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Can't Let Go


Everyone has a story – a non-existent book of memories and experiences that defines who they are as a person. Some stories are nothing short of a fairytale – music, prince charmings, and happily ever after’s – others are something of a nightmare – witches, poison drinks, and full moons. Some are believable, and some are so spectacular in ways so unimaginable that they make all other stories seem inadequate and incomplete. Whether it’s good or bad, our stories make us who we are. They outline our lives from beginning to end and they affect every decision and act that we pursue. Those who’s stories are filled with struggle and hurt work to make something of themselves – to change the world and all who live in it. Those whose stories are of love and happiness are the ones who sometimes feel empty and hollow – like there’s a page missing just at the end of their book that completes their lives. You can’t change your story; you can’t alter it or manipulate how it will plan out because even as you live your life, your story changes and you ultimately have no control.

For a while, it seemed as though Olivia Presely, better known as simply Liv, went through her life on autopilot. She didn’t live in a fairytale and she didn’t live in a nightmare – she just lived. There was nothing spectacular about her life, nor was there anything remotely depressing. She just went through life day by day, uninspired and unimpressed. And yet, despite her ordinary life, she embraced it for all it was worth because that was who she was. She didn’t care that things weren’t perfect or spontaneous. She just couldn’t be more glad to have two parents who loved each other and who loved her. Those days lasted for years, until the fatal night at the young age of 12 forced her to open her eyes and face reality. It was when the red and blue lights flashed and sirens screamed outside of her house and nosey neighbors peeked through curtains but didn’t say a word that Liv realized how quickly things can change.

From that point on, she wanted nothing more in life than to blend in with everyone else. She strove for normalcy because that was the one thing she missed about her naïve childhood. It became difficult when her father abandoned her and her mother simply turned a blind eye and wallowed in her own self-pity, leaving just a baby to grow up on her own. And when he entered her life at 15, it seemed like she had found her normal – her stable ground that would always keep her safe. Jeremy McKinnon didn’t know who he met or what he would soon have to deal with when he introduced himself to Olivia in their sophomore year of high school. He became more to her than either could ever realize. Amidst all the chaos in their story, two young hearts fell in love. And while things seemed stable for a while, it wasn’t long before things took a turn for the worst and they lost themselves amongst the poison drinks and full moons.
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here we go :)