Status: Work in Progress

Like Lines on Paper

We're Gonna Figure it Out

The end of October was finally near. Nothing exciting had really happened. I was back in my usual routine. Jason was becoming clingier and I was aggravated by this. Every time I tried to end it, he would only hold onto reason and keep me there. I needed help with him and fast. I wanted my life back.

We were all excited to see the other two schools arrive. Currently, we were all outside in the court yard, huddled in massive groups. The arch ways had students crawling all over them. I was currently standing next to the twins and my own brother. We marveled at the sight that was taking place.

Hagrid was about hit by the carriage flying in the sky; this caused some of us to gasp and the others laugh. That was old news as soon as we all noticed a ship rise out of the Black Lake. The sight was truly intriguing. We were curious about the students most of all.

We were all ushered back into the castle before we could see anyone come out of the carriage or the ship. It was frustrating; we didn’t want to go to class.

“Oi, Isabella, ready for Defense Against the Dark Arts?” My brother asked. I looked over at Brandon. We were soon joined by Harry, Ron and Hermione. Fred and George went their separate way and we continued the walk to Mad-Eyes room.

“Always dear brother, you know it’s my favorite subject.” This was a fact for both of us. They were all bad-ass spells that we learned.

“If you two put half the work in other classes like you did this class, you two would.” Hermione started in on us. We knew the rest of it though.

“Be at the top of our year.” The rest of us finished. This only made us smile. We skipped the rest of the way to class and into the door. I heard my name though and I turned around. It was the twins.

“Bella, come here.” They were standing nonchalantly in the door frame. Students were pushing past their tall frames. I walked over to them and I knew what was coming.

“We ran into your boyfriend, Samuels.” Fred was the first one to speak. He looked pissed.

“We don’t like him.” George finished. As long as I have known both of them, they never finish their own sentence. But, of course they didn’t like Jason; I didn’t even like Jason right now.

“You’re not the only one.” I sighed. He really was getting to be a pain.

“We’ll take care of him for you.” They simultaneously said. They walked off and this only made me worry about what was going to happen. I sat down in my usual seat next to my brother, Brandon, and for the life of me, I could not concentrate on one thing that Professor Moody was saying.

What were they planning on doing? Hopefully they weren’t going to hurt him too bad. The kid may be getting on my nerves lately, but that’s hardly a reason to do something to the poor kid. Wait, what did he do to Fred and George? He must have done something horrible to them. I was frustrated with the whole situation. I wanted a normal life, but that hasn’t happened for about 14 years now. I don’t think I’ve ever had a normal life. The day I met Harry though, that’s when things really starting going crazy. We couldn’t keep a Defense Against the Dark Arts teach for longer than a year!

I was brought out of my thoughts with the mention of one spell. I seen a green flash and my mind went to the dream I had whenever school had started. After that, class flew by. I wanted out of the room. I was itching to see what the twins had planned. We were dismissed and I almost flew out of the class room. I had to see what they were planning.

For the rest of the day, I didn’t see Fred, George or Jason and that worried me. Brandon and I walked down to the Great Hall for dinner. Upon entering the great hall, I seen the twins sitting in their usual spot; I had my suspicions about what they did because, they looked like they just got away with murder at this moment. I walked faster and sat in front of the two.

“What did you do to him?” I hissed at the both of them. Even though he was getting on my own nerves lately didn’t mean that they had the right to hurt him. I looked over at the Ravenclaw table. Jason was surrounded by his friends. I only received a glare and I looked back at the other two.

“He just spent a couple of hours in the Hospital Wing. He ate a Fainting Fancy.” George explained. I had to expect this though. I knew this is what they did in their spare time; creating concoctions. It looks like Jason was the first one to receive this Fainting Fancy.

“You should just let me deal with him.” I shot them both a pointed look. They were about to say something whenever Dumbledore stood up in front of the school. I couldn’t concentrate on his speech though. Fred kept trying to distract me. Even though it looked like he was paying attention to Dumbledore, he wasn’t; he was trying to cheer me up, but I didn’t want to be cheered up. I was hungry, tired and had homework to do.

I turned my head towards Fred and his behavior just turned weird for a moment. I was sitting at the table where only one foot was dangling underneath and the other was crossed up on the bench. All of a sudden, I felt someone playing footsie with me. I looked under the table briefly and looked back at Fred. He only sent me the look that says ’You know you want too.’ This side of Fred confused me. What was he playing at? I didn’t like Fred, did I?

That spell was broken by the opening of the doors. Our heads shot over to the noise and The Beauxbatons academy came through the door. They were being their normal selves and showing off in the coyest way they could have thought of. This caught Fred’s’ attention and the weirdness was taken away for the time being. I returned to my thoughts while the girls in the blue silk pranced down the Great Hall.

I was greatly confused as of lately. I wanted to be sure that I didn’t have feelings for Fred. I needed to make sure. I couldn’t like him like that. I guess the girls from Beauxbatons had sat down because Brandon snapped me out of my thoughts. He was concerned; I never spaced like this. He knew what was going on, he knew everything. We usually caught up with each other at dinner. When we weren’t in class together, Brandon and I hung out with different people. He raised an eyebrow at me and sent me a smirk. I knew what he was thinking. He knew that I was having second thoughts about Fred. He knew something was up.

Our silent conversation was broken by the doors opening again. This time it looked like Durmstrang was here. I was captivated by them. They moved with confidence. One of them caught my eye. It was Viktor Krum; he played for the Bulgarians. This caught almost every ones attention. Ron sounded like he was in love whenever Krum came through the hall. It was highly amusing. Everyone was introduced and everything was settled in.

Before we knew it, food appeared on the table. Everyone was in good spirits right then. My mind wasn’t there at all. I was trying to sort everything out. I went through endless ideas; asking him? Writing it out in a note? Having someone else find out for me? All the ideas seemed silly.


Dinner was over. I had no idea where the time went. The Goblet of Fire appeared in the hall; I guess I was more out of it that night. I got up and walked out of the hall without waiting for anyone. I needed a place to think. I was merely walking around the castle, minding my own business whenever a hand was on my shoulder. I let out a scream and jumped. I turned and seen Fred laughing. He was clutching his sides and leaning against the wall.

“Oi! It’s not funny! You scared me you git!” I yelled quietly. We were supposed to be in our dormitories, I didn’t feel like getting caught by Filch tonight.

“Calm down Bella! I was only jokin!” He had calmed down by this point. His laughter had turned into fits of giggles. I leaned up against the wall and looked at him. Fred had straightened up on the wall and he was looking down at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked. His stares were getting intense. I bit my lip nervously and continued to look up at Fred.

“Where have you been all day Bella?” He was really concerned. I looked up at my face and I knew what I had to do. I stood up on the top of my toes and I put my lips on him. He didn’t fight it; he kissed right back. Sparks flew everywhere. I pulled away quickly.

“I knew it.” That was all I said before I took off the hall, back to the common room. The only thing I heard were my footsteps and the sound of Fred calling my name.
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So sorry for the wait! I've been uber busy lately. Sooo tell me what you think?
What do you think Fred wants to tell her? What do you think Isabella is going to do about Jason?
Thank you so much to my wonderful subscribers. =)