‹ Prequel: Until the End

Two Vibrant Hearts

Dean Hart

Jess and I walked into U.S. History together, we had almost every class together. Again. And as always, we were the last to get to class. The classroom was filled with kids already, watching us like we were aliens or some shit. Jess chuckled.

"Ah. Ms. Brooks, Ms. Haner. Welcome to class, do you have a pass?" Mr. Bennett asked.
We shook our heads. "Sorry, Bennett." I muttered.
He sighed, with a small smile. "It's alright. I'll let this one pass. Have a seat."

We nodded and searched for two open seats together. Sadly, we found none. Jess frowned as she rolled her eyes, sitting next to Danny Fieldman. I quietly laughed to myself at her expression, finding my seat. I spotted a seat in the far back, but came to an abrupt halt. He was in this class? This was not going to be good, I can feel it.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked him.
He smirked, kicking the chair out. "By you, yes."
"Thanks." I sat down, tossing my bag onto the desk.

I kept my eyes to the front of the class or anywhere else but beside me. I caught Jess's stare and she winked, giving me a thumbs up. I stuck my tongue out at her, making her giggle quietly. I could feel the heat of his body radiating off his skin, the smell of his cologne intoxicating. Pulling me in, more and more.

"Haner, huh?" He chuckled.
I raised an eyebrow, facing him now. "What's wrong with my last name?"
He held up his hands in defense. "Name sounds familiar to me, is all."
"It's just a name." I shrugged, facing the front again.
"So, what's your name?" He asked.
"Kaylie." I glanced his way. He smiled.
"Dean. Dean Hart." He held out his hand.
I grinned, shaking his hand. "Awesome last name."
"Thanks." He smiled back. I eyed that damned shirt of his, he caught my stare. "Do you like Avenged Sevenfold?"
"They're my life." They literally were, but he didn't need to know that.
"That's rad. Same here. Who's your favorite member?"
"I personally love them all. But I would say, Rev." I frowned, missing my godfather. Thinking of the picture of him on my nightstand.
"Yeah, he was pretty awesome." Dean nodded, frowning too.
"So, who's your favorite?"
He shrugged. "Synacky." Great, he admired my Dad.. Fuck.
"Zack's funny as hell. Syn? He's okay." Dean chuckled. "What?"
"I'm surprised you're not going all fan girl over Syn."
Ew. Me go fan girl over my Dad! I'm not a hick! "I see him like a Dad, nothing more." I shrugged. Nice one, Kaylie.
"You're Dad walked out on you too?" Dean's voice darkened.
I shook my head. "Just on the road a lot. What-"
"Ms. Haner, will you stop talking to Mr. Hart and let me teach my class?" Mr. Bennett asked. Everyone faced back towards us. I slid back in my seat, embarrassed.
"Sorry, Bennett." He nodded, getting back to his lesson.

The rest of class I ignored Dean, trying to seem busy when I really wasn't. I breathed a sigh of relief when the bell rang, signaling 1st period was over.

"I'll see you around, Kaylie." Dean smirked, walking around me. Jess watched him leave then rushed to my side.
"Hottie has the hots for you." She smiled. "And nice move on the whole, Syn's like a Dad to me thing."
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