Status: New Darren Criss story!! Hopefully this one will be better than the last!

What Happens in Vegas...

Last Name

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked at the visitor in front of me. "What do you want?" My tone unintentionally rude.

He rushed into the room without even glancing at me, as I shut the door I noticed a paper in his hand. "Darren what's wrong?"He seemed distressed, and the paper seemed to make him ill.

"Do you remember what we did last night?" He asked, his words rushed. I nodded and blushed as I tightened the towel "Yeah, we went over that this morning didn't we?" To hide my growing blush i went over to my suitcase and picked out clothes for the day, that way I could also get out of the towel.

He seemed to grow even more nervous at this "Anything besides that? Do you know what happened after we left the bar?" He called out as I walked into the suite's bathroom.

I though for a few moments "No, the last thing I can recall from last night is the both of us stumbling down a street, why? You're kind of freaking me out you know"

He took a loud breath and shuffled the paper from what I could hear. "Rumour, I think we fucked up"

"What do you mean we fucked up? What could we have possibly-" I stopped my sentence with a sudden gasp and threw the rest of my shirt on before barging out of the bathroom. "You don't mean that we?"

He looked up at me mournfully and showed me the paper, which contained both of our signatures. "Okay, so we can just get an annulment, not that hard people do this all the time"

"You don't think I already tried? For Christ's sake do you think I actually came in here to tell you that we would live happily ever after? No I already told my agent and she called your agent as well as Ryan and they said no to the fucking annulment!" He yelled as he leapt up from the bed.

"Listen to me, this is not my fucking fault you son of a bitch, if you would have just left me alone last night none of this would be happening. This isn't exactly my fucking cup of tea you know-"

Before I could continue my manager Cheryl walked in "Ah, so here is the happy couple" I flinched at the sarcasm in her voice. "You know when I said you needed to get out I didn't mean to this extent"

I felt myself grow queasy, I was never good at handling people being disappointed in me. "Seriously Rumour, what were you thinking? Getting drunk and getting married, in a VEGAS CHAPEL? You might as well have kissed your career goodbye, which is a shame since it barely started!"

Surprisingly Darren jumped in to save the day before she could rip into me further. "Excuse me but I don't think that yelling will get us anyplace at the moment, is there anything that we should know?"

She seemed to calm down at his soothing voice. "Well as of right now you two are legally married, which means that there will be tons of speculation about why it occurred, such as Rumour needed someone to keep her in the country or that she got pregnant or something completely ludicrous. It is because of this that that studio, I and Darren's agent have agreed that it is in both of your interests to stay together for at least nine months. You have to make it seem as if you two are truly in love and couldn't imagine life without the other, then after the nine months a cheating scandal can erupt, or any other means really, and you two can be on your merry way with a divorce"

I looked at Darren who seemed a bit dazed "Thank you Cheryl, for everything, we promise nothing else will happen"

She gave me a dirty look "It better not, your career is on a thin ice right now. Also we have all agreed not to hold a press conference, it seems impersonal and like a cover up, instead we have set up and interview with Perez Hilton in two weeks so be prepared. And Darren" He looked up at her with blank eyes "You should probably get her a ring, that way it looks planned"

He nodded slightly, "We will go later to get them, thanks Cheryl" his voice was monotone. I looked over at him with something resembling pity before showing Cheryl out the door. I sat on one of the many cushioned chairs and stared at Darren for a long time. "I can pay for my ring" I finally said quietly.

He looked up and gave a half smile "That wasn't what I was worrying about, I kinda assumed you would. I was just wondering how this would affect my plans for the weekend" Any trace of pity or remorse that I felt for him vanished at that moment.

"I don't care who you fuck this weekend but I swear to god if it gets out that you were messing around and it fucks up my career I will destroy you, understand?" He nodded with a smirk on his lips before standing up.

"I'll meet you in the lobby in twenty minutes so we can get the rings" He stated before walking out the door.

I sunk farther into my chair and pressed my palms to my face. "Holy crap, I really did fuck up this time" I whispered to myself. I started to feel tears of anger well up behind my eyes, before they could fall I took a shaky breath to steady myself. After a few moments of deep breathing I reached over to my phone to call the one person I knew I could count on in a position like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
So long time no update, thank you to those who subscribed and commented even though I don't deserve it! Things have just gotten really hectic but I think it's starting to calm down which means more updates! So I know this isn't the best chapter but I really wanted to give you guys something. So please leave your comments and criticisms and hopefully I cna get back to you or even post another chapter!