that. He did it a few more times until his mouth replaced his hand and I was writhing around on the bed more as his tongue swirled around me.

“Ian, oh my god,” I moaned as my hands found their way into his hair. I tugged at it every time he would draw his head back to just the tip and suck there, knowing exactly how to get me off.

Like his hand, his mouth didn’t last on me for long because he had other plans still. Ian rose up onto his knees, pushing his boxers down and off as I lay underneath him, panting like I was a hot mess. I scanned over his incredible body again, over those gun tattoos and right to his own hard cock. He smirked as he saw where my eyes were and he leaned forward, tipping my chin up so I could look him in the eyes.

“Just relax,” he told me. His hands now went to my legs, spreading them so he could get between them. I gulped hard and licked over my lips as I watched him. The furthest we had gone since getting together was just jerking each other off and blowjobs. That didn’t mean I hadn’t had sex with a man before, just not with Ian. Until now.

I did as I was told as Ian spat into his hand, rubbing his hand over his cock after that. He lifted my hips to align with his and I could feel his cock pressing against me. I moaned and whimpered at the feeling, wanting him in me already.

“Ian, come on. Please,” I all but begged him.

He pushed into me at that, going slow so I could get used to him and so there would be less pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, biting over my lip to keep from moaning really loudly. God, he felt amazing once he was all the way in me. I opened my eyes, my breathing back to panting mode and he took that as his cue to start moving. The whole going slow thing was now out the window as he took charge.

Ian nearly pulled himself all the way out and then slammed back into me, doing that a few times over. Each time nearly extracted a scream from me but I held it back at last moment because I didn’t want the neighbors to wake up, so it ended up as a mangled yelp half the time. His hands gripped my hips tightly as he thrust and I moved my legs to wrap around his waist to hold him tighter against my body. My own hands went to his shoulders, nails digging into his shoulder blades. They were bound to leave marks with how hard I was holding on, squeezing harder every time Ian would hit near or on my prostrate. He would growl whenever I did, his pace picking up every time for a few seconds then it would fall back to the steady rhythm he had going.

One of my hands moved around to the back of his neck, my fingers entwining with his hair there and pulling on it whenever he would come close again. “Fuck, baby, harder!” I moaned out to him as he hit it. “Right there, oh god, right there!”

He did as told and aimed for the spot again. He hit it dead on and my whole body convulsed in pleasure. I moaned loudly, my head going back against the pillow as my back arched up. Fuck screaming, I’m sure the neighbors could hear my moaning but at the moment I could’ve cared less. One of his hands left my hips as he continued to thrust in and out of me, it going back to my cock. He wrapped his hand around it and started to pump his hand in time with his thrusts. Call it sensory overload but I was in heaven. With Ian doing both acts, my muscles involuntarily contracted and clenched around him. It was his turn to moan and hearing him just made it sexier. I did it again a couple thrusts later and he moaned again, his hand faltering on my cock when I did. Through my own moans I had to smirk at being able to make him feel just a good.

Another few thrusts right to the right spot left me close to orgasm. My legs tightened around his waist, my hands doing the same in their respective places. “Ian, I’m close,” I breathed out to him.

That only made him go faster and within another moment, I spilled out over his hand and my stomach, moaning rather loudly as my orgasm took over me. The action set him off and Ian’s thrusts were becoming sloppy as he grunted, his own orgasm rising and eventually happening. He rode it out, saying my name over and over until he was finished coming inside of me. When he was, he collapsed down on me, head on my chest and the both of us panting heavily because of each other.

I moved my head some after a moment, pressing light, random kisses along his forehead as I smoothed his hair back. Ian smiled up at me and kissed my lips briefly. He shifted and pulled out of me, opting to lie on his side beside me, wiping my stomach off as he did. His arm draped over my middle and I turned over onto my side as well, arm going over him as we laid there cuddling until we both passed out asleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was nearly noon and Ian was nowhere in sight in the flat. I rubbed my head as I sat up, looking around. Had that been real or had it been a dream? I saw his jacket still lying on the ground and I was naked in bed and a little sore, so it had to have been real. Sighing, I rolled out of bed and pulled on clean boxers, a plain white shirt and a pair of beat up old grey sweatpants. I wandered out into the living room after checking the bathroom and he was nowhere. Strange. He wouldn’t have left without his jacket or without saying anything especially. Checking out of the peephole just to be sure, I saw that Ian was indeed outside. I should’ve noticed straight away that the locks on the door were undone.

Opening the door, I let it shut behind me with a loud noise, announcing my presence. Ian was leaning up against the railing of the hallway, looking out over the parking lot and the street next to it, smoking a cigarette. He gave me a small smile as I came up next to him, flicking some of the ashes off. He was wearing the same clothes he had been in the night before as well.

“Morning. Or should I say afternoon?” he smirked at me, taking a drag from the half-gone cigarette.

“Afternoon,” I answered, squinting a bit from the sun in my face.

“Afternoon it is. Sleep well?”

I nodded, a yawn coming out at the right moment too. I could probably go back to bed and sleep for a few more hours if I wanted but I wouldn’t be a very good host (or boyfriend) if I did that. Ian snickered, blowing smoke from his mouth as he did and taking another hit.

“Did you?” I asked. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling that some pieces were sticking up at odd angles and trying to smooth them down. “Your face looks terrible.”

“Thanks, you look quite lovely too,” he snorted. My mouth dropped open and I went to retort back to him when he held his hand up to stop me. “I know what you meant, Sean. I do look terrible. That’s my own fault.”

“So why did that hap-” Ian stopped me before I could even get my sentence out. He was shaking his head at me, looking at me with pleading eyes to not finish it. “Ian…”

“I’m sorry. I can’t tell you, Sean. It’s for your own good, I’m not telling you for your safety. Who knows what he’d do to you if you found out. Maybe someday I’ll tell you but not right now. Please don’t worry about it.”

I frowned and my shoulders dropped visibly. He was acting like it was some life or death situation, and it bloody well could be! If some guy can do this to him, imagine what else he would be able to do down the road if Ian didn’t tell me or anyone else for that matter. He knew he had upset me and went to put his arm around me, but I sidestepped out of the way just in time.

“I’m going to make some lunch if you want anything. Shouldn’t take too long,” I said with my hand on the doorknob. Twisting it open, I flung it closed behind me when I entered my flat. I pressed my back against the door and leaned there for a moment, my eyes closed as I breathed deeply.

If he wasn’t going to tell me, I was just going to have to find out on my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, first of all:
sorry if this seems rushed or something. but for the most part, the story revolves around the later part of their relationship so i'm trying to get there as fast as i can with it still making sense.
and secondly thanks to everyone who's read/commented <33 love you long time.
thirdly, i hit over 12,500 words with just the prologue/four chapters alone when i finished this chapter. word.

and last but not least, this chapter is for steph. hope i did it justice, bb.

i wanna sex you up by color me badd.