Status: New Darren Criss story!! Hopefully this one will be better than the last!

What Happens in Vegas...

Cheers (Drink To That)

I collapsed on to the bar stool, exhausted from all the dancing I had done and the same conversation that I was having with everyone in the crew, I was happy alone, guys just distracted me. I came out of my thoughts briefly when the bartender came over and took my order, I looked around the club and saw that the majority of the crew was leaving, including Chris.

I sighed in dismay and looked down at my lap, pulling down the hem of the turquoise dressthat Chris had picked out. I couldn't bring myself to get up and go after them, I was too proud for that.

I smile gratefully at the bartender as he placed my glass of scotch in front of me. I drank the liquor in one huge gulp.

"I'm quite impressed Bartlett, I never knew you could down a drink like that" I swiveled in my seat to watch Darren sit down on the stool next to mine. "Two more please" he asked the bartender.

"What do you want?" I moaned, not wanting to deal with his crap. "Oh come on sweetheart, lighten up, I won't bite...yet"

I rolled my eyes at the steamy look he was giving me "First never, and I mean never, call me sweetheart, okay? Second I won't lighten up and you won't get the chance to bite me because your a creep and I can't stand to be in the same room as you, let a lone in the same bed"

"I never said anything about a bed" he smirked. I blushed lightly and made to get up and leave but he stopped me.

"I'm sorry okay, it just happens, I don't really mean to be a jerk. Just have a few more drinks? I'll pay" he said enticingly. I seriously contemplated his offer. "Okay, but if I stay you better be on your best behavior, if not then I'm going to leave"

"Alright" he conceded "To a new friendship" he said, raising his glass. "To being on good terms" I revised clinking my glass against him and pouring the amber colored liquid down my throat.


"So how come you don't like me?" I slurred, leaning over onto the counter. I giggled at Darren as he bit his lip and hummed a low note. "You know, I actually like you. The whole not liking you was just a farce. I think your quite sexy in reality"

I blushed at his comments and looked back at him "I like you too" I admitted "on more than one occasion I've fantasized about you, I'm a sucker for dorks"

I took a slightly shaky breath as I reached for my tenth drink? After I downed the liquid Darren reached over and secured his hand in my dark curls pulling me closer to him. We kept inching towards one another until our lips finally met.

The kiss was tentative at first, his soft pink lips moving slowly with my own testing me. After he got more comfortable he smirked into the kiss, trying to gain access into my mouth which I refused. He growled slightly and traced his hand lightly up my inner thigh, causing me to gasp slightly and giving him the room he needed to stick his tongue in my mouth. He probed around for what seemed to be an eternity, he claimed every inch as his own and when he was done began littering my neck with soft butterfly kisses.

"Darren" I gasped, my head light from the alcohol and his ministrations "I think we should get out of here"

He looked up at me and nodded in agreement, paying the bartender for his service before leading me out of the bar. "So what do you want to do?" he asked, swaying slightly. " I have no idea" I shouted for what seemed to be no reason at all "Who cares? Lets just go out and have fun!" He laughed at me as I stumbled slightly and put his arm around my waist to steady me as we walked up the boulevard.

That is the last thing I remember from that night.


I clutched my head groaning as light fluttered in through the window. I rolled over so my face was buried into my pillow and wrapped the sheet tighter around myself, the silky fabric cooling off my body. I heard someone groan next to me as an arm made it's way around my hips. I opened one of my eyes and looked at the noticeably tan and familiar arm.

I jolted into a sitting position, causing my bed mate to roll over off the bed. "Dude what the hell?" he moaned from the floor. I frantically looked under the sheet and to my dismay I had nothing on. I took a shaky breath and inched my way over to the side of the bed.

"Darren I think we had sex last night" I whispered, not even glancing at him as he got up and put some boxers on. "Wow Rumour, did you figure that out all by yourself?"

I frowned at his sarcastic tone, I wasn't in the mood for this. I couldn't believe what I had done, I had always said that I would wait for marriage and to waste it on this jerk, I could barely fathom it. "So now what do we do?" I asked as I rolled over and found my clothes and underwear lying in a pile near the door.

"Whatever we want, I mean, it's not like we wanted a relationship right?" I looked at him, masking my sadness "Yeah, your right, let's just act like this never even happened okay?"

With that being said I rushed out of the room as fast as I could ashamed of the tears that were pouring down my face. When I got into my hotel room I fell onto the bed sobbing, allowing myself to drown in my sorrow.

After a long time of wallowing in my misery I decided to clean myself off and change. While I was in the shower I had managed to calm myself down a bit, realizing that what Darren and I did wasn't the end of the world. As I started to dry myself off I heard a knock at the door. I secured my towel tughter around my chest and made my way across the messing living room area.

Little did I know that what was behind that door was going to change my life forever.
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So yeah, I know its a short chapter but at least its something. And its not like I got comments or anything for some inspiration so this is going to be every chapter until I get some feedback.