Like Light to Flies


Kara Beckett: 17. Senior in high school. Lives with her older brothers in Chicago, Illinois. Parents died in a fire. She's not really that noticeable at school everyone seems to pass her by without a second glance. She does have a boyfriend who is one of the semi popular kids hes a bit on the nerdy side but he does have a spare few of friends. She plays a roll in helping with her brother's medical problem without even knowing it.

William Beckett: 26. Owns a huge ass white house at the end of Cemetery Drive. He is the towns number one delinquent, always in trouble for little petty crimes that don't give him anything more than a weekend in jail. Is a full fledged vampire, the leader of the vampires in the town at that.

Ryan and Brendon Ross: 23. Fraternal twins and also Will's and Kara's step brothers. They too are also vampires. They keep a low profile around town not too many people pay them any mind except the ones they attack, that's when their noticed as a threat.

Jack Mercer: 19. Attends the same school as Kara. Kara's boyfriend of course and he does everything in the world for her. Works as a mechanic and doesn't fit in too well with Kara's brothers.

Stella Wilkins: 18. One of the sluttiest bitches in all of Illinois. Her and her group of bitches are the biggest bullies around. Kara just so happens to always be at the top of her list for torture.

Bridgette and Harmony Buchanan: 17 and 18. Both sisters and are in Stella's clique of sluts. Also play rolls in bullying Kara they run the school as if it was there's.
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welp! this is my big vampire story, it wont be like big big but we will see how good and long it gets. i hope i can get at least 30 chapters for it and lengthy chapters at that, we shall see! comments would be great, i always love advice or ideas for what to write(: