Status: Updated once a day (hopefully). :)

Hobson's Choice

The World May Never Know

Religion, that’s an interesting one.

I consider myself to be agnostic—otherwise known as believing in a higher power, but not one religion. Maybe I would be an atheist if it wasn’t so depressing to think of there being no one to look over you or help you in times of need. So I like believing in something because it’s comforting, but I don’t think I believe much in the religion I was ‘born’ with, Christianity, or to be more exact, Presbyterianism, which I always used to get mixed up with pedestrian, so when my grandma and I would walk back to the parking garage next to the church after a service I would call us ‘Presbyterian Pedestrians’. Anyway, I kind of like Buddhism. It’s a nice religion, though I’m not really all for any of the religions. They all stand for peace and love, but they are the main causes of the world’s war and hatred. It’s stupid. I think we should all believe what we want and not try to convert anyone.

Speaking of converting, this brings me to Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses who always go around in their black suits, trying to convert people to their church. One day I’m gonna be the old lady on her porch with a shot gun telling those kids to back the hell off my lawn and that I’d rather not wear magic underwear. Nothing against those guys, I just don’t like the obsessive converting.

One thing I do admire church organizations for doing though is doing charitable deeds—like building houses for the homeless and such. I think it’s very nice and I wish everyone would do that—I wish I could do that. I would, but that would mean I’d have to be part of a church and I find church very, very boring like most every other person who isn’t a Southern Baptist. I always feel good and light after going to a service, but I just hate sitting through the sermons where the priest/pastor/father/mother/whatever else tries to relate some seriously strange scenes in the bible to football. Makes me want to shove a hymnal up my nose. What I think they should do is make it simple, like youth group teachers do. Adults are not that different than children, they just pretend they are. Tell us about the underlying meaning in each whacked-up bible lesson in simple words and more people might like church more. Maybe more cute teenage boys would come to church if the sermons were easy to follow. That would make me very happy. The only place where I’ve seen any young dudes in church is at my friend’s Lutheran church, but that’s only because they’ve been going to church their whole lives.

Another thing I like about religion is it feels like the world is safer when you talk to God. Now, now. No trolling. I’m not a Jesus freak. Most of the time I don’t even believe Jesus was real. I kind of like praying sometimes, sometimes I end up close to tears because it’s moving when you pray to God to help the people you love. It’s beautiful, honestly. Once again, not a Jesus-freak. I kind of hate Jesus-freaks who say ‘god bless’ all the time without sarcasm and can’t figure out geometry, grumble, grumble, grumble. Stupid girl in World History. Anyways! It does make me feel humbled, yet infinite and it’s a very nice feeling. See, right now as I’m reading this, I feel very light on the inside, like it’s suddenly easier to breath and I’m almost smiling a little. But I always seem to feel like an asshat when talking about God. Dunno why, always have. When I read over this in the near future I’ll feel like an asshole. It just happens.

One thing that’s not so great about religion is that a lot of people are blind followers of the faith and are some of the most ignorant people on Earth. If someone doesn’t question religion, they’re stupid. It’s like believing in Santa Claus your whole life and never ever thinking otherwise. It’s dumb and a lot of people think the bible is law and it’s all true. There are a lot of stupid people in this world. But to counter, there are a lot of brilliant and socially inept people like me! Kidding.

But all in all, religion is kind of… I’m not sure. It’s nice to believe in something, rather than nothing because that is a sad, lonely existence and means you’re alone whenever you shut the door. But you can’t believe everything because skepticism is curiosity, ingenuity, a speck of intelligence. Or maybe I’m just saying that so I can make myself feel smart. Or maybe not.

The world may never know.
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