Behind those emerald eyes.

I understand that the stories om here are much more sophisticated that this little piece of writing, but I found this on my computer. I wrote this when I was 12 and was amazed by Billie Joe and tried out my story writing skills. Now I'm still amazed by him, but haven't wrote anything for nearly 6 years besides assignments.
I feel like I've always had a talent for writing in my own way, and even to this day, I seem to get higher marks on my creative writing at school than anything else.
ANYWAY. Let me know what you think, its pretty cheesy/childish rah rah rah.
Ps. I know I wrote a journal entry about kids writing about stuff they did not understand eg abuse, but I was going through these things at the time and writing about them in fictious stories was my release, so be gentle.
I also wrote this originally to have the next chapter explain all about the characters and all that jazz.