Status: Just started :O

I Never Would Have Imagined

Middle school isn't supposed to be THIS complicated

Lily's POV
I slid out of bed and pulled on my light blue skinny jeans, a pale pink spaghetti strap shirt that flairs at the bottom, a white belt, white flats, and some pink and white bracelets. I walked to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. My skin looked a little yellow and I didn't feel good. I sighed and sucked it up, braiding my hair into two low pigtails on either side of my head.

There was a soft knock on my door before Davey walked in, smiling.
"Hey Lily!" he sang, dropping his black slipknot messenger bag on my white carpet and hugging me. I hugged back. "Hey Davey." I replied, burying my face in his neck. His brown, chin length, choppy cut, straightened hair tickled my cheek.

I pulled away and looked into his bright blue eyes. "I love your eyes, Davey." I said. He grinned and kissed my forehead. "You have prettier eyes, Lil" He said, smiling.

He looked at me through the mirror and fluffed the layers of my hair that didn't fit in my pigtails. He grabbed my straightener and turned it on. "Daveyyyy..." I whined, smiling. He grinned like a kid and messed with my hair until he was satisfied. i grabbed my hello kitty backpack and we walked down stairs. We sat down at the table and my mom set bowls in front of us and cereal. I chose lucky charms and Davey grabbed the cocoa puffs.

After breakfast we caught the bus to school. I started sniffling and I could feel a headache coming on. "ughhhh...." I whimpered, holding my head. "Lily? What's wrong?" Davey asked, rubbing my back softly. " You okay?"
I shook my head. "Not feeling well. My head hurts." I replied. He dug through his bag and pulled out some Advil and handed it to me along with his bottle of water. I took the medicine.
"Thanks, Davey." I said. He laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around me, laying his head on mine. I giggled and ran my fingers lightly up and down his arm. "why are you so nice to me?" I asked randomly. He looked at me as if I had just asked him to eat the kid in the seat next to us. "what?" i asked. He shook his head. "Because your my lil sister." He replied, grinning. I rolled my eyes, then closed them until we got to school.

At school, we got our schedules, went to the stupid meeting thing, and finally went to our classes. Davey and I had 4 out of 6 classes together. 1st hour was Earth Science with Davey, 2ND hour was English with Davey, 3rd hour was Algebra alone, Lunch, 4Th hour was Art alone, 5Th was band with Davey, and 6Th hour was Drama with Davey.

I was happy that Davey and I had so many classes together. I had also made a few friends, Seth, Leah, and Maxxie. They got along with Davey instantly. I was so happy.

Now that I look back, it all went down hill from there....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was feeling worse and worse everyday. I ran to the school bathroom, clutching the hall pass for my art class in one hand while the other was clamped over my mouth. I rushed to the stall, not even having time to check if anyone else was in there, and threw up my lunch. It felt like an hour before I finally shakily walked over to the sink and cleaned my mouth with the toothbrush and mouth wash I now kept permanently in my backpack. I looked at myself. My skin contained a yellow pigment and I've been puking constantly since Monday, which was three days ago. I took a drink from my water bottle and tried to slow my breathing, trying to figure out why I was feeling this way. I picked up the paint pallet and started walking to Art class.

I joined Davey in the hallway going to band. I smiled as brightly as I could. He just stared worriedly back at me.
"what, Davey?" I asked.
"Lily, you're hiding something. I know you are. You're sick, and not normal sick." Davey replied.
"I'm fine, Davey, don't worry." I said.
He grabbed my arm and pressed me against the wall, a hand on either side of my head.
He looked directly into my eyes, searching.
"Lilian Kylie Morris. Don't you dare lie to me." Davey growled.

I opened my mouth to reply but was stopped by the shooting pain in my sides. I cried out in pain and slid to the floor, my sight getting fuzzy.
"Lily...? Lily! Oh my gosh... Lily! H-hold on! I'll get help! Stay with me, Lily!" Davey's voice cried faintly, as if in the distance. Slowly, everything was going dark and silent.

Davey's POV
I picked up Lily's unconscious form in my arms and ran down the hall to the closest classroom.
I stormed into my writing class. "Mrs. Stevens! Help!" I cried. The class turned around in their chairs to look at who interrupted their class. Mrs. Stevens walked quickly from her desk over to me. "Oh my goodness, what happened to her?" She asked, looking at Lily. My eyes started to water. "I-I don't know! She's been looking sick for weeks and I finally confronted her about it and then she collapsed, clutching her side!" I whimpered. Mrs. Stevens shushed me and turned to the class. "class, continue working, I'll be back as soon as I can, please behave, this is an emergency." she said quickly, grabbing her purse and jacket. "C'mon, David."

I followed her quick footsteps to the entrance of the school, she had called 911 already and an ambulance was on the way.
As soon as it arrived, paramedics took Lily from my arms and placed her on a gurney. "are you coming with, son?" one of them asked. I nodded mutely and climbed into the ambulance. "Good luck David! I hope she's okay!" Mrs. Stevens called.

I just clutched her hand, tears cascading down my face like a river.
I just wanted her to be okay. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead to our hands, praying that she'd make it through this.
Please, let her get through this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter, hope it's good. I'm actually enjoying writing this story. :) I really hope it turns out the way I'm imagining it to.
Hope you enjoy :D