One Step at a Time



I leaned over the desk, blocking the screen from sight. I didn’t want Alexis finding out early after all this hard work. I anxiously moused over the button to finally buy the tickets. I clicked and leaned back in my chair, screaming “Yes!” as all my hard work paid off. I quickly tipped my chair back and covered my mouth. I looked around quickly, afraid that Alexis might have heard me and will come in. I heard her stereo click off and I quickly exited out of the tab. After five minutes of stiffly waiting with my hand on the mouse, I slowly stood up and made my way to the door. I opened it slowly; as if afraid something would pop out and catch me.
I stuck my head out the door and looked both ways before grinning like the Cheshire cat and taking off full-sprint to Alexis’s room. I flung open the door, causing it to bang loudly against the wall. “Guess what?!” I yelled over her singing. I stood stupidly in the exact same position I was in when I first flung open the door, waiting for her answer.
“Um, what?” She nervously asked, obviously thinking it was something horrible, scarring, or both.
I clapped my hands together, “We’re going to a concert!”
She squealed a “Yes!” and yanked me into her grip, jumping all around her room as I stared forward, neither moving nor speaking, surprised and a little scared. She suddenly stopped jumping and let go of me, letting me hit the floor. I groaned and stood back up when she said “Wait, what concert?”
“Um, I have the paper here somewhere.” I mumbled, shoving my hands in my pockets and searching for the little slip of paper. I grinned and yelled “Aha!” when I felt my fingers brush against it. I yanked the paper out of my pocket and held it up to my face. “Urm, um, let’s see here. We’re going to an FTSK concert, or Forever the Sickest Kids.” I shrugged and shoved the paper back in my pocket.
I frowned as confusion fell on her face, making the smile fade away. “Uh, who?” She finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.
I thought for a second before shrugging, stumped myself. “Dunno, heard a few people talking about them and decided to check them out.”
“You’re an idiot.” She joked, slapping me lightly on the shoulder. I held where she slapped me, acting like it hurt.”What kind of person buys tickets for a band they’ve never even listened to!” She said, completely oblivious to what I was doing. I followed her to the computer and watched her search for their music on Youtube. She clicked a video and turned up the volume. I have to admit, it was pretty good.
I heard the song end and I grinned. “So are we going to this concert or not? If not then I have plenty of people I could give them to.” I said, hoping to get a response from her.
“We’re going! I love these guys!” She exclaimed, “Now get out, I need to change.” She said, getting up and shoving me out before slamming the door. I stood for a second or two then turned around and danced to my room. I walked in my room and slammed the door loudly before going over to my dresser to pick out an outfit. I got dressed and grabbed my bag and phone. I opened the door and walked out of my room. I saw Alexis “You ready?” She nodded and skipped to my car. I walked at a normal pace behind her. “So who’s driving?” I asked, looking at her.
“You. I don’t know where the concert is at,” She said as she quickly got in the passenger seat before I could say anything. I sighed and got in the driver seat. I looked over at Alexis. As soon as the car started she turned on the radio just as a Blink-182 song came on; I groaned as she turned the volume up really loud and sung along to the song.
“We’re here!” I said, getting out and slamming the door shut behind me. I was relieved that we were finally here because listening to Alexis sing for twenty minutes is a headache.
I heard Alexis run to catch up with me and l slowed down a little bit.
She walked backwards in front of me, humming a random tune. "Watch out!" I yelled at her as she ran into a guy.
She quickly turned around "I'm so so sorry!" She exclaimed while I snickered at her.
"It's alright," the guy said with a smile on his face, "I'm Kyle by the way."
"Alexis, though I usually go by Lexi," She said, a smile on her face. I decided I let them talk enough and butted in, "Skylar." She sighed at me as I snickered again.

While jamming out to All Time Low in my room, I heard my loud sister scream a “yes.” Nervously I turned off my stereo and silently listened to make sure she was okay; after waiting around five minutes, I shrugged it off and went back to loudly singing along to All Time Low.
I heard my door loudly swing open and hit my wall with a bang. I quickly turned around and saw Skylar standing in my doorway grinning madly. “Guess what?!” she screamed over the loud music.
“Um, what?” I cautiously asked, a little scared as to what excited her so much, when she didn’t continue.
She loudly clapped her hands together and yelled, “We’re going to a concert!” A smile instantly formed on my face.
“Yes!” I exclaimed as I clutched onto my petrified sister and jumped around my room when all of the sudden I realized I haven’t even found out who’s concert it was. I abruptly stopped jumping and let go of my sister and asked, “Wait, what concert?”
“Um, I have the paper here somewhere,” I heard her mumble as she fished around her pockets looking for the paper that contained everything we would need to know. “Aha!” she yelled, a grin plastered on her face again as she yanked out the paper. “Urm, um, let’s see here. We’re going to an FTSK concert, or Forever the Sickest Kids,” she said then put the paper back in her pocket.
A look of confusion fell onto my face replacing the smile that was there a moment ago. I thought of every band I knew until I realized I had never heard of them before. “Uh, who? I finally asked after a few minutes of silence.
She stood there in thought for a second before shrugging, “Dunno, heard a few people talking about them and decided to check them out.
“You’re an idiot!” I joked as I slapped her lightly on her shoulder, “What kind of person buys tickets for a band they’ve never even listened to!” I walked over to my laptop that was laying on my bed then went onto YouTube and searched ‘Forever the Sickest Kids’ so I could listen to their music. I clicked the first song that same up, I Don’t Know About You But I Came to Dance, and then turned the volume up so I could hear the music that started to play on the video.
The song ended and I looked over at my grinning sister. “So are we going to the concert or not? If not, then I have plenty of people I could give them to,” she bribed.
“We’re going! I love these guys!” I loudly exclaimed, “Now get out, I need to change.” I shoved Skylar out of my room and slammed the door in her face then walked over to my closet and searched for something good to wear since I was still in my pajamas.
I grabbed my phone and purse then skipped out of my room and down the hall to the stairs. I walked down the stairs then ran at full speed to the kitchen and slid onto the counter and picked up a banana and started eating it when Skylar slowly walked in and asked if I was ready to leave. I nodded and skipped to Skylar’s car in the driveway.
“Who’s driving?” Skylar asked me as we stood beside her car.
“You. I don’t know where the concert is at,” I said and quickly got in the passenger seat before she could protest. She sighed as she got in the driver’s seat and started the car. Once the car was started, I turned on the radio as a Blink-182 song came on and I loudly sung along with it.
“We’re here!” Skylar said as we parked at the venue that was about twenty minutes away from our house. She got out of the car and slammed her door shut. I quickly got out as well and ran to catch up to Skylar.
I hummed a random song as I walked backwards in front of my sister. “Watch out!” she exclaimed as I felt someone’s hands reach out and steady me as I ran into them.
I quickly turned around and saw a tall, blond haired guy smiling down at me. “I’m so so sorry!” I exclaimed as I saw Skylar snickering at me from the corner of my eye.
“It’s alright,” the guy said with the smile still on his face, “I’m Kyle by the way.”
“Alexis, though I usually go by Lexi,” I said, a smile appearing on my face.
“Skylar,” my sister said butting in. I sighed at her as she snickered at me again.
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Here's the prologue to mine and my best friend lizzbizz aka Lizzie's new story. Hope you liked it:D I write from Alexis's point of view, while Lizzie writes from Skylar's. Next chapter, I'm currently working on and it's all Alexis for the next chapter! Chapters will be longer, I promise, this is just the prologue/chapter 1!
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