Status: Active

Phantom Horse

Chapter 12

I was standing in the thicket of the forest peeking out from between the branches then the next thing I knew I was hovering over the scared Jake. My teeth were baring, my ears were flat back, and my nostrils were flaring wildly. Jake was below me practically what seemed like he was scared almost shit less. I gave him a warning neigh just to dare him to try something. I wasn't in a good mood. I don't like watching anyone or anything getting harmed.

That's when I failed to see that the boy was wide eyed and was just about to say something when a rope was wrapped around me neck. My eyes grew wide and I plunged forward and started bucking. I felt something tighten on my left hing leg and yanked out from underneath me. I practically screamed out as I fell to my stomach and gasped out trying to regain my breath back. Another rope was thrown around my neck and both the ropes grew taught and I ground my teeth together. When I opened my once closed eyes the humans shoved a halter onto me and I snapped at them but they also had shoved some sort of a muzzle on me before I could even do anything.

I sighed, I already knew that it wasn't worth putting up a struggle at this point and I needed save my energy for later when I need it. I huffed as I got up slowly and just stood there as they hauled the boy up onto a horse in front of a guy so he couldn't get away. They also tied his hands together. I turned my head back to the direction of the forest and saw that Ballad was standing at the edge of the forest watching us. I lowered my head down and followed they way the ropes pulled me too.

When we arrived at the barn there was the owner and some other guys I hadn't seen around the farm which perked my interests. I raised my head and flicked my ears in their direction so hopefully when we got a little bit closer I could hear what they were saying. Unfortunately Jake hollered, "We're back boss."

"Finally, you kept our customer waiting longer than expected." Mr. Willard said grumpily as he looked at Jake, Me, then the guy.

"Sorry boss, just had a bit of a stuggle with these two." he nodded towards me and then the boy.

"It's fine, Aaron what kind of shit did you get into this time?" The old guy grumbled as he looked at the boy I just found out his name was Aaron.

I looked at Aaron and he looked down like he was ashamed. I neighed at him and tilted my head a little. Aaron looked at me and gave me a half smile. Then the other guy spoke up, "Is that the horse you were talking about?"

"Sure is Mr. Boasts." Mr. Willard grinned.

Mr. Boasts walked over to me and was just contemplating. I let out a snort and my eyebrow rose. The ropes tightened on me and I let out a grunt. The guy went around me and Mr. Wallard told him that I was wild so he should be careful. The next 20 minutes were of him asking questions like am I a fast runner? How good am I at jumping? Things like that. Most of the questions they answered with I don't know sir. Meanwhile they had all gotten off their horses and tied me up to something I couldn't move much and the boy Aaron sat on the back of the truck being held there by one of the guys.

"I'll take her." Mr. boasts said happily.

"Oh splendid. Will $500,000 do?" Mr. Willard negotiated.

Mr. Boast put a hand to his chin and rubbed it and then looked at me like I was a brilliant prize and said, "Sure, but if she isn't as good as she looks or what you guys say I will be suing you unless she makes a great brood mare.."

"Deal." Mr. Willard hesitantly took a breath in and shook Mr. Boasts hand.

They untied my roped from the fence post and started leading me to the horse trailer. I stopped just right in front of it and flattened my ears back. I stomped as the guys tried pushing me in and I kicked the unlucky guy that got behind me. I kind of felt sorry for him but he kind of deserved it. A handed landed on my flank and I couldn't help but practically jump 3 feet into the air and I was half way in and they pushed me in the rest of the way in when I landed back on my feet.

They closed the trailer door behind me, I twirled around the best I could in this small confinement and started banging on the door. I let out a loud neigh and threw myself at the the metal door and felt the brief pain shoot through me and I let out a soft neigh. I looked at Aaron who was running towards me now with the guys behind him trying to catch him as his arms were spread out towards me. Mr. Boasts must have gotten in the truck because the engine started and tit started moving. Which made me try and make myself stable so I wouldn't fall. There was nothing from keeping me up which there should be something.

I watched as the driver was driving fast but not too fast for me not to be able to stay up but fast enough so Aaron couldn't catch up to us. I saw the kid running after us with his arms out stretched and he was crying out Phantom. I watched from the speeding trailer as the boy fell to his knees. I couldn't do anything. I didn't want to leave him with those monsters and I had no way of talking to Ballad and telling him to bring him to my house.

I sighed as we pulled into a driveway covered in green grass and meadows full of a few horses. Some of them looked up and were curious and others were ignorant and just went on napping or grazing. I shook my head. They didn't look that bad not starved and kind of well taken care of. I turned my head and looked at the window in the back of the truck and couldn't see anything. Only the black tint and somehow I felt like he was smirking at me. I just snorted and shook my head as I looked around me.

The truck stopped in front of a somewhat fading red barn and backed up as guys opened up the barn door and stopped right at the entrance. I had a feeling they were taking all precautions in keeping me in here. Why is it that they think I'm something rare even if I am, but still there should be no way they'd be able to figure that out. They came around and in front of the metal bar separating me from them and grabbed the ropes that were still around my neck and connected to the halter made of rope with out me knowing somehow and opened the metal door. They started to pull and I wouldn't budge I stiffened and stood still with my legs apart from keeping moving. My ear twitched back at a sound and just as I looked behind me someone slapped my flank and I jumped with a little shriek. And took off towards the other side of the barn hopefully the barn door wasn't hard to break down. I ended up dragging the guys and I reared up and slammed my front hooves into the wooden door and it jolted a little. That was when I heard a whip snap. I cringed at the sound and turned around to see the guy who bought me holding up a horse whip I shied away from it.

I allowed them to bring me into the stall. I'd rather be in here unscathed than out there being hit with a whip. I backed up all the way in the corner away from hands reach and stuck my head out the side window and watched the trees. My ears softly made their way against my head and my head leaned on the wooden windowsill. I wanted to be in the safety of my house surrounded by my loving herd and next to the fireplace with Ballad laying on my lap. I missed petting his soft red fur, combing the soft course fur. Another day confined in a box for another night and yet to come how many more???
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