Status: Won't be updated ever again. No matter how much you want it.

I Never Knew Posters Could Talk


Avery and I silently walked taking in the beautiful day. Avery now had a tight grip on my waist and I let my head rest on his bicep. The sky was beginning to turn pink. I glanced up to see Avery smile at the sky. He leaned down and pecked the top of my head.

“Avery?” I asked, breaking our silence.

“Yes angel?” He asked back. I nearly melted at him calling me angel.

“Why are you quiet?” I asked as we walked through the entrance of a nearby park. We walked past the playground and into the thickness of trees. I lost sight of the sky.

He glanced up as if he were searching for the answer to my question. “I guess I was just content with being with you. I guess it must have been a little weird for you. I hope you didn’t mind. I hardly speak for long periods of time.”

“Oh, I see,” I looked at my feet moving beneath me before continuing, “Well, then how do you speak when you’re out with your date, huh?” I felt a little bad at the way I phrased this question. It was almost as if I was calling him out on him being so quiet.

Avery’s face flushed and his grip on me loosened a tiny bit. His face contorted and then set itself back into a small smile. He stopped us from walking and I automatically regretted my question. I probably made him feel bad. I kept thinking in that manner until I felt Avery’s lips hit mine. They moved over mine with assurance and confidence. I just stood there my lips slowly moving under his. I needed this. I enjoyed it too much. Avery’s lips parted from mine and he grinned.

“That’s how I talk,” he said cheekily. Avery tightened his grip on my waist once again until I was snug in his grasp. We began walking again until we were out of the thick wooded area.

I could view the sky again and now the sun was directly in front of us both. The sky I saw wasn’t only pink, but a sky filled with oranges, reds, yellow, and pinks. If you looked off in the far distance you were able to see the beginnings of the night. A tree stood in the middle of the empty little area. It was very secluded.

“This is amazing,” I breathed out. I pulled myself out of Avery’s grasp and walked in circles staring at the sky. It was too good to be real. I walked over to the tree, which happened to be a Dogwood, and sat beneath it to take in the view. I felt Avery sit beside me and I looked over to him. “This place is really wow.”

“I’m glad you like it. I stumbled upon it when I wanted to find a nice spot amongst the trees,” he said back to me.

“You didn’t appear to be a nature freak at first, but I enjoy this side of you. It’s very quiet, reserved, it’s your softer side.”

Avery didn’t say anything back to me. He just pulled me into his lap and reclined me against his chest. I could feel his fingers picking at the light fabric of my dress. It was cute and slightly provoking as well. I could feel Avery’s warm breath against my neck and I let out a small sigh of satisfaction. Avery then kissed my neck.

“Avery, what are you going to do about Raven?” I questioned.

“I don’t know Lonna. Raven and I have this really strong connection, but you and me I don’t know what we have. Yet, I feel something deep for you Lonna,” he responded awkwardly.

“I see,” I said lowly.

Avery cleared his throat and I could feel him breathing in short breaths. He was nervous. "Lonna, tell me why you aren't attached to some guy who would probably treat you better than me."

"Well, the thing is I was. Do you know Riley Dawson?"

"You mean the drunk?"

I flinched. I didn't think he was that bad. "Yeah, he's my ex-boyfriend actually."

Avery's eyes grew wide and then became cautious. It looked as if he was afraid he would say something wrong. I continued before he could say another word.

"We had been together since we were in eighth grade. High school came and Riley began to drink. It was just a beer or two at first. I saw nothing wrong with it at all because he would only get buzzed. We were still happy with each other and never pushed me to do anything.”

Avery nodded.

“Sophomore year came and Riley began to get into hard liquors and such. Sometimes he wouldn’t even know what he was drinking because he’d mix so many. That’s when…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to speak any further about it because I didn’t know what Avery would think of me.

“When what?” He asked.

“N-nothing, I just don’t want to go there,” I said weakly.

“Alright then,” he said sighing afterward. Avery then cradled me in his arms as the day became the night. I felt his hand take mine and lace our fingers together. His fingertips gently moved across the top of my hand and I looked at him to smile. I was met with an already grinning Avery who was staring at the sky as if it were the most magnificent thing in the world.

I kept my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. “Shaken and faint, you've got the feeling you've been followed under your skin. It will be weighing on your shoulder. You've got that seed in you,” I sang to myself as I let myself sink into Avery even more than before.

“Your voice is very pretty you know,” he said.

I blushed and nodded in thanks.

“Sing me something?”


“Sing me anything.”

When the moon fell in love with the sun all was golden in the sky. All was golden when the day met the night,” I began to sing. I continued through the whole song, Avery bobbing his head when the tune picked up a little bit. I sat up and began to belt it out. I looked back to see Avery with his eyes closed swaying. As the song came to an end, I settled back into Avery. He separated our joined hands and began to lightly clap.

“That was beautiful Lonna,” he spoke and then kissed my cheek. It was fully night time by now and the stars were high above us. “So do you want to get something to eat?”

I looked at his face. “Sure, that would be great.”

“Where should we go?” He asked picking me up. Avery stood and I was still in his arms.

“I don’t know, but if it’s far I hope you don’t plan on carrying me all the way there.”

“If I weren’t carrying you there would be no fun!”

“I’m just saying your arms going to get tired.”

“We’ll see Lonna. We’ll see.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I bring you chapter nine! I'm sorry that it has been over a month an all. I have no excuses since I just didn't write for this story, but please forgive me.

I wanted to tell you all about two contests that I'm running on here. This one has to do with sweets and it can be found here.

I hope some of you join since I want to see what you guys can write! The next update will be soon hopefully. It's graduation time for me so I don't know!

Love and Doodles,
