

So me and Tom have been dating for 4 years and today he was taking me to Los Angeles for our anniversary date." are we almost there" I asked Tom " not yet" Tom said " can you atleast give me a hint"I Said " okay you've never been here before and you always wanted to come here" I kept thinking about what he said and it hit me " Disneyland" I yelled " yes" Tom said " aww thank you tomi" then I kissed him on the lips " anything for you" he kissed me on my neck and I laughed that was my ticklish spot as we entered Disney land we had rode all the rides then took pictures with the characters then we went to take are picture with cinderella he whispered something in her ear she laughed and I looked confused then he got on one knee and I started crying "Nani since the first day I met you I knew you were the one and I would do anything to make you happy and i want to be with you forever will marry me" Tom was still on one knee and I was still crying " Tom..........yes" he slid the ring on my finger and got up and kissed me every one around us was clapping and Shouting congratulations we Left and we went to our Apartment which we also Share with Bill i was so excited to Be Toms wife "Tom the ring is beautiful where did you get it" I asked him "when you went to visit your mom me and bill went engagement ring shopping" Tom said toying with my ring " can my mom sister and daughter move to L.A. " I asked "sure if they want to come" he answered then he kissed me and kissed backed then we started to make out then he took off his shirt and he unhooked my bra then sucked on my breast I moaned " Tom stop I can't do this" he immediately stop " I'm sorry" he said " it's okay I just wanted to wait until we are married" i said awkwardly "Tom do you want kids?" I asked him " yes" he looked at me " how soon" I said " well i was hoping real soon but whenever you want to" he said.
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U know what to do