Status: Three parts. :)

I Want to Know What Love Is

I Approve This Poncho

December 2nd 2:43 PM

Delightfully Delilah wrote:
I almost drowned.

I thought I would open with that before anyone bitches me out for not posting anything for a month. Again. So, I thought I would tell you that I almost drowned while attempting ice fishing with Beau’s overly-Canadian grandpa. I’ve got nothing against Canadians. I promise. In fact, I really dig their bacon, eh. It’s just I’d had enough of his Canadian Dry humor. Okay, enough puns. But seriously. I almost drowned to death on the best day of my life and it was the best day of my life because I almost drowned. Am I making sense? I’ll explain:

So, we trekked out to the lake that was about a mile’s hike uphill from Beau’s grandparents’ house (AKA: The Lodge. Swear to god, antlers everywhere.), all decked out in our snow shoes and puffy jackets and waterproof mascara. Well, mascara for me. Not Beau or Grandpa Francois or the ever-perky cocker spaniel by the name of Molly. Anyways, we were almost there, trying to get to the heated facility just past the ice. So, I was hesitant about that ice from the beginning. I kept on asking Francois whether it was safe or not and he would say, ‘You bet your boots, eh!” Yeah. Über Canadian. Anyways, about the billionth time I asked, I was through the ice before anyone could manage a hackneyed Canadian phrase. All I could feel was the intense cold seeping in and me gasping in pure ice. And all I could hear were the magnified barks coming from Molly just above where I was slowly dropping, though some part of my brain was telling me to paddle.

And then I was out, lying on my back in a snow drift settled on the dastardly ice, Beau’s pretty hazel eyes reeling me back into reality. And I didn’t protest when he pressed his mouth to mine, blowing in air and pumping his hands on my chest. Well, I just made CPR sound dirty, didn’t I? But soon enough I was coughing up water, frozen tears brimming over my eyelashes, finally terrified. And I was in his arms, an obnoxious yet quaint poncho draped over me. And there was Beau, the calm, collected, sexiest man alive, crying into this poncho and there I was just freaked out of my mind, yet… I felt amazing. Like, I was having a serious adrenaline rush. And then when he said some choice-y choice words, the adrenaline just kept pumping and I said the words back and it was crazy awesome. I know, I know. Delilah, you’re 24, surely you know what love feels like. Well, guys. I guess I never really did. Because what I felt that day was something entirely different from anything I had ever felt before. And that’s the truth. I approve this message.

And for the rest of the trip, I was never out of Beau’s sight. He said that he just couldn’t stand the thought of ever losing me and that’s what made him say those words. That’s what made him finally tell me what he had been thinking in those pauses after we’d kiss or after we would go out for a walk when it was ass-freezing cold, but the stars were almost visible fighting against the city lights then. I finally knew. I finally knew what love was. I finally know what love is.

And now, a month later, I have the best friend you could ever imagine and ahem… The warmest bed this side of Manhattan. ;) And that’s all I’ve got for now. Beau and I have plans for the holidays—going to dinner parties with friends, renting movies when the weather’s bad, spending a few hours on my roof when it’s started to snow. And it’s truly amazing. Fantastic. Beautiful. Remarkable, though the story is old as time. Everything I could ask for. He is everything I could possibly ask for. And I love him.

But still won’t tell him I have a blog.

Much love,

Delilah :)
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This is the best chapter ever. I love it. :3 If you don't, that's cool. But I do. :333333 Anyways! Hope you liked this! :D