
Entering Hollwood Hills

~[Marina's P.O.V]~

I froze imidiately. We're murderers? But it can't be! Gracie wouldn't kill Cassie. I mean, when could she? The whole week we were together, planning the revenge. If Gracie wasn't with me, she would be with Frank or Gerard. I know there is a little "conection" between Frank and Gracie. They would make a perfect couple!!!
Oh, Marina! I can't be thinking about couples at a time like this!!
I quickly snapped back to reality, to find out Gracie and I were already at the bus stop. A blue double-decker bus came our way. It said, "Hollywood Hills" on the front screen. This must be the bus to Cassie's house, in the Hollywood Hills. Cassie lives on Hollywood Hills?! I was kinda shocked by this.
Gracie hopped into the bus first, than me. The seats were really comfortable, and we were on the 2nd storey.
"Marina? Gracie?" I heard a familiar boy voice said. I turned around. It was Frankie and Gerard.
"Oh, hi guys!" Gracie greeted cheerfully. eye connection between Frank and Gracie!! I knew they loved each other!
Gerard sat quietly next to the window. He's soooo cute!!! I thought. Then looked closer at Gerard's light blonde hair. Is that a wine-red stain??
"What's that in Gee's hair?" I asked Frank.
"Oh, well you see - Gee and I were playing around in the nearby park, and I was carrying a raspberry soft drink in a bottle. So, we were kidding around for a while, and I started to play-hit Gee in the head with the bottle, but then the cap burst open and raspberry drink spilled out! Luckily my hair is black, so it doesn't show!" I smelled Frank. Hmm...he smells sort of...berryish.
The bus stopped off at a bus stop in Hollywood Hills. Wow! What a nice neighbourhood! The houses, the gardens - all were huge and neat and modern. Why didn't my family move here?
Forget it. "So what are YOU guys doing here?" I asked Gerard.
"My house." Gerard answered.
"YOU LIVE HERE?!?!!?" I exclaimed. Oooo...cute AND rich!! My ideal man!!
"Where do you live, Frank?" Gracie asked.
"Here too. Me and Gee are only 3 houses apart." Frank said.
Gracie stepped closer to me. "Wow...they're both cute, hot, smart AND rich!!"
"I know!" I whispered back.
"Well we better get going." Frank said, waving to us.
"OK, bye!" Gracie said back.
I turned to her. "I KNEW you like Frank!!!!" I said loudly.
"Well duh!! And you like Gerard, right?"
"TOTALLY!!!!!" I replied. But then I remembered about Cassie's house. "Wait...where is Cassie's house?"
"Somewhere down that road." Gracie said, pointing to a straight road. We walked down the walkway on the side of the road. Not a busy street. I heard some talking again.
"Ah-ha! I know you have a crush on Marina!!" I heard Frank say.
"Well you like Gracie, don't you, lover-boy?!" Gerard said back.
"Oh my gosh!! They like us too! Oh, happy day!" Gracie said happily. We kept walking until we were in front of a mansion that had the roof painted indigo and the rest of the house light blue. There were police cars and police lines. Must be Cassie's house.
We marched in.
"They're the murderers!" We heard a woman's voice scream.
"GET THEM!!!!"

To be continued...