Status: hiatus for a bit till i have time to write again!

Taking Chances

Chapter Seven

Ian smiled at me, just briefly before he pressed his lips back to mine. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me in even closer to him, our bodies firmly up against one another. After a moment, I felt his tongue brush over my lips and I opened my mouth slightly, teasing him until he jerked his hips into mine. I groaned and opened my mouth more at the action. Definitely had a way with words, didn’t he? Ian moved his tongue into my mouth and my own fought back with his over dominance of the kiss.

We stayed like that for another moment or two until we broke away, breathless and staring at each other in lust more than the just proclaimed love. His hand moved from my waist and over to the small of my back, it slowly trailing down until it was over my arse. Ian gripped where his hand lay, moving it just slightly and then smacking my arse lightly. A small surprised noise came from me, not expecting him to do that. He smirked and rubbed over my bum again, still ever so slowly dragging his hand down. It stopped when it got to the back of my thigh, staying there for a few seconds, making its way back up after that. Once again, it stopped at the small of my back and moving his other hand, Ian rolled over so that I was laying face down on top of him.

“Hi,” he hummed, looking up to me with the same expression. Wide eyed and it was clear as to what he was thinking.

“Hello,” I mumbled back out to him, pushing up on my forearms so I could look at him easier. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, this?” he asked, as his hands had travelled back down to my arse again. “I’m doing nothing. What do you think I’m doing?”

“I think you’re trying to seduce me.”

“Seduce you, hm?” Ian posed like he was actually thinking. “I might be trying to do that, yeah.”

Chuckling, I shook my head, fringe falling all in my face. “Let me show you how it’s done.”

Pecking him on the lips quickly, I pushed myself up until I was sat straight up, straddling his hips. My hands were at his chest, keeping my balance as I sat there. Ever so slowly I started to swivel my hips into his, my teeth grazing over my lower lip as I bit it to keep from making any noise. The longer I did it, the faster and harder my hips were going. When the movement got to a steady pace that would at least cause some effects, Ian groaned and his hands tightened where they rest on my waist. I jerked my hips forward and then went back to rotating them. That was just something to keep him anticipating what I was doing and not to get too bored of the same thing over and over.

I leaned down and my weight shifted so my hands pressed onto Ian’s chest harder. “You like that?” I asked. He nodded, hair falling into his eyes as well. I could already tell that he did, the bulge in his pants having been pressing against my inner thigh for a couple minutes now. I moved back, my hips putting more pressure against his crotch again and Ian groaned.

It was my turn to smirk and I started moving my hips once more, though this time it was only for a few quick jerks. I slid myself down so I was sitting just above Ian’s knees. My hands went to his waist, stopping at the front of the belt buckle. Glancing up to him, I kept his gaze for a couple seconds before my hands went back to what they were doing. Belt undone, button popped and fly unzipped. I pushed his jeans down from him, his hips rising off the blanket to oblige. My next focus was his boxers. They were tight and strained from my previous actions. Oops? Nah. Placing my palm over his erection, I rubbed it up and down lightly a few times, watching Ian’s face all the while. His eyes were closed and his mouth had dropped open slightly as my hand moved over him. Stopping, my fingers went up to dip under the waistband, pulling his boxers down in one movement.

Ian’s eyes flicked open with that, watching my every move like a hawk. He licked his lips and his mouth stayed open a bit after that, and I could tell he was holding in his breath. My hand reached for his cock, taking it along the shaft and giving him a good jerk. Ian’s entire body tensed under me and he let out a breathy moan. Now that’s what I wanted to hear. My hand gave him a few more jerks while at the same time I slid down a little further along Ian’s legs, my hand moving the whole time. When I got to a good enough position, I let my hand go and replaced it with my mouth. I sucked on just the tip of his cock for a small amount of time, slowly easing more of him into my mouth as I went. I pressed my tongue along the underside of his cock, dragging it up as I moved my head back. My hand went back to his shaft, holding him while I went to work on licking and sucking on random places at the head. Every so often I would move my hand up and down, slowing the pace with my mouth to let him enjoy that.

After another moment or so of that, I pulled away from Ian completely, glancing up to look him in the eye. His look was wild, basically asking me why I stopped without being verbal about it. Once more I smirked and pressed a finger to my lips to indicate that I wasn’t going to say anything. Like I had done with his trousers, my own were soon unbuttoned and unzipped, pushed down completely from my body. My boxers followed suit and I took my cock in my hand once they had. Since I was still sitting on Ian, he couldn’t really do anything but lay there and watch me do almost what I had just been doing to him. I started to jerk myself off, my hand slowing and quickening up at various times, my fingers gliding as I messed with the head and down along the underside.

When I did that, I let out a whimpering moan. I did it again, that time my body shuddering along with a moan. If Ian hadn’t been all the way hard before, he was now as I knew I definitely was from my own movements. I could also tell that by the way his hands were twitching that he wanted to replace my hand with his but I was sitting too far down on his legs for his arm to reach. That wasn’t what I had in mind anyways. I gave myself another jerk for good measure, giving another moan too just because. Show off I was sometimes. I could be an attention whore if I wanted.

“Fuck, Sean,” Ian gasped as I moaned. He wiggled around under me, his way of telling me he wanted my attention back on him. I was getting there soon enough.

“Hm?” I hummed, moving back up to sitting across his waist. “That not good enough for you?” Ian shook his head. “Oh, I see. I think I may have something to fix that then.”

Ian rose an eyebrow at me as I slid back down again just a little. I spat into my hand and took his cock once more. I made sure it was covered and holding him in my hand still, I shifted so that he was pressing against my entrance. He whined and reached his arms out to grab me roughly round the hips, his fingers already digging harshly into my skin. I moved so that he entered me some and he gasped again, ending in another whine. I take it that that was good enough. Sinking down fully onto his cock, we both moaned at the same time over the feeling. I took a second to get used to him and without one to lose, I started to move around.

My hips rocked forward and back, swiveling around in a rotation after a certain interval, then went back to rocking. Even though we had already had sex multiple times earlier in the day, we were both moaning loudly and often times extravagantly at our actions. Definitely had nothing to lose and nothing to be ashamed of as no one would interrupt us since we were secluded away. It was also my first time on top like this, so something a little special for the moment was what I deemed it. It was exciting, wasn’t gonna lie. A couple moments of doing things like that, I switched it up again, nearly bouncing up and down on his cock now. Ian’s hands were tightly gripping my waist and mine were at his chest, clawing and scratching whenever he would hit a particularly good spot as his hips would rise up as well to meet mine. His chest was going to look so painful come morning.

By the way that Ian was moaning and the other noises that were coming from his lips, I could tell that this way was a sure fire way of getting him to peak fast. His face was flushed and he was just making noise, no words. When there were words, they were fragmented sentences of all the usual stuff (“Oh fuck”, “oh baby”, “oh my god” and “oh Sean” were used interchangeably). The same went for me, I was just moaning Ian’s name and doing my best to get him off. I also found the way of rocking my hips and then doing that swivel worked the best and the fastest. He gripped my hips the hardest, made the most noise and looked the most in bliss when I did that. Also by doing it that way, I could remove a hand from Ian’s chest and take hold of my own cock again, pumping it in time to when I would rock back and forth. My movements would falter when he would hit my prostate, stuttering and whimpering when he would. Ian only lasted a couple more minutes after I switched back, one of the swiveling causing him to come over the edge.

“Fuck, Sean!” he cried out, his head pushing up and his back arching as he started to orgasm. I kept bouncing along on him to help carry it out, though it wasn’t exactly like I had been before. I was going a little faster, needing him to get me off as well before he was completely spent. About thirty seconds later, I followed suit of him, moaning loudly and coming in my hand.

When finished, I wiped my hand on the blanket, making a mental reminder to throw it in the wash when I got back to my flat. I leaned forward, both hands going back to Ian’s chest. I took a deep breath to steady my breathing and kissed lightly under his jaw, trailing kisses up his chin and to his cheek. My forehead went to rest against his shoulder after that, staying in that position till my breathing was more in check. Silently, I shifted off of Ian, reaching for my boxers and pants, putting them both back on and then sitting beside him. I pushed my fringe back from my face as I looked to where Ian was still laying, slightly panting. He turned his head to look at me, a grin coming over him.

“I think you definitely showed me how it was done,” he said cheekily.

I snorted, shaking my head. “You know that was cheesy right?”

Ian sat up after fixing himself, reaching over to push my hair out of my face yet again. “Yeah, I know. Can I have a redo?”

“Go on ahead.”

He moved a little closer to me, his hand having lingered around my cheek after messing with my hair. Smoothing his thumb over my skin, Ian lightly pressed his lips to mine a couple times before looking at me directly. “Wow,” he murmured to me as his ‘redo’. It wasn’t much better but I’d take it.

“Wow,” I repeated after him. I kissed him again, this time much firmer than he had been doing before. After another minute or so I pulled away, giving Ian a smile and then another quick peck. “I love you,” I said again.

“I love you,” Ian replied, yet another smile emerging. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle because now we were just being ridiculous.

It had been a nice moment, maybe not what I had expected once that whole ‘I love you’ time came around but I wouldn’t change a thing. That was us; that was how we were. We were driven by the moment, going with the flow of things when they felt right. So even though it wasn’t what I had expected, it was still perfect in its own way. We were too absorbed into each other and that was what counted at the end of the night. We were too absorbed to even notice that off to the side of us, a shadow was slinking off deeper into the night, a gun going back into its spot in the waistband of their pants.
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1. i'm so sorry for the delay of getting this chapter up. things got really busy there for a bit with me having to get things together to go back to school and then settling into the first weeks of school. so now that everything has kind of slowed down and i know the pace of things I AM GOING TO BE UPDATING THIS ONLY ON THE WEEKENDS. so i can have a nice balance of schoolwork and then updating this.

2. because i do feel bad for the delay, i'm going to try to have another chapter up tomorrow at least. and also because i feel bad that this chapter is shit because i rushed through it just to get something up as well.

3. love y'all <3

sex, love and magic - ciara ft. justin timberlake.