
Surprises and almost broken headboard

Today was the day of the wedding and I am totally relaxed and excited since the wedding was1 hour away and I was getting my hair and makeup done while everyone was getting the ceremony ready and I really hoped Brooke didn't come because of what she did. I was now getting in my dress and I was really excited and getting emotional that waterproof makeup came in handy.
Toms pov
Bill was helping me getting in my suit since I never worn one of These before I was ready to get married to the love of my life and start a family with her I really love her and my family loves her and it was finally time for the wedding to start so I took my place next to the preacher and then Nani's s sister and bill came out then Tamaira and Georg,her mom walking down with a picture of her father,my mom and dad,Gustav and her friend,Andreas and with two of her cousins,then her aunts son with one of my cousins and then her godchild came down as the ring-bearer then she walked in her hair flowed perfectly and her dress showed her curves and flowed when she made her way to the altar she handed her bouquet to her sister and held my hands she looked in my eyes and I just wanted to embrace her and kiss her but I had to restrain myself and the preacher started.
"dearly beloved we are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to join this man and this woman together in holy matrimony marriage is not to be entered in lightly but is the giving of oneself to an intimate relationship. You have both have written your own vows Tom" I began saying my vows "Nani from the first day I met you i knew you were the one I love you so much I can't even put it in words I promise I will love you forever and put no one above you I will be there when you need me no matter where I am I will do anything for you because that's how much I love you" I finished and and she looked like she was tearing up
Nani's pov
Tom said his vows and I was already on the edge and it was my turn to say my vows
"Tom I love you so much I want to be with you forever and I want to start a family with you and I'm fully committed to you and will be by your side forever"
"Tom do you take Nani to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health for rich or for poor and remain faithful to her until death do you part" the ore her said
" I do " he said with that famous smirk
"Nani do you take Tom to be lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health for or for poor and remain faithful to him until death do you part "
" I do"
And then we lighted the candle
" you have said your vows lighted the candles and exchanged rings and now Tom salute your bride" and he gave me a powerful kiss like he was waiting all day to kiss me
" let me be the first to announce mr. And mrs. Tom Kaulitz"
and me and Tom ran out of the chapel into the car.
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Nani's dress:
Bridesmaid dresses: