Status: Working on but has a few road blocks that are getting annoying...

Right on Key

Chapter Eighteen

Ed charged forward, fist raised.

“Get away from her, you bastard!”

Ed fist made contact with Envy’s right cheek, sending him flying. He crashed into the opposite of the alley.

“You have horrible timing, Full Metal Pipsqueak. I was about to have my fun with your girlfriend.”

The blood could be seen going to Ed’s face. Violet had slid to the ground, tears trailing slowly down her face.

“Ed…” Violet spoke barely above a whisper.

“I guess I’ll just have to beat you first pipsqueak.” Envy smirked. He shifted his arm into a spike.

“I’m going to be the one beating you for touching Violet!” Ed clapped his hands, transmuting his knuckles into spikes. Violet was paralyzed as she watched Ed and Envy charge at one another, trading blow after blow. The tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

A loud noise broke Violet from her trance. Ed was on one knee, wiping some blood from his cheek.

“Is that all you got, runt?”

“Far from it.”

Ed ran at Envy again. Envy just smiled. Violet followed his gaze to see the other figure. A person walked out of the shadows. It was Lust.

‘That means Gluttony can’t be far from her.’ Violet thought.

“Ed! Lust is behind you!” Violet yelled as she stood to her feet.

“Too late, sweetie!” Lust exclaimed as she charged at Ed. He had no time to turn around.

“You end here, pipsqueak!” Envy was charging for Ed, too.

Violet tried to move, but she was too shaky. She couldn’t get to him in time. Ed just stood looking at Envy, ignoring Lust completely. And Violet screamed,

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait peeps! But here it is! Hope you enjoy it ^_^