Carpe Diem

Seize The Day

Grace sat in her room, ten at night, mindlessly scrolling through facebook. Her brown locks were thrown into a messy ponytail, her bangs brushed behind her pierced ears. Grace turned her music up, drowning out the sounds of the restless house, and crawled into bed. She smiled as she pulled the covers over her shivering body, and made a wish for this week to be the best week of her life.

Monday morning, Grace was awoken by the blaring sound of her alarm clock. Her hand slammed on the snooze button, as she rolled over in her pink and black bed.

Grace spent most of her day mindlessly doing school work, until she got to lunch. That's when she got to see her second family; her choir buddies.

They talked about their upcoming concert, and how they didn't know if they would be prepared. They talked about their new director, and how well he was adapting. They talked about the upcoming announcement of the spring musical, and how well the fall play went. They even gossiped.

Soon, their lunch was over and they hurried into the choir room. There were only 19 people in the choir, but as they began to sing, the room filled with the best voices of the school.

When the bell rang, Grace ran and grabbed her bag.

“Hey Gracie, can I talk to you?” It was a voice she could never forget.

“Yeah sure, Steve.” She pulled her messenger bag over her shoulder, and followed him out the door.

Steve was taller than her and he was built. He had strong arms and a string jaw line. He had long hair for a boy, which was dyed red and black. He always wore bandanas and skinny jeans, aviators and band shirts. He was the guy of Grace's dreams.

“My band's playing at Live 59 Friday. I was wondering if you'd like to come.” He smiled, handing her a flier. His band played 80's music, something Grace had grown up on.

“Of course, Steve.” She flushed pink, and realized what time it was. “I gotta go, I can't be late. Bye Steve” She waved and scurried off to class.

The rest of the week went by in a blur. She could hardly pay attention in any class, even in choir.

By Friday after school, she was frantically searching her room for an outfit. She was going to dress to impress. When she found something that was perfect, and made her way to the local venue.

When Grace arrived at Live 59, Steve's band was on stage, and she hurried to the front, a smile plastered on her face.


Steve ran off the stage, sweat dripping from his black bandana. His hair was wet, lying in every which direction on his head, and a cheesy grin was plastered across his face. This show was big, and they had rocked it. Grace watched him from afar, waiting for her moment. She had planned this for a week, played out every possible situation in her mind. She had dressed for the occasion, a cut and ripped Poison shirt hung loosely to her slightly chubby body, a pair of ripped skinny jeans clinging to her legs, and black converse on her tiny feet. She thought that same phrase over again, and walked up to the man of her dreams.

“Steve, that was an amazing show.” He pulled her into a tight hug.

“Thanks Gracie. You liked it that much?” He asked, pulling back, but not fully letting her go.

“Of course, I love this kind of music and this atmosphere. It's amazing.” He smiled, and their eyes locked. This was something that always happened between them, and this was the moment she was waited for. He was about to walk away when she piped up.

“Steve?” He turned his head, looking back. She tugged on his arm, pulling him back towards her. Grace hugged him again, this time with more enthusiasm.

“I've decided to start living my life by a simple phrase, Carpe Diem. It means Seize the Day. And today,” She loosened her grip, looking deep into his chocolate eyes, “I'm going to seize the fucking day. I like you Steve, more than I can explain. I want you to know, before it's too late.” She kissed his cheek, and placed her hand over the spot she had kissed. He grabbed her hand, and laced their fingers together.

Grace flashed a wide grin, and looked at him, surprised at his reaction. He pulled her close and placed his lips upon hers. A shock of energy pulsated through their bodies, and they both knew, this is what they had dreamed of.