Like Light to Flies


Kara heard her alarm clock go off but she tried her best to ignore it. She rolled over and covered her face in the pillows.
"Damnit if you have to get up then quickly get the alarm clock off." Brendon groaned from the next room over.
She slammed her hand down on the table to turn the clock off. After a few groans and stretches she was up and in the shower. She allowed the water to wash over her after she was done cleaning herself. After a few minutes reality came back to her and the water began to get cold with that she turned the water off and got out.
Kara went and dried off and wrapped the towel around her and walked back to her room. Dressing in a black and white striped shirt, pink skinny jeans, and black moccasins.
"Breakfast!" Ryan squealed sliding his special cinnamon oatmeal down to Kara.
"Your beautiful." She smiled digging in.
"How come i never get any special oatmeal?" Will asked walking in.
"Because your not my favorite little sister!" Ryan stated sticking his tongue out.
"Yeahh." Kara grinned with a mouthful of oatmeal.
"God you people in the morning." Brendon groaned scuffing his feet to the counter.
"Don't mind him, Brenda is just on her period today and is very irritable because if you mess with her, her balls will drop to the floor." Will joked.
"Fukk you Beckett."
"Those are fightin words." Ryan egged on.
"Shut up Rhonda." Brendon defended.
"Alright Brenda!" Ryan shot back.
"Hey hey hey itchy, scratchy knock it off." Will broke up the verbal war.
"Shut up Wilma!" They both shouted in unison.
That was Kara's cue to leave. She walked down the street and took a right to make her way to school. Jack was waiting for her by the stop sign a block away from school like he always did.
"Hey beautiful." He smiled extending his hand for her to take it.
"Hey." She smiled linking their hands together.
They proceeded on to school, it was a bit colder out since it was still early morning the faint sounds of birds chirping was still fresh in the air. Once at school Jack walked Kara to her first period class then they separated until 3rd period. 1st period was always the worst. Stella was in there, Chemistry class an easy way for Stella to try and fukk something of Kara's up.
"Today class you'll be working with your partners to combine the two chemicals in the beakers to make a purple substance." Mr. Sweeney stated.
They proceeded to work on their mixture. Kara was the only one without a partner since there was an odd number of kids in the class and no one ever seemed to want to work with Kara. That of course was a disadvantage to some because of the fact that Kara was one of the smartest students in the Chemistry department.
"Mr. Sweeney I think I've got it." Kara raised her hand.
"By George I'd say you have. Great job Ms. Beckett." He smiled then going back to checking on the other students concoctions.
"Nerd." Stella blurted out causing a roar of laughter to overflow the classroom.
This didn't bother Kara one bit, petty treatment like this was way better than the insults and beatings she's used to on the walks home from school or in the bathrooms. Once class was over Kara managed to move rather quickly to Math class to avoid any type of confrontation from Stella or any of her other minions.
"Today will be a quiz on what you've learned so far this year." Mrs. Roderich stated passing out quiz papers.
Kara finished her quiz after a few minutes with it then she sat there and doodled until the class was over. She met up with Jack at her locker and they both walked to English together the last class of the day. They took their usual seat by the window at the round table.
"Hey baby." Stella greeted Jack setting on his lap.
"Uhm please get up." Jack stated.
"But baby, that's not what you told me last night. Remember? You like when sitting on you." She teased talking in his ear.
"He asked you to get up." Kara finally spoke up.
"Oh, girlfriend getting jealous? Hunny I could have him anytime i wanted him. I had him last night and he was good." She smirked before sitting with Harmony and Bridgette across the room.
"What was that about?" Kara asked crossing her arms a bit uneasy about what Stella said.
"Oh seriously babe don't even pay her any mind. You know she's a bitch and likes to ruin things. You know I was home last night." Jack defended.
"I know I'm sorry. I hate that she gets to me like that."
"No worries i still love you."
"I love you too."
"Are your brothers going to be home after school?"
"I think Ryan is"
"Oh I like him, so the other two aren't right?"
"No they'll be gone."
"Can I come over?" He asked with a dirty smirk on his face.
"Of course."
Through the remainder of the class they sat and talked about random stuff. Once class was over they walked out of school with the few seniors that did leave early from school and they made their way down to Kara's house. Walking up the sidewalk creeped Jack out. He always thought that William and Brendon were some kind of serial killers and hunted the young boys of the town. Kara gave him a reassuring squeeze on his hand and they walked in.
"Hey Ryan, Jack's here we're going up to my room to study!" Kara stated to Ryan who was in the middle of building a house full of cards.
"Ok ok be quiet though, I don't want the cards to fall!" He smiled waving them away.
Kara went upstairs and changed into a pair of lounge shorts and a t-shirt. She got out her homework and got situated on her bed beside Jack who was already working on his French homework.
"This is boring, I hate homework."Jack frowned closing his book and snuggling up to Kara.
"I'm sorry we have until May then no homework ever again." Kara smiled closing her books to get comfortable with Jack.
"I'd much rather study you." Jack smiled kissing her shoulder.
"Study away." Kara giggled at Jack's constant nibbles up and down her arm.
He pulled up her shirt and blew on her stomach making her squeal in laughter. After that he fixed himself more over top of her and rested down. He pulled her legs up to wrap around his waist as he continued kissing on her upper torso. Jack went for her neck to find her weak spot and almost immediately he found it causing a few moans to escape her mouth at the same time.
"Found it." Jack smiled continuing to suck and bite at her neck.
Jack kissed at her jaw line then made his way to her lips. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and they fought for dominance as the kisses became more intense they began grinding slowly on each other. Them two being so engrossed into each other didn't even notice that William had crawled on the bed and was propped up on his left side with his hand supporting his head up staring at the two. Brendon also standing guard at the door he opened and slammed it.
"Holy shit!" Jack shouted falling off of Kara to the floor noticing William only inches from his face.
"Oh please don't let Brendon and I stop you from making your moves on Kara." William smirked sitting up Indian style.
"C'mon guys this isn't fair." Kara whined.
"You are 17 years old. Meaning too young for sex or any kind of sexual activities." Brendon added crossing his arms and leaning up against the door.
"We were just kissing." Jack stated getting up off the floor.
"Yes and when it involves a bed and you on top that means its moments away from clothes coming off." William shot back.
"Alright whatever. Kara see you later babe." Jack said waving before leaving.
"Son of a goddamn bitch!! One simple fukking request and no one can abide by it! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ryan shouted stomping up the stairs and charging into the room with all of us.
"What in the fukk is a matter with you?" Brendon asked.
"That dumb ass prick of a brain delinquent slammed the door causing my card house to fall over!"
"I'm sorry?" Will asked as if it meant nothing.
"Sorry? Sorry will not put my card house back together!"
"Shut up and build another one." Brendon said.
"No you're going to do it damnit!" Ryan exclaimed grabbing ahold of Brendon's ear and pulling him down the steps to rebuild the card house.
"Sweet heart, you know i love you. I just don't want you getting hurt. Trust me they smile in your face and tell you all these nice things until they can have sex with you then their like Kara who? I'm just looking out for you." William stated.
"I know Will but honestly you cant always be here for me to stop me from doing things. Its kind of embarrassing always having your brothers come in to rescue." Kara admitted.
"I know Kara. I just don't want to see you hurt."
"Thank you for your concern. I think we should go save Brendon. Knowing Ryan he's probably standing there with a big ass ruler in his hand smacking it to his hand and shouting dirty orders to Brendon." Kara teased.
"I would love to watch rather than help."
"Now that I think about it, so do I."
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alright a bit longer! i am loving this story!! more updates later! :D