Sequel: No Goodbyes This Time
Status: Done.

The Times I Had With Them.


The next morning, I met up with Hermione. We had both chosen so many subjects this year, we could hardly get to all of them on time. Hermione had two classes at once. We discussed it with McGonagall and she gave us a timeturner. A small hour glass on a chain that can take you back in time. This let's us go to all our classes.

"What do you have now?" I asked.

"Ancient Runes and Divination."

"Divination! Oh, I love Professor Trelawney. She's a bit crazy sometimes, but she's a very nice woman. Well I have Astronomy, so I suppose we should go to Ancient Runes, and you can meet up with me after and you can go to Divination and I'll go to Transfiguration. Oh, and I'm helping Hagrid in your Care of Magical Creatures class afterwards too, so we can go together."

"You're much more organised than usual today." Hermione said, looking quite taken aback.

"I need to if I want to get good grades. Mum would go crazy if I didn't." I chuckled. Hermione and I rushed off to class.


Hermione gave me the time turner so I could get to her Divination class just as she left so we could all go to see Hargrid together.

"You don't think that grim thing had anything to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Ron asked as we went down the hill towards his hut.

"Harry, you got the grim in your cup?" I asked. "I don't believe in any of that stuff, but it can't be good can it?"

"Oh honestly Ron, if you ask me, Divination is a very woolly dicipline. Now, ancient runes, that's a fascinating subject." Hermione said.

"Ancient runes? Exactly how many subjects are you taking this term?" Ron asked.

"A fair few." Hermione sniffed. I laughed.

"Hang on, that's not possible. Ancient runes is on at the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once!" Ron exclaimed.

"Don't be silly, Ron. How could someone be in two classes at once?" I stifled a giggle.

"What's so funny, Hayley?" Ron asked.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." I said and gently elbowed Hermione. I skipped over to Hagrid's side.

"Thas it, come on now. Come closer. Less talkin' if you don' mind! I gotta real treat for ya' today! A great lesson!" Hagrid said. I grinned. "Follow me!" We followed him over to the side of the forest where light was streaming in from the bright day. "Right you lot, less chatterin'. Form a group o'er there and open yer' books to page fourteh-nine!" Hagrid turned to walk towards the lesson. I stood facing the students.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Malfoy hissed.

"Stroke the spine, dimwit." I growled back. Draco sniffed and began doing as I said. Neville opened his and it started attacking him. Some slytherins starting laughing. "Neville!" I pulled out my wand and pushed him away from the book. I picked it up carefully and stroked it's spine.

"Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom." A slytherin said.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." Neville called. I went to go help Hagrid, but then I heard Malfoy say something.

"This place has really gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes." He whined. Crabbe and Goyle sniggered at his sides. I walked towards him, grabbed the collar of his shirt and shoved him against the tree. My wand was again at his throat.

"Don't ever. Say anything. About Hagrid. Like that. I'll beat you to a pulp." I stared him down. Everyone watched us. I threw him at the ground and walked away.

"Oooooh!" A bunch of kids said.

"Hey, shut up! Turn to page fourty nine." I growled. "Or you'll be next." I shooked my head. "Third years." Hagrid coughed.

"Da da da daaa!" He called, his arms out towards the kids lesson. A hippogriff. "Isn' he beautiful?" I grinned. He tossed a ferret to him and he chugged it down his throat. "Say 'ello ter Buckbeak!"
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I'm just going to be posting so much today. Sorry.
-Ellie x