Status: Just started :O

I Never Would Have Imagined

Hey! That's MY Twinkie!

"Oh, but Tina, you shouldn't take Sally's chair. She was sitting there." I said in a stern voice. "But Chelsea! I like that chair! I hear it has magical powers!" I replied in a different voice, sitting Tina down in the purple plastic chair inside the dollhouse. "yes, but Sally was sitting there first." I said in my Chelsea voice, moving the red headed doll towards the brown haired Tina barbie.
"So? I found this chair, so its mine." said Tina doll
"no, you have to share, Tina, you made Sally cry." replied Chelsea doll.
"okay..." TIna doll said, sadly.
"go say you're sorry." Chelsea doll said. So I walked Tina doll over to Sally doll.
"I'm sorry Sally." Tina doll said. "lets share the chair!"
"Okay!" Sally doll replied.

All of a sudden the dolls were taken from my hands. I stood and stomped my foot on the ground, facing Tommy and his friends. "Give me back my dollies, Tommy!" I said
He grinned and held it infront of my face. "No! Dollies are stupid baby toys!" he teased. I stomped my foot again, puffing out my cheeks and giving him a mean face. "They are not! Give them back! They're mine!" I yelled. He grabbed Chelsea doll and pulled her head off before handing it back "here you go." he said with a mean smile on his face. I looked down at my dolly and started to cry. Tommy and the other kids started to laugh at me and fake cried, throwing Tina doll and Sally doll at me.

"Hey! Leave her alone, Tommy!" A boy said. I looked up to see David. He stood between me and Tommy. "She's a baby! Thats with she plays with dolls!" Tommy said. "G.I. Joe is a doll!" David said. "N-no its not! It's an action figure!" Tommy said in a mean tone and gave David a mean face. "Barbies are girl action figures! Leave her alone!" David replied and hit Tommy's arm.

"OW!" Tommy cried and grabbed his arm "MISS HOLLY! DAVID HIT ME!"
Miss Holly rushed over and held Tommy's arm, looking at it. "David, why did you hit Tommy?" Miss Holly asked. "He broke Lily's doll and called her a baby!" David said, pointing at Tommy.
Miss Holly turned to Tommy. "Is that true, Tommy? Did you break Lily's doll and call her a baby?"
"No!" Tommy lied.
"Tommy...." Miss Holly said sternly.
Tommy stayed silent.
Miss Holly lifted my head up and wiped my tears "Lily? Did Tommy do that to you?" she asked.
I sniffled and nodded.

Miss Holly sighed and stood. "Well, Tommy, David, come with me. You two need a time out."
They both followed Miss Holly to the time out corner. I looked down sadly at my Chelsea doll. I picked up the peices and put them in my backpack along with my other dolls.
"alright, kids! nap time! grab your cot, blanket and stuffed animal." Miss Holly said.
I grabbed a cot, my Hello Kitty Blanket, and my grey bunny, Mr. Fluffles, dragging them over to the time out corner to lay by David.
"I'm sorry Davey." I whispered, after laying down.
David pulled his Hello Kitty doll closer to him and shrugged. "It's okay Lil. You didn't do it. I hit him." He said grinning. I smiled back.
"Why did you hit him, Davey?" I asked.
" 'Cause he was mean to you." he said, puffing out his cheeks.
I giggled and reached out for his hand. He grabbed it. "You're my bestest friend, Davey." I said, my eyes closing.
"You're my bestest Friend, Lily." David replied and we both fell asleep
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SNACK TIME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hopped over to Davey, plopping down into the seat next to him. "Hi Davey!" I sang.
He grinned at me "Hi Lily!" He said back. Miss Holly came around with a basket of snacks.
"Remember, only take one!" Miss Holly reminded us. When she got to me, I grabbed the last Twinkie in the basket. Davey pouted and grabbed a cupcake. "Liiiiiilllllyyyyy!" Davey whined. "what?" I said, confused. "What did I do?"
"I wanted a Twinkie!" Davey whined.
I giggled and waved it infront of him. "Too bad, Davey! I got it!" I said in a sing-song voice.
Davey crossed his arms and pouted. I unwrapped the Twinkie and took a bite.
"OH MY GOSH! LILY LOOK!" Davey yelled and pointed behind me.
I looked "what?" I asked, looking around.
Davey grabbed my Twinkie and took a huge bite. "Hey! That's MY Twinkie!" I yelled.
Davey grinned and handed me his cupcake. "cupcake?"
I growled but took the cupcake and ate it.
Davey's smiled wide.
After snack time, Davey followed me to the doll house.
"Hey, where is your doll?" Davey asked. "The broken one."
I pulled it out of my backpack and handed it to him. He pushed the head on the body until there was a pop. He smiled and handed it back. "here you go." he said. I smiled back "Thank you!" i said, hugging it. He gave me a hug and I hugged back. "Your welcome." He replied.
It was that day that I decided, Davey was my best friend in the whole world :)
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Hope my first story on here is okay. Feedback is wonderful :) I am a HUGE Blood On The Dance Floor fan :) And Dahvie Vanity is soooooooooooooo hot xD