Status: Working on it slowly;No silent readers please

Unforgiving Pain

In Which A Strange Event Takes Place

I managed to push my way past Sophie with a few mumbled,"I know"s and "I wont be late for supper" promises. Even though I knew they weren't exactly solid ones, knowing Jade's driving skills and being easily distracted.

I sighed gratefully as I stepped out into the midnoon breeze, it ruffling my now semi-dryed hair. I stood standing there leaning against the garage door, enjoying the moments sensation..

A loud honk from straight in front of me rudely awoke me from my reverie. Jade was in the process of rolling down her window when something caught my attention from the corner of my vison.

The outer ring of trees that normally surrounded my house, had suddenly vanished. What in the hell? Before I knew what was absolutely happening and still blinking with confused eyes, I was walking towards a glowing piece of weather worn parchment that was resting on an old looking tree stump.
This piece of mysteriously glowing parchment seemed to recoil away from my hand as something or someone moved my body for me. Like I was a puppet on strings or someone who was above the influence.
I was so confused. What is happening to me?
I sobbed inwardly.
I felt as if my body were falling, falling and spiralling into some black abyss.

I started to shake uncontrollably. God, Sophie, Anyone, please help me
And then I woke up.

"Ephie?" "Ephie!" "EPHIE!Wake up!"
I blinked a couple of times. What in the world was that

Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.
C. S. Lewis
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This one was short I know
The next one will be longer I promise:)
Suggestions? Comments?
They are all very appreciated:D