Status: Active

Phantom Horse

Chapter 2

I limped towards my little cabin and towards my herd. I saw their ears perk up and look around for the sound they heard and when their eyes fell on me their eyes were wide with shock and some like they knew that I would get her fending all of them off for them. I didn’t care. I’m the leader of this herd as much as any stallion thinks. Only the mightiest stallions have the power to defeat me. Or unless another unicorn or Pegasus challenge. Stallions may try but most know I’m to caring to use magic against others unless provoked too or if another mythical creature.

I walked to the stall where I stashed my clothes at and walked inside. Setting the unconscious fox on a pile of hay I transformed back into my human form. I quickly slipped my under garments on and the rest of my clothes. I quickly picked up the fox gently and carried him inside the house. Walking over to the cabinets above my washer and dryer I grabbed a towel and walked into the kitchen and laid the towel on the counter while placing the little fox on it. I looked over him making sure he wasn’t seriously injured, when I found he was fine I walked over to a phone and dialed my friend’s number in.




“Hello?” I heard Ginger’s mother on the phone.

“Uh, he Mrs. Mortar, is Ginger there?” I asked.

There was a pause the she said, “Yeah, let me go get her.”

“K. Thank you.” I thanked her.

There was a chuckle, “You’re welcome sweetie.”

A couple seconds later I heard breathing, “Hello?”

“Hey Gin, it’s Luna.” I said with a smile.

“Oh hey Luna. What’s up?” She said excitedly.

“Uh, I was wondering if you had a little dog carrier? I remembered that you have a little dog. Well I kind of just had a stray plopped in my hands. Do you think you can help me out with him?” I asked. I wasn’t going to tell her it was a fox for right now.

“Yeah, you want me to bring you some stuff over?” She asked.

I sheepishly said, “That would be nice. You remember the directions I gave you right?”

“Of course!” She exclaimed, “Just give me half an hour. I need to stop buy a store and get your puppy some treats.”

“Thank you so much Ginger.” I said letting out a sigh of relief.

“Oh it’s no problem at all.” She said and I could hear a smile on her face.

I heard movement and looked to see the fox was moving, “Hey Gin, I got to go he’s waking up.”

“Awe, okay. Well I can’t wait to see him.” She said suddenly excited again.

I laughed, “I’m sure you can wait. Well Seeya in a little bit then.”

“K bye.” She said as the other line clicked.

I turned off the phone and hung it back up walking over to the fox that was looking around. I saw him sniffing around and then his eyes went wide as he must have caught the scent he smelt earlier. Which just now reminded me of my state. I was covered in bite marks and my ankle had a deep gash. I ignored it for now as I walked infront of the little wolf and he looked up at me. Sighing I said, “Hey little one, you don’t have to fear me.”

He cocked his head to one side, “Where am I? And who are you Miss?”

I chuckled as he called me that, “You are in my house little one. I’m the unicorn you attacked. You tried to get my herd.”

His eyes widened and he closed his eyes as he bowed his head, “Please forgive. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was being forced to help.”

“Are you telling me the truth fox?” I asked as my eyebrow rose.

He let out a shaky breath, “Tis the truth your Majesty.”

I inhaled deeply then let it out slowly, “Well I have a friend coming over and I’m pretty sure she’ll be excited to see you even if you aren’t a dog. I needed help so I called my friend who’s bringing some stuff over. I don’t know if you like dog food or not but if you don’t we will figure you something out.”

His eyes widened, “A human is coming?”

I let out a slight chuckle, “Yes, she won’t harm you. You just need to promise me you won’t bite her or harm her. And if I were you I wouldn’t try to escape, because I’m not letting you leave until you are better. If you want you may live with me as long as you won’t lead harm to my heard. I’ve worked hard for much longer than you have lived to save my heard and to save my kind. But I may not try and flourish my kind with out knowledge that they’re worthy.”

His ears flattened as he tucked his tail in between his legs, “If it’s alright with you Milady I’d like to stay. You’ve saved me. I’m in your debt.”

I smiled and reached my hand out towards him hesitantly, he didn’t seem to mind and shoved his face into my hands and licked it. I giggled and petted him which he seemed to fully enjoy it. I picked him up gently and walked over to the couch and sat down and laid him on my lap. I smiled, “You can go explore if you want. If you go outside you must keep the house in view and not exitCrescentForest. But for right now stick close since my friends going to berserk once she get’s here.”

“Your wish is my command Milady.” He said as he hopped of my lap and onto the ground. Before exploring a little he bowed to me which made me chuckle.

The fox took his time around the house and stayed indoors so he could wait for my fellow human friend which he’d kindly treat as a friend since I trust her. I trust Ginger, just not with whom I am. Yet. There’s still so many things I need to do before I can fully trust humans with my secret. It takes a great deal of patience to get me to trust you with what I am and what’s around.