From Nerd to Star


He saw her hair pulled back into a messy looking ponytail, like she didn't even brush it and threw it up. She wore her dorky white lab coat, and he could tell she was wearing either a black dress or a long black skirt, and she wore tennis shoes with it. She was tapping one of her shoes to the music she'd been listening to, it was Katy Perry's Last Friday Night.

"You never change do you?" he said, she gasped and turned around quickly and glared at him.

"Jack! Dang it!" Zoey McStarrlett growled in annoyance. She'd been to wrapped up in a new discovery in a cell she didn't even sense someone behind her. She walked up to him and gave him a hug before pushing her glasses up.

"How are you?" Jack Gregson asked.

"Good! You?"

"Excellent. I need a favor." he said making her swallow hard.

"What?" she asked not really ever liking his favors.

"The network wants a new show, and I came up with an idea. But I need you're help."

"What is it Jack? Get to the point."

"You saw the Bachelor right?"

"Yeah I had seen a few episodes."

"Okay good. You're the star of the Bachelorette then."


"You're the Bachelorette. We'd give you a make over, make you a blonde billionaire. And I know how good you are at playing blonde bimbo, you used to make fun of my ex all the time. We won't record the show once a week like we normally do, we'll get it all recorded in like two weeks. It's just twelve guys."

"You want me to play a dumb blonde billionaire? Uhm how'd I get this money?" Zoey asked pushing her glasses up again.

"Trust me Zoe, I have it all figured out. Please! You get paid, and maybe get a man? Who knows. Please?" Jack Gregson pleaded with his friend.

Zoey sighed. "Fine." she said in annoyance before she turned around to face her computer again. "And stop barging into my office!" she snapped; Jack grinned.

"I'll have a limo pick you up tomorrow around ten, you'll have to get a few pictures in before you makeover so we can show the audience what you looked like before. Well you know how it works. I owe you." he said giving her a half hug and then ran out of her office.

"What'd I get myself into?" she asked shaking her head and then looking at her computer screen.