Like Light to Flies

It's No Surprise

"You son of a bitch! I know it was you!" Will screamed in Jack's face throwing him up against the brick wall outside of his house.
"What are you talking about!?" Jack asked fear stricken by Will's fury.
"Someone went after my sister and beat her up pretty good, and I blame you. She was with you!"
"She was with me and she left hours ago."
"Liar! Admit that you beat her up. I know you did it. I can smell the lie."
"Is she ok? C'mon man I didn't hurt her!"
"You stay the hell away from her! I never want to hear of your name ever again!" Will threatened before walking away.
"You can't separate us! She's old enough to make her own decisions!"
"As long as I have breath in my body she is mine, and my responsibility. Not yours. Stay the fukk away from her or I will bleed you dry. And that my dear boy, is a promise." Will stated disappearing.
Will walked home in a fury. He didn't want to go home yet because he knew he would go the hell off on someone. His eyes were glowing red, his hair was a mess, his heart was racing a mile a minute. His fists were clenched together, he walked with more of a stomp.
"Sir are you alright?" Garrett one of his minions asked as Will crashed through the doors shattering the windows in it.
"Get the fukk away from me!" Will held up his hand and the boy went flying off into another room.
"Shut up! She's sleeping!" Ryan said with blood shot eyes.
"Have you been crying?" Will asked.
"Yes, I don't like to see her upset, and I don't know how to handle her pain." He sniffled beginning to break down again.
"Go to bed Ryan."
"Everyone! Get the fukk downstairs now!" Brendon chanted marching past Will completely pissed off.
"Whats up?" Some of the guys asked.
"My sister is upstairs, someone attacked her tonight. She is beaten up badly and scared half to death. Its a full time job keeping that we are vampires a secret from her but goddamnit if someone is going to lay their hands on her you kill them right in front of her. I want everyone eaves dropping on conversations I want the hearts of every last person who played a part in attacking her!" Brendon screamed before going back upstairs to Kara.
"You will bring them to me. After I'm through with them, then Brendon can have their hearts." Will spoke before following Brendon.


Dark figures crowded together in a dark alley to discuss tonight's events that took place.
"I hate that she gets away." One started.
"Me too, I swear I'm just going to shoot the little freak in the fukking head." Another stated.
"I'm sure the brothers are pissed." The third one stated.
"I don't care, they can't do anything to us." The last one smirked.
"I don't know, there's something not completely right about them."
"What are you scared?"
"No I'm just cautious."
"Look eliminate the sister then the brothers will be nothing."
"David's not going to be happy that we didn't kill the sister."
"Well David's going to have to get over it. We will get her when we get her."


Kara was in a mid dream. All she could see was dead bodies falling around her. Glowing red eyes were all on her as they noticed her presence. Sharp fangs were shown on the red eye's. She wanted to run and scream but she was so fear stricken that she couldn't get herself to do anything. She saw her brothers in mid battle with someone, she ran to their aide but someone had shot her in the chest with a gun. Everything began spinning and she was on the ground gagging on her own blood. William quickly trying to brush the hair from her face tears running down his cheeks at the same time.
"I'm so sorry Kara." Was all he said before holding her close to him.
Kara finally woke up to a splitting head ache and Ryan laying in her bed cuddling up to the stuffed unicorn he won for her at the carnival when Kara was 7. The sun was just coming up over the trees when she opened up her curtains. She walked back to the bathroom and got in the shower. The water felt like alcohol against her cuts and bruises it was very painful so no time was wasted hurrying up and getting out. Looking in the mirror she felt depressed. Her face had cuts and bruises all over it and she felt like part of the blame to it all. If she hadn't of walked home by herself she wouldn't have been attacked or if she had of not gone to Jack's house none of this would have happened.
"Hey hunny." Ryan smiled walking into the bathroom.
"I'm in a towel Ryan."
"I used to change your diaper Kara, your fine."
"Ryan why am I such a girl?"
"Because you are a girl?"
"No i mean like why am I not tough? I hate feeling helpless."
"Because your big brothers have always looked after you when you were hurt or in trouble."
"I need to toughen up, you guys aren't always going to be right by my side."
"That is true but babe promise me that you wont go walking by yourself in the dark anymore."
"I promise."
Kara went back to her room and got dressed for school. She grabbed her book bag and walked her way to school. She noticed that Jack wasn't there waiting for her which was a bit strange but she brushed it off and kept on going. In Chemistry class Stella glared her down as if she was trying to kill her via brain power. Once she got to English of course that was a different story. She took her usual seat at the window, when Jack walked in he stared at Kara for a brief second before taking a seat next to Stella and Harmony at their table. Not really knowing what was going on she just sat there not paying attention to class work.
Once class was over she was the first one out of the room. She went to her locker and had a struggle to get it open. She threw her books in and when she closed the door Stella was standing there looking at her.
"What do you want?" Kara asked.
"Something happen to your face?"
"Don't get smart bitch."
"Get away from me." Kara ordered walking away.
"I'm not done with you." She growled spinning her back around.
"Well I am."
"Bitch." Bridgette snarled tripping Kara.
"You'll regret that." Garrett stated smirking at Bridgette helping Kara up.
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?"
"Not what I'm going to do."
Garrett walked Kara over to his car and helped her in the front seat. He took her to a fast food place and picked her up something to eat. They ate in the parking lot in silence.
"Thank you." She finally broke the silence.
"Your welcome."
"I didn't know you went to school there?"
"Yeah I transferred schools."
"Always thought you were older."
"Whys that?" He smiled.
"Because you are friends with my brothers."
"Oh, I just get along better with older people I guess."
"Well I appreciate you helping me out, you'd think my boyfriend would."
"I'm sorry to break it to you but he's Stella's now."
"I kind of figured that, It would have been nice for him to tell me it was over."
"You don't need a guy like that. You deserve someone who's going to treat you right." He smirked placing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Thank you Garrett." She returned the smile giving a light squeeze to his hand.

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alright so i think this is an alright chapter. more things will unfold soon. i don't wanna rush things but expect the unexpected!! :D