Like Light to Flies


"What the fukk did you do to Jacks house last night?" Bridgette shouted throwing Kara up against the gym lockers.
"I didn't do anything!" Kara stated back.
"Yes you did you bitch!" She shouted slapping her to the floor.
"Get off!"
"No I'm going to teach you a less and then maybe you'll learn your place." She screamed pounding her in the face. "What's the matter? Your little boyfriend not going to come to your rescue?"
"You need to be silenced!"
Kara finally got enough courage to jump up and fight. She knocked Bridgette to the floor and ran out the back. She hopped over the fence and ran through yards to get home.
"Get in!" Jack ordered riding up beside her. "Are you ok?"
"No, take me home."
"What the hell did you do?!" Will shouted pinning Jack up against the car once we pulled in the driveway.
"Stop it wasn't him!" Kara defended.
"Get inside." Brendon ordered his eyes turning a very weird color.
"Not until you stand down."
"Fine, Jack thank you." Will mumbled through clenched teeth.
"I'll call you later." Jack said giving my hand a light squeeze.
"What happened?" Ryan asked embracing me as we came inside.
"Bridgette jumped me in the locker room."
"Why were you in there? You don't take gym."
"A teacher had asked me to go see if the back door was locked. And I guess she just followed me in there."
"Ryan take your sister upstairs." Will ordered nudging for Brendon to come outside.
"Come here." Brendon ordered Garrett as he got out of his car.
"Hey I couldn't find Kara." Garrett explained.
"She's here. I want to know where Bridgette will be this evening."
"There's a Halloween dance tonight at school."
"Take Kara to get an outfit. We're chaperoning."
"What are you thinking?" Brendon asked as Garrett went inside.
"I'm thinking I'm going to make an example out of the little slut." He smirked throwing his cigarette to the ground.
Garrett had gone upstairs and explained the dance and how he wanted to go with her. She thought of it as a good idea to have a great time. So the two of them set off to the mall to check out some costumes. After an hour they had finally found what they were going to get. Kara had gotten a cat woman outfit. It was all leather and open in some areas with a mask and a whip. Garrett was dressed as a mafia gangster.
"We're home!" Kara called inside the empty house.
"Dinner!" Brendon called from the kitchen.
"Whats for dinner?" Kara asked.
"Uhm...Steak." Will smirked.
Will had filled the steaks with blood for the vampires and gave Kara a regular one. After they ate they sat around for a while talking about tonight's events trying to be extra careful with what they say while Kara was around.
"Well let's get dressed." Brendon said quickly getting up and walking to his room.
They all adjured to their own rooms to get on their outfits. Will, Brendon, Ryan, and Garrett were the only ones that were going. The brothers were going to be chaperoning while Garrett and Kara go together.
"Au yo lets go!" Brendon called stuntin in his pimp costume.
"Shut up!" Will shouted gliding down the stairs revealing his complete leather outfit shaping him to be a vampire. He had turned his true colors. Eyes glowing a redish orange, fangs out, he was positive that he could get away with this.
"So original." Garrett laughed coming out in his gangster outfit.
"Eat me." Will hissed.
"You guys look nice!" Ryan complimented coming out dressed as a damn whoopee cushion.
"What the fukk do you have on?" Brendon asked seriously.
"Well you didn't say we were dressing seriously. Its Halloween where you dress crazy."
"Your an idiot." Will scoffed.
"Your dressed as a vampire, so special."
"Hey enough bickering." Kara ordered entering the room.
"Oh my god I have a hot sister. Get the hell back upstairs." Brendon gasped.
"I think you look awesome." Ryan nudged.
"She is not going out dressed like that!" Brendon opposed.
"Just shut up and lets go." Will chimed in grabbing his car keys.
Once at the school the gym was somewhat populated this was a small town maybe about 50 seniors were there. Right away Garrett and Kara went to the dance floor and the boys stood guard at each entrance.
"This is boring." Ryan spoke in his head to the boys.
"I know." Brendon sighed.
"If Kara wasn't here I would firkin Carrie this place." Will exclaimed keeping his eye out for Bridgette.
"What are we gonna do to her?" Ryan asked.
"Make an example out of her."
"How's that?"
"Just shut up and you'll see."
"Yeah." Brendon laughed.
"Fukk you."
"Shut up there she is."
"Slut. With her little whore friends."
"Wow you look great." Jack complimented making his way over to Kara and Garrett.
"Thanks. So do you." She smiled looking at his Hugh Hefner outfit.
"Uhm excuse me your here with me not this bitch!" Stella hissed yanking at his arm.
"Yeahh dumb bitch." Bridgette chimed in.
"That little." Brendon started walking over.
"No, wait." Will ordered.
"Come on sweet heart, we can go dance somewhere else." Garrett smirked grabbing my hand.
"Good Garrett." Will smiled leaning back up against the wall.
"Gahh!! Sometimes I just want to rip her apart." Bridgette growled.
"Then do it. After the dance, get rid of her." Stella grinned before taking Jack somewhere.
"Speak to my mind if anyone notices she's gone." Will ordered walking over near her. With a wave of his hand she was under his trance and she followed him outside like a puppy. He lured her far enough away from the school and into the woods that no one would hear her screams or find her.
"Where the hell am I?" She asked as he let her out of the trance.
"The woods dumbass."
"Who the hell are you?"
"Oh I am the devil and I'm here to take your soul."
"Excuse me?"
"You and your little fukking whore friends have fukked with my sister for far too long and its time for pay back!" He shouted slapping her into a tree.
"Stop! That little shit Kara is your sister? You just wait!"
"No no darling. I think you have it all wrong. Your not leaving these woods!"
Will beat her to an inch of her life. He straddled over her and looked into her half shut eyes as the life had been drained out of them. He ran his finger down her cheek picking up the blood, he licked it and busted out into fits of laughter.
"Please...stop." She groaned tears spilling out of her eyes.
"But wait, this is the fun part." He smirked before violently biting into her neck causing faint screams to come out of her mouth until he had completely drained her. He picked up her body and morphed himself to the highest window in the gym and he threw her lifeless body through it to the gym floor. Then he quickly made his way back in like he was only gone for a few seconds.
"Bridgette!!!!" People screamed in disbelief at her mangled body laying in the middle of the dance floor. Kara had been standing right there as the body came into the gym and all she did was stand there in shock at it. Then tears formed and she screamed uncontrollably as did most others. Jack had taken hold of her and pushed her face into his chest to shield her of the image.
"Holy shit." Ryan gasped a bit shocked at how far Will had actually gone.
"Lets get out of here." Brendon suggested tugging on Kara's arm.
"Who could do such a thing?" She cried.
"I don't know baby girl." Ryan sighed staring at Will

Kara's outfit
Garrett's outfit
Brendon's outfit
Will's outfit
Ryan's outfit
Jack's outfit
Stella's outfit
Bridgette's outfit
Harmony's outfit
♠ ♠ ♠
alrighty then, lets see how good this one is. the next chapter will be dealing with the same night. Will just killed someone big lets see how the upper man feels about that :D