Status: Working on it slowly;No silent readers please

Unforgiving Pain

The Story Begins to Unfold

Josephean stepped lightly out of the bath tub. Ah, I thought. How amazingly relaxed I feel. I sat perched on the tub side lost in thought when a sharp rapping noise brought me back to reality.

"Josephean, If you do not come out of that bathroom in 10 minutes, I shall have to break down the door and now we don't want that, do we?, inquired Sophie rather harshly.

I hadn't realized that I had day dream almost 20 minutes away. I slightly cursed under my breath. I will be late for my ride no doubt.

"Coming, just a moment Sophie." I grudgingly called out.

As I slowly stood up I happened to glimpse myself in the wall length mirror to my right. Woah. I really need to get some sun.

My eazed drifted from my soft looking pale skin with light freckles spotted across my noses bridge, to my eyes. They were green with a light brown ring around the pupil. Next were my lips. No matter how much I tryed. I just could not get them to not to look so pouty, so protruding, but then again. They did have a certain smirk to them I could never shake off either.

My hand was coming up involuntary to sweep back the long ringlet that was already forming at the base of my neck, when a loud bang at the door caught me off gaurd.

"Alright Missy, shouted Sophie, "I AM going to bust open this door if you do not come out on the count of 5, understand?"

I groaned out loud.

"Sophie, I'm coming OK?", I soothed, "Let me get dressed and just calm down for peets sake..."

"I don't care whose sake I should be calming down for," Sophie pigheadedly hissed back, " I just want you out of that bathroom or you're going to be late for your lessons or then I will be the one blamed for it."

There was a puase that I knew I should have said something but I stubornly kept my mouth shut.

"Just hurry the hell up or you will suffer the consequences this time and not me," Sophie threated,"I promise you that."

I could hear her stalk off in the direction of the garage. I knew she would punce on me the moment I got out of the bathroom.
I groaned inwardly.
Why must she be such a pain. I'm 16 years old already!

I was dragging my comb painfully through all the snarls and wild curls beginning to form, when my phone began to ring a familiar melody "Canon in D Major"

"Hello Jade." I managed to grunt as I combed more frantically through the wild tangles called my hair.

"Dude, where the fuck are you, we are going to be late!", Jade yelled almost hysterically,"If you're not out here in like 5 minutes I'm gonna have to break into your house, tie up Old Sope, and drag you into my car, now I don't know what the neighbors are gonna think but if the cops start chasing us, were screwed."

I smiled into the phone. Ah Jade. Where would I be without you?

"On my way, see you in a few."

As I tapped the end call button, I had already slung my bag strap over my shoulders, stuffed my ballet shoes in it, and grabbed a peice of burnt toast.

"Gee, thanks Sophie." I muttered darkly as I gagged my way to the doorway.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."
C. S. Lewis
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First crack at all this Jazz..
Comments please?? Suggestions? Tips?
Most appricated=}