Status: Updating on a semi-regular schedule.

This Summer Forever


The pain medicine Steven Stamkos had taken prior to boarding his flight was starting to wear off. It had only been about six hours from the time he left his condo in Florida until the time he landed in Toronto, but already his nose was throbbing. It was probably from the humidity in the air. Steven sighed to himself, pulling on his hat and sunglasses. He knew it wouldn’t help him get away from fans, but he hoped it would at least get him a few minutes of privacy to at least get his duffle from the carousel.

Steven was one of the last people off of the first class part of the plane. He walked as fast as he dared, carefully maneuvering around people and objects, all the while his face throbbing more and more with every step. Once he swung his Lightning duffle over his shoulder and turned around, he was surrounded by a bunch of kids – and even some adults. He smiled, even though it hurt his face more than it should have, and signed autographs.

Steven’s mind wasn’t on the kids for once; he was eager to find his mother and get out of the airport. All he wanted to do was go home and sleep for the next week or so. Or whenever the Stanley Cup Finals ended, really. Steven just wanted to forget about how they let down all the fans.

Finally making his way through the rather large group of fans, he spotted his petite mother and hurried over to her, dropping his duffle and giving her a big hug.

The older woman pulled back from her only son, looking up into his face. “Welcome home, Steven.”
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Sorry this is so short! I was going to make it longer, but I couldn't write it at all. It came out as written garbage. And don't worry, in the next chapter we'll meet our main character!