‹ Prequel: Until the End

Two Vibrant Hearts

First Day

Everyone stared admiringly as we pulled up in Mom's BMW, Ethan was pleased by all the commotion while I hated it. I didn't mind that Dad was a rock star and all that, it was something he enjoyed and I was happy that he does what he loves. I just don't like all the money. Sure we don't make it obvious that we're rich, but when your Dad is Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold everyone knows who you are and that you're loaded. Doesn't help either when the paparazzi are chasing you home from school.

"Have a good first day you two. Oh, and Ethan? Try not to get a detention on your first day. Again." Mom smirked, but was serious.
"Try not too, Mom. No promises, though." Ethan said, shutting the car door.
I rolled my eyes as I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, Ethan walked up to me. "Need any help finding your classes?"
He shook his head, smirking. "Nah, sis. I got it."
"Alright. Need me for anything, just text me." I told him.
He waved me off. "Gotcha!" Walking towards the freshman wing.
"Kaylie!" I heard someone yell out my name. I glanced up to see Jess running my way.
I smiled, running to her. "Jess!"
"Hey, bitch! Missed you over the summer!" She hugged me.
"Missed you too. Next time, I'll see if we can kidnap you to go on tour with us."
"Sounds hella good to me." She grinned. "C'mon, everyone's in the gym."

Jess and I ran to the gym, eager to be with everyone. I forgot how huge this school was, so many halls and doors. Best of luck to Ethan, I thought. As we entered the gymnasium, all eyes were on me. I could hear the whispers, but not what they were saying. Probably about my Dad. I rolled my eyes. Jess tugged at my hand, dragging me quicker towards our group.

"Looky at what I found!" She announced. Everyone's head picked up at her voice, smiles appearing on all their faces.
"KayKay!" Adrian cried out, jumping from the bleachers and catching me in his arms.
I laughed, hugging him. "Adri!"
"Ms. Gates is in the building." Spencer grinned, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Spenc, what have I told you about calling Ms. Gates?"
"Not to do it unless I want to lose my manhood." He frowned.
"That's right." I giggled. "Where's Mel and Jay?" I asked.
Jess shrugged. "Making out?"
"Most likely. Wanna join them, Kay?" Adrian chuckled.
"Next time, Adrian."
"I'll remember that." He winked.
"I'm sure you will." I smirked.
"Ms. Haner?" Mr. Falana called.
"Here." I skipped up to him.
"Here's your schedule." He grinned, handing me my schedule.
"Thanks." I smiled back.
"Hey, have you- Sorry." Some boy bumped into me.
I looked at him, my mind gone blank. "It..It's okay."

He half smiled, his dark brown eyes glistening. He had long, black hair that fell against his face. Looking soft as silk. He wasn't scrawny but he wasn't built. He was in the middle, just right. Dark jeans with a studded belt around his waist, chain hanging loosely against his leg. A major turn off was that he wore a sleeveless shirt that showed off his amazing arms, he had a half sleeve on one arm.

What was wrong with that, you ask? I'll tell you. It was an Avenged Sevenfold shirt. I could have died!

"Kaylie!" Jess called, waving me back over. I glanced at the boy again, he smirked my way then turned the other way. I jogged back to Jess, her jaw on the floor. "Shit, who was that?"
I shrugged. "I didn't get his name."
She smiled, glancing over my shoulder. "Well whoever he is, he can't keep his eyes off you."
"What?" I peeked over my shoulder to see him talking to Mr. Falana, glancing my way occasionally. I blushed, looking away. "You're crazy."
"Don't we all know that." Spencer laughed, getting a playful punch from Jess. "Fuck, Jess. You hit like a man." He rubbed his arm.
Jess shrugged. "Not my fault you take hits like a girl."
"We're going to buff you up, dude." Adrian laughed, catching Spenc in a headlock. This reminded me of my Dad with one of my Uncles. Mainly Uncle Johnny.

Laughing as Spencer and Adrian got more into their wrestling match, can't forget to mention Jess egging the boys on, I glanced over at him. My eyes searching for him. I felt someone's gaze on me, I followed the gaze to see him sitting on the bleachers. A bunch of guys laughing and messing around surrounded him. He smirked, winking. I bit my lip as I smiled, looking away.
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